1500字范文 > 烟叶复烤 tobacco redrying英语短句 例句大全

烟叶复烤 tobacco redrying英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-19 11:42:30


烟叶复烤 tobacco redrying英语短句 例句大全

烟叶复烤,tobacco redrying

1)tobacco redrying烟叶复烤

1.The application of predictive controller based on fuzzy internal model to thetobacco redrying;模糊内模预估控制在烟叶复烤中的应用

2.Tobacco redrying is a re-curing process after the tobacco drying for the first time, which has direct impact on the production of cigarette industries.烟叶复烤是烟叶初烤后的再调制加工过程,这直接关系到卷烟工业的生产。


1.The Application of Self-adaptation Fuzzy PID in the Tobacco-redrying System;自适应模糊PID控制在烟叶复烤系统中的应用

2.A Research and Practice of PM in Fluecured Tobacco Enterprise (Manufacturing Enterprise)烟叶复烤(制造业)企业项目化管理的研究与实践

3.Research on Pest Control with High Temperature,Vacuum Conditioning and Redrying高温、真空回潮及烟叶复烤杀虫工艺研究

4.Cigarettes, cigars, cut tobacco and redried leaf tobacco are generally referred to as tobacco products.卷烟、茄烟、丝复烤烟叶统称烟草制品。

5.On-line chemical determination in threshing and redrying process and its application in quality control打叶复烤烟叶化学成分在线检测和成品质量控制

6.and a quantity of half-cured leaf tobacco,外带些烤得半干的烟叶,

7.Effects of Numbers of Remained Leaves, Maturity and Curing Schedule on the Quality of Cured upper Leaves with Stem in Flue-cured Tobacco;烤烟上部叶带茎烘烤留叶数、成熟度和烘烤工艺对烟叶质量的影响

8.Studies on Leaf Maturity of a Variety of Tobacco Yunyan85;烤烟品种云烟85烟叶成熟度的研究

9.Strategy of Tobacco Breeding for TMV Resistance我国烤烟抗烤烟普通花叶病育种策略探讨

10.Studies on the Effects of GA3 and BR120 to Starch Metabolism in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf;GA3、BR120对烤烟烟叶淀粉代谢的影响研究

11.Intelligent Grading of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Based on Rough Set Theory基于粗糙集的烤烟烟叶智能分级方法

12.Effects of Loading Density of Bulk Curing Barn on Physiology Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco During the Process of Flue-curing and the Quality of Cured Leaves;密集烤房装烟密度对烟叶烘烤过程中生理特性及烤后品质的影响

13.Studies on Effects of Nitrogen Application Amount and Leaf Age to Flue-cured Tobacco Usability;烤烟施氮水平及叶龄对烟叶可用性的影响研究

14.Hereditary of Leaf Color of a Tobacco Mutant一份烤烟烟叶突变材料的叶色遗传规律

parative Analysis on Chemical Components in Middle Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco from Tobacco Areas of Yunnan Province云南烟区烤烟中部烟叶化学成分比较分析

16.Observe on the Dissected Structure of Upper Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco during the Curing process烘烤过程中烤烟上部叶解剖结构变化的观察

17.Study on Physiological Characteristics and Curing Effect of Flue-Cured Tobacco during Chopping Tobacco Curing烟叶去梗烘烤过程中生理特性与烘烤效应研究

18.The Control System Design of Tobacco Leaf Flue-curing for Small Bulk Curing Barn小型密集型烤房烟叶烘烤过程控制系统的设计


curl tobacco leaf复烤烟叶

1.The DNA is extracted fromcurl tobacco leaf with modified CTAB method and make a typical absorption curve,which datum of OD260/OD280 is between 1.以改良 CTAB法提取复烤烟叶 DNA,经 U- 3000紫外分光光度计测定,所获 DNA呈典型的吸收曲线,且 OD260/ OD280在 1。

3)Tobacco redrying factory烟叶复烤厂

4)tobacco re-dryer烟叶复烤机

1.The method of intelligent control is applied to the control oftobacco re-dryer to realize that the references of every PID control link oftobacco re-dryer are automatically adjusted on line and that the output tobacco moisture is controlled at the range of technology demand.用智能控制的方法对烟叶复烤机实施控制 ,实现了烟叶复烤机各区段PID环参数的在线自调整 ,烤机出口处烟叶的水分含量值控制在工艺要求的范围

2.The present control method oftobacco re-dryer is that the references of every PID control link are set up and adjusted by human experiences.烟叶复烤机是复烤生产线上的主要设备,它的主要用途是对打叶分离之后的烟叶片进行复烤处理,使烟叶片的水分、湿度达到规定的工艺技术指标;而目前复烤机的控制方式是通过人工设定烤机各段PID控制环参数,烤机调整完全依赖操作员的经验,因此控制效果因人而异,从而导致机尾水分不稳定。

5)Technology of re-baking tobacco leaf烟叶复烤工艺

6)flue-cured tobacco leaf烤烟烟叶

1.Application of Support Vector Machine in the Automatic Grading of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf支持向量机在烤烟烟叶自动分级中的应用

2.Reflection and transmission images offlue-cured tobacco leaf were both taken in specially-designed lamp box,and then imported into computer for digital analysis.在专门设计的灯箱中拍摄烤烟烟叶的反射和透射图像,对这两类图像分别以3×3像素矩阵作为区域对象采样,统计比较了烟叶、背景两区域的RGB属性特征,发现透射图像烟叶区域绝大多数像素的蓝色属性等于零,少数像素的蓝色属性大于零,并在采样矩阵中呈不连续分布,矩阵内9个像素蓝色属性的相对标准偏差(RSD)或等于零,或大于100%。

3.The grading offlue-cured tobacco leaf is still accomplished by manpower at present.目前,烤烟烟叶的分组定级都是通过培训专业人员,手工地凭主观经验进行的。


烟叶复烤将烟叶从农产品转变为工业原料的整理准备性加工过程。其主要作业是干燥,是烟叶调制后的又一次干燥,故称复烤。复烤加工时还要剔除霉变和不符合等级的烟叶,除去杂物和砂土,在加热干燥的同时也起杀虫的作用。复烤后的烟叶,水分约12%,适合于长期贮存醇化或人工发酵(见烟叶发酵)。复烤工艺有两种。挂杆复烤 传统的复烤工艺。将扎把的原烟跨"挂"在烟杆上送入复烤机干燥。这种工艺简单,大部分工序是手工操作,劳动强度大,作业场所空气含尘量高,渐趋于淘汰。打叶复烤 用打叶机分离叶片和烟梗,然后分别干燥。20世纪50年代开始推广,现已被广泛采用。由于是原烟打叶,烟叶抗破碎的能力高,较之卷烟厂打叶造碎少,可提高烟叶利用率。加工过程能实现机械化。卷烟厂直接用叶片和烟梗作原料,规格整齐,砂土含量少,不仅工序减少,生产环境也将明显改善。叶片和烟梗采用专门的烤片机和烤梗机(见卷烟机械)干燥。烤后叶片用预压机包装。预压机可以根据包装重量和尺寸的要求,对叶片进行定量并且初步压缩成形,供进一步打包、装箱或者装桶。预压机一般由两台相同的单机交替工作,组成机组。
