1500字范文 > 形神兼备 combination of form and spirit英语短句 例句大全

形神兼备 combination of form and spirit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-06 01:31:06


形神兼备 combination of form and spirit英语短句 例句大全

形神兼备,combination of form and spirit

1)combination of form and spirit形神兼备

1.Through the"joys"which the"charming image"of those toys brings"joys"to people’s life,this paper brings a point of "combination of form and spirit",which is the image building principle of"charming ima.本文以现代玩具中增长最为迅速的领域——静态卡通玩具形象设计为探讨内容,通过现代卡通玩具的"形象魅力"能给人们带来"悦情"的功能特点,从而提出了现代卡通玩具"形象魅力"塑造的原则——"形神兼备"的观点。

2.This paper attempts to analyse the connotation and philosophical thought of thecombination of form and spirit,the integration of physical motions and mind in Chinese Wushu.该文分析了中华武术形神兼备与内外双修的内涵及其哲学基础 ,就如何做到形神兼备与内外双修进行了重点探


1.He paid considerable attention to the vivid expressions of the figures to show their spirit.他主张要形神兼备,更重传神。

2.On the Combination of "Form" and "Spirit" in Chinese Aesthetic Theories of Painting;浅谈中国绘画美学思想中的形神兼备

3.Zhuangzi s Wuhua and the Combination of the Figure & Spirit in Painting;庄子的“物化论”与绘画的形神兼备

4.On the Combination of Form & Spirit and the Integration of Physical Motions & Mind in Chinese Wushu;试论中华武术的形神兼备与内外双修

5.Likeness in Both Form and Spirit with Emphasis on the Latter;形神兼备 重求神似──谈英汉翻译中修辞格的处理

6.His figure paintings, meticulously executed, are bright in color, accurate in portrayal, and vivid in expression.他的工笔人物造型准确,形神兼备,色彩明艳绚烂,

7.The clay figurines of Tianjin are different from those of Mount Hui of Wuxi where the figurines and other clay objects, bearing a striking resemblance to their originals more than in outward appearance, are cast in molds.无锡惠山泥人,用模子制胎,形神兼备,为江南一绝。

8.Looking into with Heart,in Letter and in Spirit--How to Read a Book Containing Models of Handwriting for Learners to Copy察观于心形神兼备——书法临习者读帖方法研究

9.Natural and Vivid: On Lin Yutang s English Version of Six Chapters of Floating Life;清新自然形神兼备——评析林语堂英译《浮生六记》

10.Looking into with Heart,in Letter and in Spirit--How to Read a Book Containing Models of Handwriting for Learners to Copy;察观于心形神兼备——书法临习者读帖方法研究

bination of Image and Spirit, Unity of Inside and Outside──Yin Yang and Martial Art;武术“形神兼备、内外合一”与阴阳学说之关系

12.On the Integration of Form and Spirit, Inside and Outside in Traditional Wushu Training;论传统武术训练中的形神兼备与内外相合

13.Art of content and form"s unification--Consideration of the English translation for Chinese film"s title形神兼备的艺术——关于中文电影片名英译的思考

14.The craftsmanship of the traditional water block printing was exquisite,and copying technology had reached a level of fidelity.朵云轩传统的木版水印工艺精湛绝伦,复制艺术的水平达到了形神兼备以至乱真的境地。

15.The Buddha and God statues in Fengxiansi Cave, so life-like both in figure and manner, and in such a harmonious layout, are a full demonstration of the artistic height the Tang Dynasty sculptors had attained.窟内群佛的布局和谐统一,佛像的雕刻形神兼备,充分显示了唐代高超的石雕技艺。

16.Multi-dimensional Understanding of Language Leads to Successful Translation--The Hermeneutic Approach to Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang s English Version of Lu Xun s Novel Regret for the Past;化语言的多维理解为译文的形神兼备——杨宪益、戴乃迭《伤逝》译本的阐释学分析

17.A Version with Mastery Comprehension,Similar Appearance and Spirit;融会贯通、形神兼备的翻译——杨岂深译本《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》研究

18.Expression-physique Performance in the Traditional Vocal Music;谈民族声乐演唱中“神形兼备”的表演


combination of appearance and spirit神形兼备

3)preserving both the constitution and mentality形神兼养

1.JI Kang from the Jin Dynasty put forward the view of preserving health reasonably bypreserving both the constitution and mentality persistently so as to prevent the occurrence of the diseases and promote longevity.晋代嵇康提出养生必须“导养得理” ,强调形神兼养与防微杜渐 ,并要持之以恒 ,方可延年益寿。

4)bearing "spirit likeness" and "appearance likeness"形神皆备

5)to have both ... and ...; to be in possession of both; to unite; to combine兼备

6)video and audio combination声画兼备


