1500字范文 > 读写结合 combination of reading and writing英语短句 例句大全

读写结合 combination of reading and writing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-15 01:45:23


读写结合 combination of reading and writing英语短句 例句大全

读写结合,combination of reading and writing

1)combination of reading and writing读写结合

1.From the perspective of cognition,this paper discusses and analyzes the cognitive basis,training and significance of second language learning strategy featuringcombination of reading and writing,and improving writing through reading,elaborates that the collaboration between reading and writing constitutes the input and output process of information processing.从认知角度出发,对读写结合,以读促写的二语学习策略的认知基础、培养及其意义进行了讨论和分析。

2.To improve actual effect of Reading Teaching in primary school,it should make purpose of Chinese teaching and the task clearly in primary school,display charm of Chinese , embodycombination of reading and writing.提高小学阅读教学的实效性,要从明确小学语文教学的目的、任务着手,发挥语言的魅力,体现读写结合。


1.Integrating Composition-writing with Reading An Experiment on Improving the Writing Ability of the English Learners;读写结合——一项英语写作教学的试验

2.An Experimental Study on the Integration of Reading and Writing in Senior High Schools English Writing Teaching;读写结合在高中英语写作教学中的应用探索

3.Improving Students English Writing Performance in Independent College by Integrating Writing with Reading;读写结合法提高独立学院学生的英语写作水平

4.Improving Senior Students English Writing by Integrating Reading with Writing;读写结合提高高中学生的英语写作水平

5.An Empirical Study of Integrating Reading and Writing in English Writing Course of Senior Middle Schools读写结合在高中英语写作课程中的实证研究

6.An Interface between Critical Thinking and Reading-to-writing Instruction批判性思维培养和读写结合写作教学的接口

parison of the Effects on Writing Proficiency between Extensive Writing and Reading-Writing Integration Methods泛写与读写结合对英语写作水平影响的比较研究

8.An Experimental Study of a Combined Reading-Writing Teaching Model in Senior High School English;高中英语读写结合教学模式的实验研究

9.An empirical study on integrating reading with writing in EFL teaching;英语专业低年级读写结合教学模式的实验研究

10.Construct Validation of Reading-to-Write Tasks in Large-Scale Writing Assessment in China读写结合写作测试任务在大型考试中的构念效度验证

11.A Study on the Developmental Features and Factors Affecting L2 Writing Proficiency to EFL Sophomore English Majors by Integrating L2 Reading with Writing读写结合提高英语专业二年级学生写作水平发展特征及其影响因素研究

12.The Teaching Method of Combining Reading,Writing and Faultfinding for English Writing读,写,批相结合的英语写作教学法浅探

13.Read-Write Rule Property Research of the Combined Function About the Confidentiality and Integrality;机密性与完整性结合函数的读写规则性质研究

14.Probe into the Combination between English Writing with Reading in College English Teaching;大学英语写作与阅读教学相结合教学方式探讨

15.The Feasibility of Improving Enlish Listening Ability by Integrating Listening with Speaking,Reading,Writing and Interpretation;论“听”与“说读写译”结合提高英语听力的可行性

16.A Study of Improving Senior Students English Writing Ability by Integrating English Writing with English Reading;高中英语阅读教学中结合写作练习提高学生写作能力的研究

17.e head assembly读写清洗磁头组合件

18.How to Construct Connections between the Instructions of Reading and Writing for English Majors in China s Colleges;综合阅读与写作 实现教学上的读写连接


listening should be paralleled with other four abilities听说读写结合

3)the teaching plan on reading and writing lesson读写结合设计


5)reading-to-write tasks读写结合写作任务

6)reading-to-write task读写结合的写作任务

1.This paper provides a comprehensive review ofreading-to-write task on the historical background,features,validation research and factors influencing students’ reading-to-write performance.从语言测试的角度对读写结合的写作任务产生的理论背景、特点、效度验证、影响因素等进行了综合性述评,并结合教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》探讨了这类任务对大学英语教学可能的促进作用,最后指出目前需要进一步研究的问题。


非结合环与非结合代数非结合环与非结合代数on-associative rings and algebras非结合环与非结合代数【珊心胭仪妇柱视血娜.d alge-b旧s;。eaceo””姗.oe.二、双a.幼。6P。」具有两个二元运算+与,,除了可能不满足乘法结合律外,满足结合环与代数(a洛。clati记nn邵and目罗b璐)之所有公理的集合.非结合环与代数的第一批例子出现在19世纪中叶,是不结合的(Ca外呀数(c盯触yn山n1比IS)和更一般的超复数(h”姆rComp恤nUmber)).给定一个结合环(代数),如果用运算〔a,bl二ab一ba代替原有的乘法,其结果是一个非结合环(代数),这是个Lie环(代数).另一类重要的非结合环(代数)是Jo攻lan环(代数),它们可由在特征非2的域(或有1和1/2的交换的算子环)上的结合代数中定义运算a·b=(ab+ba)/2得到.非结合环与代数的理论已经发展成代数学的一个独立分支,展现出与数学的其它领域以及物理学、力学、生物学及其他学科的许多联系.这个理论的中心部分是熟知的拟结合环和代数(n比ly一别粥戊泊石wn刀乡缸记a】罗bras)的理论,它们有:Lie环和珠代数,交错环和交错代数,北攻坛幻环与Joltlan代数,MaJ几哪B环和Ma月五U口B代数,以及它们的某些推广(见Ue代数(Lieal罗bra);交错环与代数(司加叮必tiverm邵alld目罗b挑);J加止川代数(Jo攻协nal罗bIa);M幼城e。
