1500字范文 > 初级剑术 elementary escrime英语短句 例句大全

初级剑术 elementary escrime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-12 08:44:31


初级剑术 elementary escrime英语短句 例句大全

初级剑术,elementary escrime

1)elementary escrime初级剑术

1.A study of the experimentation of the comprehensive teaching method ofelementary escrime;初级剑术综合教学法的实验研究


1.On the Development of CAI in the Primary Swordsmanship;《初级剑术》CAI课件的研制与开发

2.A Study on Teaching Mode of Reciprocity by Dividing Students into Groups in Primary Fencing Teaching;互惠分组教学模式在初级剑术教学中的实验研究

3.Experiment and study of putting the tactics of memory into practiceto improve the teaching result of elementary art of fencing;实施记忆策略提高初级剑术教学效果的实验研究

4.Cambridge University Lower Certificate in English剑桥大学初级英语文凭

5.I"ve passed BEC Preliminary/ Vantage/ Higher Lever.(我通过了初级/级/级剑桥商务英语考试。

6.She" s going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.她将参加剑桥初级证书考试.

7.The First Explore into Techniques in Oral Test of Business Engl ish,Preliminary Level;剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)初级口试技巧

8.A Comparative Analysis of Oral English Testing among CET-SET, IELTS Oral, TOEFL TSE and Cambridge FCE Oral大学英语,雅思,托福和剑桥初级证书英语口语测试的比较及分析

9.The Research of Chujijian Exercise-Induced Emotional Response and Countermeasure of the Students大学生初级剑锻炼情绪诱导作用及开展对策的研究

10.They are fencing with short swords他们正用短剑较量剑术。

11.be a good [bad] swordsman善于 [不善] 剑术

12.Cambridge University Certificate of Proficiency in English剑桥大学高级英语文凭

13.The art or sport of using a foil, an??, or a saber in attack and defense.击剑,击剑术用金属薄片、重剑或花剑攻击或防御的艺术或运动

14.a sword used in the sport of fencing.一种在剑术比赛中所用的一种剑。

15.(in fencing)quick return thrust after parrying(剑术) 挡开对方的剑后迅速还刺.

16.Li Jian-nong: A Great Historian on World Level--Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Li Jiannong s Death;李剑农:世界级大史学家——纪念李剑农逝世40周年

17.She is taking AS-levels in English literature, geography and art history and hopes to study philosophy at Cambridge University.她目前正在修英国文学、地理和艺术史的准高级课程,并希望能去剑桥大学攻读哲学。

18.One of South Korea"s top women fencers was dropped from the country"s national team because she underwent plastic surgery that caused her to miss several days of practice.韩国一位顶级女子击剑运动员因接受整容手术缺席训练而被开除出国家队.


Elementary Swordplay & Broad word-play初级刀剑术

3)primary f encing teaching初级剑术教学


5)Arithmetic Primary算术初级

6)Little go剑桥初试


