1500字范文 > 爱国主义情感教育 emotional education of patriotism英语短句 例句大全

爱国主义情感教育 emotional education of patriotism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 16:58:17


爱国主义情感教育 emotional education of patriotism英语短句 例句大全

爱国主义情感教育,emotional education of patriotism

1)emotional education of patriotism爱国主义情感教育

1.Therefore it has great significance to carry outemotional education of patriotism to the middle and primary students.爱国主义情感教育是爱国主义教育的基础,而中小学阶段又是形成爱国主义情感的关键期。

2)emotion of patriotism爱国主义情感

1.Theemotion of patriotism possesses the quality of durability, stability, continuity, inheritability, depth and positivity.爱国主义情感的形式具有持久性、稳定性、连续性、承传性、爆发性、深刻性、肯定性。


1.About the Positive Effect of the Confucian Culture in Cultivating the Modern Patriotic Feeling论儒家文化对培养现代爱国主义情感的积极作用

2.Two Emotional Teaching Strategies for Students Academic and Emotional Development of Experimental Study;两种情感教学策略对学生学业成绩和爱国主义情感发展影响的实验研究

3.Elucidating the Mixture of Chinese Patriotism and National Sensibility;中华爱国主义与民族情感的混融及其阐释

4.Patriotism was then at fever pitch.当时爱国主义情绪高涨。

5.Nationalism can be defined as a deep sense of loyalty and devotion that one feels for one"s own race and country. It is a set of emotions that is nurtured over thousands of years.爱国主义是千百年来形成的对自己民族国家的一种深厚的感情。

6.The final purpose of the course is enhance their proud in our Chinese culture and cultivate their patriotism.最终目的是为了增强民族文化自豪感,培养学生的爱国主义情操。


8.The Emotionalism of the 19~(th) British Romantic Poems;论19世纪英国浪漫主义诗歌的情感主义

9.He and I were kindled by a great flame of patriotism.我和他由于一股爱国主义的热情都激动起来了。

10.From Confusion to Transcendence--On Xu Su s Patriotism in His Writing;从困惑到超越——论徐速创作的爱国主义情怀

11.Reflections on Cultivating the Patriotic Emotions among University Students of the New Period;对培养新时期大学生爱国主义情怀的思考

12.Analyses on the Implementation of Patriotic Education among College Students in Chengdu成都地区大学生爱国主义教育开展情况初探

13.Discussion on How to Strengthen the Patriotism of Today’s University Students浅谈如何提高当代大学生的爱国主义情操

14.Wen Yi-duo’s Cultural Nationalism Reflected by His Love Poetry从爱情诗的创作看闻一多的“文化国家主义”

15.An Investigative Report of the Patriotic Education for Minor of Jiangsu Province江苏省未成年人爱国主义教育情况调查报告

16.Learning National Identity Through Established Practice and Customs;爱国主义教育应从民风民俗中加深民族认同感

17.The Budding of Democratic Love--on the love value of "San Yan;民主主义爱情的萌芽——试论“三言”的爱情价值

18.and aren"t shy about expressing religious and patriotic feelings.不羞于表达宗教情感与爱国情感。


emotion of patriotism爱国主义情感

1.Theemotion of patriotism possesses the quality of durability, stability, continuity, inheritability, depth and positivity.爱国主义情感的形式具有持久性、稳定性、连续性、承传性、爆发性、深刻性、肯定性。


1.The Education in Patriotism of University Students in Gobalization;全球化背景下的大学生爱国主义教育

2.This article talks about the need to strengthen studentspatriotism in history teaching in middle schools.文章论述中学历史教学应加强学生的爱国主义教育。

3.Thepatriotism is a historical category,in the different stage of the social development,the different historical period has the different connotation.马克思主义"五观"教育、新疆历史和区情教育、民族团结和"四个认同"教育、维护祖国统一反对民族分裂和非法宗教活动的教育是新疆高校实施爱国主义教育的侧重点。

4)patriotism education爱国主义教育

1.A effective means of child spatriotism education——combining conscious education with unconscious education;幼儿爱国主义教育的有效形式:有意识教育和无意识教育相结合

2.Innovate University Patriotism Education under the Supervision of Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace——Personal view on universitypatriotism education in the new era;新时期高校爱国主义教育创新之我见

3.Concept of democracy and legal system andpatriotism education——the link in the legal and moral education of university students;民主法制观念与爱国主义教育——大学生法制教育与道德教育的结合点

5)patriotic education爱国主义教育

1.On Yongzhou City Construction of the bases forpatriotic education;论永州市爱国主义教育基地的构建

2.History andpatriotic education——Elaboration of the systematic theory ofpatriotic education function of history in the market economy;创新历史学教育功能——对市场经济下史学爱国主义教育功能的系统理论阐述

3.A Research on the College Students Patriotic Education in New Times;新时期大学生爱国主义教育探析

6)education of patriotism爱国主义教育

1.A comparative study in theeducation of patriotism and its reference to other countries;爱国主义教育比较研究及其借鉴

2.Theeducation of patriotism must strengthen the consciousness of people s nation and sovereignty as well as the awareness of national culture approval and that of the problems of the globe.新时期的爱国主义教育应强化人们的国家意识、主权观念、民族文化认同感和全球意识。

3.Facing complicated international situations and great changes in China under the market economy,to carry outeducation of patriotism for university students is an important issue concerning long term peace and stability as well as stable development of China.面对纷繁复杂的国际形势和市场经济下中国的巨大变化,对大学生进行爱国主义教育关系到我国的长治久安和稳定发展的大问题。


