1500字范文 > 过境自由 freedom of transit英语短句 例句大全

过境自由 freedom of transit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-25 15:20:44


过境自由 freedom of transit英语短句 例句大全

过境自由,freedom of transit

1)freedom of transit过境自由


1.Analysis of the First Case on the Freedom of Transit in GATT:The Colombia-Indicative Prices and Restrictions on Ports of EntryGATT过境自由争端第一案评析——评哥伦比亚入境口岸限制措施案

2.Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit (Barcelona Convention)自由过境公约和规约(巴塞罗那公约)

3.On the Development and Liberalization of Service Trade Cross-border Supply;过境交付服务贸易的发展及其自由化问题初探

4.International Air Services Transit Agreement established two freedom of fly across territorial air space and technical land;《国际航空过境协定》确定了飞越领空与技术性着陆“两大自由”;

5."Both straits were in Turkish territory, But when Russia gained control of the northern shore of the Black Sea, its ships were given free passage. "两海峡都在土耳其境内,俄国控制黑海北岸后,其船只可以自由通过。

6.The Freedom to the Nirvana-- On Schopenhauer s view of freedom;通向涅磐之境的自由——读叔本华自由观

7.Excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration.人口过剩由于地区内人口过剩而引起的过度拥挤、自然资源枯竭或环境恶化

8.She had always longed for liberty; and she had never possessed it.她一生渴望自由但从未得到过自由。

9.The Dilemma of Freedom;自由的困境——由《发条橙》而引发的追问

10.Women used to have little liberty.过去妇女没有多少自由。

11.But you can refuse it."不过,你也有拒绝的自由。

12.To break loose from;get free of.逃避,逃过逃离,得到自由

13.transit telegram with automatic retransmission自动转发的过境电报

14.Discusses Zhuang-zi and Heidergger s "Comfortable Free Boundary Territory";论庄子与海德格尔的“自在自由境域”

15.He was free to pursue his own life in his own way.他有自由以自己的方式过自己的生活。

16.From the State of Calmness to that of Freedom--An Analysis of Zhuangzi s Outlook of Life;由虚静达于自由之境——庄子生命观念解析

17.air is forced through free reeds by bellows.通过风箱空气被强迫经过自由簧片。

18.During the school holidays the children enjoyed their freedom.假期里孩子们过得自由自在。


free transit zone自由过境区

3)free transit zone自由过境区;自由转口区

4)free environment自由环境

5)a state of freedom自由之境

6)cultural inspirit自由境界


