1500字范文 > 烟叶农场 Tobacco farm英语短句 例句大全

烟叶农场 Tobacco farm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-25 02:54:36


烟叶农场 Tobacco farm英语短句 例句大全

烟叶农场,Tobacco farm

1)Tobacco farm烟叶农场

2)Rural tea market茶叶农村市场

3)Tobacco leaf烟叶

1.Studies on the metabolism of protein and nitrate nitrogenin tobacco leaf during curing;烘烤过程中烟叶蛋白质与硝态氮代谢规律研究

2.Study on the moisture content change and physiological mechanism in tobacco leaf during flue curing process;烘烤过程中烟叶的水分动态与生理变化关系的研究


1.Cigarettes, cigars, cut tobacco and redried leaf tobacco are generally referred to as tobacco products.卷烟、茄烟、丝复烤烟叶统称烟草制品。

2.The paper and tobacco for rolling a cigarette.卷香烟的纸张及烟叶

3.Any leaf tobacco purchasing contract shall specify the agreed area for leaf tobacco plantation.烟叶收购合同应当约定烟叶种植面积。

4.heavy cured马里兰型烟叶(烟株的顶叶), 重盐腌制

5.Studies on Leaf Maturity of a Variety of Tobacco Yunyan85;烤烟品种云烟85烟叶成熟度的研究

6.and a quantity of half-cured leaf tobacco,外带些烤得半干的烟叶,

7.matches, about two ounces of tobacco,火柴、约两盎司的烟叶、

8.Please try a pipe of that tobacco of mine .请抽一斗我的烟叶。

9.Let me try a pipe of that tobacco of yours.让我来试试你的烟叶。

10.Studies on Effects of Nitrogen Application Amount and Leaf Age to Flue-cured Tobacco Usability;烤烟施氮水平及叶龄对烟叶可用性的影响研究

11.Effect of maturity stage at harvest on yield,output value and quality of tobacco leaves烟叶采收成熟度对产值量及烟叶品质的影响

12.Hereditary of Leaf Color of a Tobacco Mutant一份烤烟烟叶突变材料的叶色遗传规律

13.Relationship Between the Yield and the Chemistry Quality of Hengyang Leaf Tobacco衡阳烟叶产量与烟叶化学品质相关性研究

14.So Huck made pipes and filled them.于是,哈克就做了两个烟斗,装上烟叶。

15.A compact roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.雪茄吸烟用的紧密的烟叶卷

16.Relationship between Nutrition Environment and Tobacco Leaf"s Quality in Tobacco-growing Regions of Guizhou;贵州烟区营养环境与烟叶质量的关系

17.The Relationship between Ecological Factors and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves in Shandong Tobacco Growing Regions;山东烟区生态因子与烟叶品质的关系

18.Studies on Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf Production of Chinese Cigarette in Songxi;松溪中式卷烟原料烟叶生产技术研究


Rural tea market茶叶农村市场

3)Tobacco leaf烟叶

1.Studies on the metabolism of protein and nitrate nitrogenin tobacco leaf during curing;烘烤过程中烟叶蛋白质与硝态氮代谢规律研究

2.Study on the moisture content change and physiological mechanism in tobacco leaf during flue curing process;烘烤过程中烟叶的水分动态与生理变化关系的研究

4)tobacco leaves烟叶

1.Research on the use of the microwave-assisted extraction (MAE)for the extraction of solanesol fromtobacco leaves;微波辅助萃取应用于提取烟叶中茄尼醇的研究

2.Study on the relativity between various judging parameters oftobacco leaves and cigarettes;烟叶及卷烟产品评吸指标间的相关性分析

3.Effects of curing environment on activity of amylase and starch phosphorylase in flue- curedtobacco leaves;烘烤环境对烟叶淀粉酶和淀粉磷酸化酶活性的影响


1.The evaluation and analysis oftobacco compatibility;烟叶配伍性的评价与分析

2.Study on the extraction method of coarse solanesol fromtobacco leaves;烟叶中茄尼醇粗品提取工艺研究

3.Determination of Transition Metal and Heavy Metal in Tobacco by Ion Chromatography;52919离子色谱法测定烟叶中的过渡金属和重金属

6)leaf tobacco烟叶

1.On the construction ofleaf tobacco safeguarding system for Chinese style cigarette;构建中式卷烟优质特色烟叶原料保障体系是新形势下中国烟草的战略选择

2.Thoughts on works related to partial substitution forleaf tobacco imports in Hunan of China;对湖南省部分替代进口烟叶工作的思考

3.Countermeasures for sustainable development ofleaf tobacco production in Shandong Province;山东烟叶生产可持续发展的思考与对策


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
