1500字范文 > 合理密植 Rational close planting英语短句 例句大全

合理密植 Rational close planting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-23 02:50:27


合理密植 Rational close planting英语短句 例句大全

合理密植,Rational close planting

1)Rational close planting合理密植


1.A Study of Rational Close Planting for Rough-Gentian and Sun-shading Net about Its effct;龙胆合理密植及遮阳网对其影响研究

2.Effects of Plant Density on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Soybean种植密度对大豆光合生理及产量的影响

3.treatment designs to optimum plant density最理想植株密度的处理设计

4.The perquisite for a successful anesthesia during liver transplantation includes strict monitor and appropriate management.结论:细致、周密的监测,及时、合理的处理是肝脏移植手术麻醉成功的重要保证。

5.Synthesis of ZP 3 Gene with Plant-optimized Codons密码子植物化的小鼠ZP3蛋白基因人工合成

6.Full-length of human papillomavirus type 18L1 gene optimized using the plant prefered condons and synthesized by overlapping PCR植物偏爱密码子优化HPV18L1全长基因的重叠PCR合成

7.The high population approach treats plantation as an annual crop (one harvest only).密植种植把大蕉当作一年生的作物处理(只收获一次)。

8.The Research in Plant Density and Pyrolysis Decomposition of Peteris Vittata L.;蜈蚣草的种植密度及其收获物的焚烧处理研究

9.Effect of Narrow Trenches and Compact Planting of Three Lines of Ridge on Population Physiology in Soybean大豆垄上三行窄沟密植栽培群体生理研究

10.Gear with precise design and high quality closely combines with thermal refining worm.精密设计高品质齿轮与调质处理蜗杆紧密结合。

11.Key management scheme for Ad Hoc based on combined public key and secret sharing基于组合公钥和秘密共享的Ad Hoc密钥管理方案

12.Key Management Protocol of Secure Cooperative Processing for WMSNsWMSNs的安全合作处理密钥管理协议

13.Study on the Reasonableness of the Introduction of Anticipatory Breach of Contract in Chinese Contract Law;析合同法移植期前违约制度的合理性

14.Study on Garden Afforestation Phenology and Its Optimal Application in Lanzhou City;兰州主要绿化植物物候学与合理配植研究

15.a watertight compartment, joint, seal水密室、 水密接合、水密封.

16.Seroids, and the closely related sterols, are compounds found in animals and plants.甾类和与它密切相关的甾醇是在动物和植物中存在的化合物。

17.Early-bearing and High yield Culture Technics for Close Planting Huimin Red Fuji Apple惠民短枝红富士苹果密植早果丰产栽培综合技术

18.Study on the Planting Density to the Yield of the Dwarfed Castor and the Photosynthetic Properties of Groups;种植密度对矮化蓖麻品种产量及其群体光合性能影响的研究


rational planting合理种植

1.This paper expounds the basic principles that the landscaping should follow and the application of landscaping methods,and advances some concrete measures for constructing the vital garden landscape through therational planting and scientific distribution.阐述了植物造景应遵循的基本原则和植物造景手法应用,提出了通过合理种植、科学配置,构建生机勃勃的园林景观的具体做法。

3)reasonable density合理密度

1.Through detailed analysis on these involved factors,this paper puts forward the concept ofreasonable density.通过对这些相关因素的探讨,提出了合理密度的概念,并概括了不同的合理建筑密度值域和其适用范围。

4)rational density合理密度

1.,reasonable andrational density of Caragana microphylla Lam.本文以典型的黄土丘陵地区-山西省偏关县的柠条现有林为研究对象,对柠条的适生种、立地条件和合理密度进行了研究,并用多谱辐射仪探索了一套柠条林生物量研究的新方法。

5)appropriate density合理密度

1.Study onappropriate density of Pinus tabulaeformis and Robinia Pseudoacacia for soil and water conservation forests in Loess area;黄土区刺槐和油松水土保持林合理密度的研究

6)reasonable density breeding合理密养


