1500字范文 > 遗嘱自由 freedom of testament英语短句 例句大全

遗嘱自由 freedom of testament英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-14 23:16:57


遗嘱自由 freedom of testament英语短句 例句大全

遗嘱自由,freedom of testament

1)freedom of testament遗嘱自由

1.Law Study on Limitation of Freedom of Testament;遗嘱自由限制若干法律问题研究

2.This paper addresses the existing disadvantages of restrictingfreedom of testament by adopting the system oflegal portion and statutory share; hence, the justifiability and feasibility of restrictingfreedom of testament by employingestate duty and gift tax is put forth.本文指出特留份和必留份对遗嘱自由的限制在我国的现实情况下存在的弊端。


1.Retrospection of Excessive Freedom of Testament in the Existence Inheritance Law of China;对中国现行继承法遗嘱自由过度的反思

2.A testator-written will is one made in the testator"s own handwriting and signed by him, specifying the date of its making.自书遗嘱由遗嘱人亲笔书写,签名,注明年、月、日。

3.The Liberty and Restriction of the Testament--On the system of legal portion;遗嘱的自由与限制——论特留份制度

4.A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency.公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证机关办理。

5.We also found out that Miss Watson had died, and that she had freed Jim in her will.还有华森小姐也死了,她在遗嘱中让吉姆自由。

6.A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.遗嘱人可以撤销、变更自己所立的遗嘱。

7."Yes. They are the notarial will, the testator-written will, the will written on behalf of a testator, the will made in the form of sound-recording and the nuncupative will. "是的,这5种形式是:公证遗嘱,自书遗嘱,代书遗嘱,以录音形式立的遗嘱和口头遗嘱.

8.Article 17 A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency.第十七条 公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证机关办理。

9.Article 20 A testator may revoke or alter a will he previously made.第二十条 遗嘱人可以撤销、变更自己所立的遗嘱。

10.A notarial will may not be revoked or altered by a testator-written will, a will written on behalf of the testator, a will in the form of a sound- recording or a nuncupative will.自书、代书、录音、口头遗嘱,不得撤销、变更公证遗嘱。

11."He(The deceased) had a will. According to his will, Mr. XXX" s estate is to be inherited by XXX"死者生前立有遗嘱。根据死者遗嘱,死者×××的遗产应由×××继承。

12.Testamentum apud acta(conditum)公证遗嘱,公式遗嘱

13.TT [Testamentary Trust]遗嘱信托[abbr.]

14.A will is a document in which a person specifies the manner in which their property is to be disposed of after their death.遗嘱是一个文件,遗嘱人借此来规定自己死后财产的分配方式。


16.The Testament says:" For forty years I have devoted myself to the cause of the national revolution with the aim of winning freedom and equality for China.《总理遗嘱》有云:“余致力国民革命凡四十年,其目的在求中国之自由平等。

17.Dr. Sun Yat-sen said in his Testament: For forty years I have devoted myself to the cause of the national revolution with the aim of winning freedom and equality for China.孙中山先生在他的遗嘱里说:“余致力国民革命凡四十年,其目的在求中国之自由平等。

18.She was dished out of her inheritance by a flaw in the will.由于遗嘱上有一漏洞,本应由她继承的遗产被人骗走了。


will freedom遗嘱自由

1.Regardless of the ancient and modern, all countries, to a greater or lesser degree, established thewill freedom principle and caused the will inheritance to be accepted by the modern society generally.无论古今中外,各国都不同程度上确立了遗嘱自由,并使遗嘱继承成为现代社会普遍接受的继承方式。

2.Regardless of the ancient and modern,all countries,to a greater or lesser degree,established thewill freedom principle and caused the will inheritance to be accepted by the modern society generally.无论古今中外,各国都不同程度上确立了遗嘱自由,并使遗嘱继承成为现代社会普遍接受的继承方式。

3)Testament Freedom遗嘱自由

1.A comparative analysis is made of the restriction to testament freedom in China in the narrow sense pointing out its main defects.从狭义的角度对我国遗嘱自由的限制进行了比较分析 ,指出其主要缺陷 ,认为我国未来立法对遗嘱自由的限制应主要考虑社会经济条件、社会保障制度等 ,并应借鉴特留份制度等外国立法 ,以完善我国的继承制

4)testament freedom principle遗嘱自由原则

1.Accordingtestament freedom principle which is the basic principle modifying property relationship ,the legator can dispose his own property by his will .一夫一妻原则是调整婚姻关系的基本原则 ,本案中遗赠人的重婚行为违反了这一原则 ;根据遗嘱自由原则 ,遗赠人有权依其正当意志处分财产 ,遗嘱自由是调整财产关系的基本原则 ;公序良俗原则是调整民事关系的基本原则 ,人身关系和财产关系都受其约束。

5)testament"s free restriction遗嘱自由与限制

6)limitation of testamentary freedom遗嘱自由限制


伪造遗嘱伪造遗嘱 :指以被继承人的名义制造假遗嘱。
