1500字范文 > 窄行密植 narrow-compact planting英语短句 例句大全

窄行密植 narrow-compact planting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-25 08:15:32


窄行密植 narrow-compact planting英语短句 例句大全

窄行密植,narrow-compact planting

1)narrow-compact planting窄行密植

1.High-yield and superior qualitynarrow-compact planting technique system for Hefeng 47 soybean was set an example in big area,and the effect was singnigicant,the average reality yield was 2 925.通过小区栽培方式与栽培密度试验研究,结果表明:合丰47大豆适宜45 cm小垄窄行密植栽培,较三垄栽培增产4。

2.42 was suitable to plant undernarrow-compact planting which row spacing was 45 cm.通过小区栽培方式与栽培密度试验研究,得出合丰42大豆适宜45 cm小垄窄行密植栽培。


1.Soybean Population Growth Dynamic under the Super-high Yield Cultivation Mode with Narrow Row and Dense Seeded Semi-dwarf Cultivar半矮秆大豆窄行密植超高产生长发育动态研究

2.Analysis on Narrow Row and Thick Planting Soybean Cultivation Technology Popularization and Application Prospect大豆窄行密植栽培技术推广应用前景分析

3.Study on Pattern High-yield Cultivation Technology of Spring-sowing Soybean in the Cotton Area of North Xinjiang;新疆北部棉区春大豆窄行密植高产栽培技术的研究

4.Soybean Yield Structure under the Super-high Yield Cultivation Mode with Narrow Row and Dense Seeded Semi-dwarf Cultivar半矮秆大豆窄行密植超高产栽培产量性状及产量结构研究

5.Studies on the Technique of Chemical Weed Control in Narrow Row Solid-Seeding Soybean Field;窄行平作密植大豆田化学除草技术研究

6.Studies on Interactive Effects of Density and Fertilizer of Planting Technique with Wide/Narrow Row Alternation for Maize玉米宽窄行种植模式下肥密互作效应的研究

7.Effect of Narrow Trenches and Compact Planting of Three Lines of Ridge on Population Physiology in Soybean大豆垄上三行窄沟密植栽培群体生理研究

8.Nursing care of patients receiving interventional therapy for hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation肝移植术后肝动脉狭窄行介入治疗的护理

9.Study on Root Distribution of Maize with Planting Technique in Wide/Narrow Row Alternation玉米宽窄行交替休闲种植根系分布规律研究

10.Effects of Planting Density and Row Distance on the Yield of A Hybrid Maize Cultivar ‘Hongda 8’不同宽窄行及播种密度对玉米弘大8号产量的影响

11.He made a rigorous study of the plants in the area.他对该地的植物进行了慎密的研究。

12.He makes a rigorous study of the plants in the area他对该地的植物进行了慎密的研究

parison of therapentic effects of simple decompression and decompression with fusion method for treating degeneratine lumbar spinal stenosis减压植骨融合内固定与单纯减压治疗退行性腰椎管狭窄症的疗效比较

14.a narrow feint pad窄行隐格的拍纸簿.

15.We wound our way through the narrow streets.我们迂曲行经窄巷。

16.canopy characteristics of narrow row cotton窄行棉花苗冠被覆特性

17.Short and narrow packing chamber improves sealing effectiveness.又短又窄的填料腔改善了密封性能。

18.Gather the waist in a little more with fine stitches.用细密针线把腰围再收窄一点儿。


solid seeding窄行密植

1.The effect of thesolid seeding on the rule of root system growth and the upside was studied using Heinong41 as a material in .以黑农41为材料,研究了窄行密植对高产春大豆根系生长规律及其与地上部关系的影响。

3)Solid seeding with 45 cm row space45cm双条窄行密植

4)Solid seedis平作窄行密植

5)Serried rows planting on broad platform大垅窄行密植

6)narrow row solid-seeding窄行平作密植

1.Thenarrow row solid-seeding is planting technique of a high yield soybean with widely prospect, which needs combine with a complete set of techniques including improving cultivars, weed control, improving machinery and so on.窄行平作密植是一项具有广阔发展前景的大豆高产栽培技术,需要品种改良、杂草防除、机具改良等一整套相关技术与之相配套。


