1500字范文 > 婚姻自由 freedom of marriage英语短句 例句大全

婚姻自由 freedom of marriage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 09:40:27


婚姻自由 freedom of marriage英语短句 例句大全

婚姻自由,freedom of marriage

1)freedom of marriage婚姻自由

1.Song argued that women should be granted thefreedom of marriage,including freedom of .他的婚姻家庭思想主要包括:要求给予妇女婚姻自由,包括结婚自由、离婚自由、禁止早婚等。

2.As the basic rights of constitutional law,thefreedom of marriage is that the clients of the marriage have the rights to determine freedom of the marriage and exempt to be interfered or impinged illegally.作为宪法基本权利的婚姻自由,是指婚姻当事人享有自主地决定自己婚姻的权利,免受国家的非法干预与侵犯。

3.Through finding the reasons of three feminine images and the tragedy destiny in ancient regime to new system reforming time, this article discusses the old Chinese females to be supposed to seek the emancipation of man s individual character, thefreedom of marriage from the old influence oppression, and then they will enable themselves to obtain the liberation question truly.本文章通过对子君、繁漪、陈白露三个女性形象及其悲剧命运的探因,分析探讨了在旧制度向新制度转型时期,旧中国女性应该如何从旧势力压迫下寻求个性解放、婚姻自由,才能使自己真正得到解放的问题。


1.Not have the right to interfere with sb."s freedom of choice in marriage无权干涉某人的婚姻自由

2.Reflection on the "Violence" in the Crime of Violence to Interfere the Freedom of Marriage暴力干涉婚姻自由罪之“暴力”反思

3.Conflicts behind the Principle of Freedom of Marriage --An Analysis of the Marriage Affairs in Anti-Japanese Base Areas;婚姻自由原则背后的矛盾冲突——抗战根据地婚姻变革的分析

4.Maltreatment of old people, women and children is prohibited.禁止破坏婚姻自由,禁止虐待老人、妇女和儿童。

5."Violation of the freedom of marriage is prohibited. Maltreatment of old people, women and children is prohibited."“禁止破坏婚姻自由,禁止虐待老人、妇女和儿童”。

6.A Study on the Progress of Marital freedom in Beijing and Tianjin during the Republic of China;试论民国时期京津两市婚姻自由的实施进度

7.A piece posted on a legal commentary website noted that the country"s Marriage Law did not allow for such restrictions to be placed on people"s freedom to wed.某法制评论网发表文章称,中国的《婚姻法》不会允许公民的婚姻自由遭受如此限制。

8.Article 37 The freedom of marriage of Hong Kong residents and their right to raise a family freely shall be protected by law.第三十七条 香港居民的婚姻自由和自愿生育的权利受法律保护。

9.Marriage Freedom and Education Equality;“婚姻自由”与“教育平等”——以“袁舜英自杀”和“彭襄弃妻”为例

10.Those using force to interfere in others" freedom of marriage are to be sentenced to two years or fewer in prison or put under criminal detention以暴力干涉他人婚姻自由的,处二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役

11.Marriage with manus was more and more supplanted by free marriage.夫权婚姻越来越被自由婚姻所代替。

12.Freedom, Responsibility and Equality in a Marriage;婚姻中的自由、责任及平等——对新《婚姻法》离婚原则的社会伦理学解读

13.Free marriage has already predominated.自由婚姻已占居了主要地位。

14.New Black Women s Quest for Self and Freedom in Marriage;新黑人女性在婚姻中对自我与自由的寻求

15.Reconstruction of Freedom:Marriage and Self in The Portrait of a Lady自由的重构:《一位女士的画像》中的婚姻与自我

16.consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻

17.Marriage remained class marriage, but within the class the partners were conceded a certain degree of freedom of choice.婚姻仍然是阶级的婚姻,但在阶级内部则承认当事者享有某种程度的选择的自由。

18.Article44 The state shall protect women"s right of self-determination in marriage. Interference with women"s freedom of marriage or divorce shall be prohibited.第四十四条国家保护妇女的婚姻自主权。禁止干涉妇女的结婚、婚自由。


right of marital freedom婚姻自由权

1.The publicright of marital freedom is an important part of human dignity.公法上的婚姻自由权是人格尊严的重要方面,具有主观法和客观法双重属性。

3)marriage and freedom婚姻与自由

4)The idea of marriage freedom婚姻自由观

5)marriage liberalization婚姻自由化

6)interference with the freedom of marriage干涉婚姻自由


