1500字范文 > 爱国主义传统 patriotic tradition英语短句 例句大全

爱国主义传统 patriotic tradition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-17 00:55:09


爱国主义传统 patriotic tradition英语短句 例句大全

爱国主义传统,patriotic tradition

1)patriotic tradition爱国主义传统


1.Hong Kong compatriots have a glorious patriotic tradition.香港同胞有着光荣的爱国主义传统

2.The Movement and Inspection of Patriotic Tradition in Chinese Classical Poem;中国古典诗歌爱国主义传统流变及其检视

3.Tentatively on the Causes of Forming the Patriotic Tradition in the Daur Nationality;试析达斡尔族爱国主义传统形成的原因

4.On Patriotism Education in Higher Vocational Chinese Course;在高职大学语文教学中加强爱国主义传统教育

5.The Chinese people have a glorious patriotic tradition, and they are great peace-loving people.中国人民是具有光荣的爱国主义传统、热爱和平的伟大人民。

6.Lin Zexu s Contribution to Traditional Patriotism;论林则徐对中华民族爱国主义传统的传承与拓展

7.Our compatriots in Taiwan have a glorious patriotic tradition and are an important force in developing cross-straits relations.台湾同胞具有光荣的爱国主义传统,是发展两岸关系的重要力量。

8.We place our hopes on our compatriots in Taiwan who are endowed with the glorious traditions of patriotism.我们寄希望于具有光荣爱国主义传统的台湾同胞。

9.Patriotism,a Diachronic Discourse of the Chinese Traditional Literature;爱国主义:中国传统文学的历时性话语

10.Encouraging Patriotic Tradition and Developing Patriotic Spirits;发扬爱国优良传统,在新时期弘扬爱国主义精神

11.On Ethnic Traditional Morals and Patriotism Education;论少数民族传统道德与爱国主义教育

12.A Study on the West of Gan Traditional Culture and Patriotic Education;赣西传统文化与中学爱国主义教育研究

13.Education on non-traditional security: a new subject for college students patriotism;非传统安全教育——大学生爱国主义教育的新课题

14.An extremely patriotic person with a conventional, usually unquestioning sense of morality.极端爱国主义者具有传统的、通常是毫无疑问的道德感的极端爱国主义者

15.Higher unity of loving a country, loving people and loving socialism --Discussion on Deng Xiaoping s patriotic ideas;爱国、爱人民、爱社会主义的高度统一——论邓小平的爱国主义思想

16.These features produced a positive effect on the formation of Chinese traditional patriotism.这些特质对中国传统爱国主义产生了积极的影响。

17.And as agrarian communities give way to modern urban societies, nationalism today has also evolved into a form that is quite different from the ancient one that we know of.但是,现代社会和传统社会对爱国主义有着不同的要求。

18.May 4th Patriotism s Developing and Carrying on Tradition as Viewed fromthe Hardship Mentality ofNew Youth;从《新青年》的忧患意识看“五四”爱国主义对传统的继承与发展


the ancient tradition of patriotism古代爱国主义传统


1.Enhancing Spirits of Patriotism Based on the Globalization Background;全球化背景下弘扬爱国主义精神的基本内容

ment on Chinese modern aeronautical historical materials and thepatriotism education;中国近代航空史料与爱国主义教育

3.Patriotism Education Attachment and Reinforcement;要重视和加强大学生的爱国主义教育

4)the patriotism education system in current high colleges高校爱国主义教育系统

1.By means of the thought and method of system theory, the authors discussed the design and implementation ofthe patriotism education system in current high colleges in China,and demonstrated the obvious effect and intensive response in practice taking Taiyuan University of Technology as an example.以系统论的思想和方法讨论了当前高校爱国主义教育系统的设计和实施,并主要以太原理工大学为例,说明这种设计和实施在实践中的显著成效和强烈反响。

5)New Patriotism新爱国主义

6)patriotism and internationalism爱国主义与国际主义


