1500字范文 > 宽窄行栽培 Wide and narrowrowcultivation英语短句 例句大全

宽窄行栽培 Wide and narrowrowcultivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-09 07:43:28


宽窄行栽培 Wide and narrowrowcultivation英语短句 例句大全

宽窄行栽培,Wide and narrowrowcultivation

1)Wide and narrowrowcultivation宽窄行栽培


1.Effects of Growth and Yield of Maize Under Wide and Narrow Row Cultivation宽窄行栽培对玉米生长发育及产量的影响

2.control of weeds in narrow-row soybean窄行栽培大豆的杂草防治

3.Effect of Narrow Trenches and Compact Planting of Three Lines of Ridge on Population Physiology in Soybean大豆垄上三行窄沟密植栽培群体生理研究

4.Analysis on Narrow Row and Thick Planting Soybean Cultivation Technology Popularization and Application Prospect大豆窄行密植栽培技术推广应用前景分析

5.Study on Pattern High-yield Cultivation Technology of Spring-sowing Soybean in the Cotton Area of North Xinjiang;新疆北部棉区春大豆窄行密植高产栽培技术的研究

6.Soybean Yield Structure under the Super-high Yield Cultivation Mode with Narrow Row and Dense Seeded Semi-dwarf Cultivar半矮秆大豆窄行密植超高产栽培产量性状及产量结构研究

7.three-row automatic potato planter三行马铃薯自动栽培机

8.A comparing experiment on rice water and atmosphere balance no-tillage cultivation with regular cultivation in varied line widths水稻免耕水气平衡栽培不同畦宽与常耕栽培比较试验

9.In order to widen the road they had to narrow the pavement.为了拓宽道路只好将人行道弄窄.

10.In order to widen the road they have to narrow the pavement为了拓宽道路只好将人行道弄窄

11.When neckties went from narrow to wide, I kept all my old ones until the style went back to narrow.领带时兴宽的,我就把旧的窄领带收起来,等待再流行窄的时候用。

12.Studies on Interactive Effects of Density and Fertilizer of Planting Technique with Wide/Narrow Row Alternation for Maize玉米宽窄行种植模式下肥密互作效应的研究

13.Study on Root Distribution of Maize with Planting Technique in Wide/Narrow Row Alternation玉米宽窄行交替休闲种植根系分布规律研究

14.Farmers need new crops that are in demand and can be grown at a profit.农民需要新的作物,并能进行盈利栽培。

15.The Feasibility of Planting Phalaenopsis.spp in Lianyungang Area;论蝴蝶兰在连云港地区栽培的可行性

16.Breeding of High Quality Cultivar with Different Mature Period of Citrus Reticulate and Study on New Techniques of Cultivation;宽皮柑橘不同熟期优新品种选育及栽培新技术研究

17.The influence of plot-width on agro-characteristics and yields of rice water-air-balance cultivation厢宽对水气平衡栽培水稻农艺性状和产量的影响

18.Test of Transplanting Times on Mini Watermelon in Outdoor Crawling Cultivation with Grafted Seedling丘陵红壤地小型嫁接西瓜露地爬行栽培适宜栽期研究


wide space planting宽行栽培

3)Narrow-wide distance plant宽窄行栽插

4)transplanting rice seedling as the way of broad and narrow row宽窄行移栽

1.The results indicated that the method which included dry seedbed nurserying,plough,handtransplanting rice seedling as the way of broad and narrow row alternatively,and wheat straw mulching broad row about 10 days later,could save water 30.结果表明:在该生态区采用旱育秧技术,培育多蘖壮秧,旋耕后采用宽窄行移栽,田间苗数达到225×104。

5)wide and narrow row planting宽窄行栽植

6)Narrow row and dense growth cultivation techniques窄行密植栽培技术


