1500字范文 > 人性解放 emancipation of humanity英语短句 例句大全

人性解放 emancipation of humanity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-03 10:46:23


人性解放 emancipation of humanity英语短句 例句大全

人性解放,emancipation of humanity

1)emancipation of humanity人性解放

1.Majia s A Couple Learning to Read and Write and Kongjue s Sufferers and other literary works describe their entirely different and estimable spiritual emancipation and their awareness of theemancipation of humanity.马加的《夫妻识字》、孔厥的《受苦人》等作品体现出一种迥异的、可贵的精神翻身与人性解放意识。


1.Pursuing human nature liberation is a modern kernel of Lu Xun s humanistic thought;追求人性解放是鲁迅人文思想现代性的核心

2.A Trilogy of Humanity Liberation--On the Enlightenment Trends in New Period Literature;人性解放“三部曲”——论新时期启蒙文学思潮

3.Liberation of Eros and Liberation of Sensibility--A Comparison of the Theory on Human Liberation by Marcuse and Marx爱欲解放和感性解放——马尔库塞和马克思关于人的解放理论比较

4.The Corset--Bondage of Human Body and Liberation of Human Nature;紧身胸衣——人体的束缚和人性的解放

ment on An Ode to Solomon;红玫瑰花的绽放——《所罗门之歌》中黑人女性的解放

6.Manifesto about Human Nature Release in Paradox-Don Juan;《唐璜》在悖论中对“人性”的全面解放

7.On Mao Zedong s Idea of Emancipating and Developing the People s Personality;论毛泽东解放与发展人民个性的思想

8.The Ideality and Reality of Marx"s Theory of Human Liberalization马克思人类解放理论的理想性与现实性

9.Mass Culture and Human Liberation in the Context of Modernity Criticism;现代性批判语境下的大众文化及人的解放

10.The Emancipation of Individuality to Promote Human Progress: the Theme of Shu Wu s Satirical Essays;以个性解放促人民进步——舒芜现代杂文论

11.Trial Exploration on Liberty of Mind Space of the Writers in New Times and the Sense of Human Nature;浅析新时期作家心灵空间的解放及人性意义

12.Self-Identity Construction and Self-liberation of Black Women in Toni Morrison"s Beloved论《宠儿》中黑人女性的主体构建与自我解放

13.Sudanese People"s Liberation Movement苏丹人民解放运动(人运)

14.the emancipation of all mankind全人类的解放E-Proclamation[美]【史】奴隶解放宣言

15.The Exploration on Humanity in the Field of "Class"--Further Research on Sun Li s Outlook on Humanity in Liberated Area;“阶级”视域中的人性言说——孙犁解放区时期的人性观

16.Free an oppressed people解放被压迫的人民。

17.Shan State Nationalities People"s Liberation Organization掸邦民族人民解放组织

18.Frolinat-Mouvement Populaire de Liberation du Tchad民阵乍得人民解放运动


liberation of human nature人性的解放

3)demand for liberation of humanity人性解放的要求

4)human liberation人的解放

1.The present age research to female liberation,remains mostly in history and literature,even if the liberation places the female in philosophy,unit female liberation withhuman liberation also seldom,A female liberated therefore,is obliged to being put in the ken that human being liberates falling.即使把女性解放置于哲学层面,也很少有人把女性解放和人的解放问题联系在一起。

2.The theory and practice from Marx involve in thehuman liberation,so his views of natural science contain humanism.马克思的全部理论研究和革命实践都以实现人的解放为目标,他的自然科学观包含着深刻的人学意蕴。

3.The purpose of Marx’s all-thought ishuman liberation.人的解放是马克思毕生为之奋斗的崇高理想。

5)human emancipation人类解放

1.The course ofhuman emancipation and the evolution of social forms;人类解放的进程与社会形态的嬗变(英文)

2.It is generally agreed among Marxist scholars that elimination of class,state,oppression and exploitation embodies thehuman emancipation theory of Marxism,but the underlying factors that prompted the theory remain unexplored.马克思思想的研究者们一般认为马克思提出的人类解放就是消灭阶级、消灭国家、消灭压迫和剥削,然而,并没有指明其后的更深刻的原因。

3.In his work On The Jewish Issue,Marx divided the course of emancipation into two historical phases——political emancipation andhuman emancipation,and expatiated the connotation of political emancipation systemically.在《论犹太人问题》一文中,马克思把人的“解放”过程区分为“政治解放”和“人类解放”两个前后相继的阶段,并比较系统地阐述了政治解放的内涵。

6)liberation of man人的解放

1.Only through the institutional transformation and conversion of scien-tech ethical values,as he emphasizes,can theliberation of man and nature be realized.莱斯强调只有实现制度的变革和科学技术伦理价值观的转换,才能实现自然和人的解放。


性解放性解放sex liberation性社会学名。亦称性解放运动。是资产阶级一种要求性行为有绝对自由的理论。性解放运动起源于欧美,由19世纪末、20世纪初开始及六七十年代形成高峰。针对欧美传统的以神道压人道的做法,以及社会上普遍存在的对性问题的禁锢,性解放运动不失为争取人类的权利,特别是青年人自由的良方。从这个意义上讲,性解放运动具有一定的反宗教、反传统陋习的积极意义。但是,在性解放的实际发展中,由于资产阶级的极端利己主义和自由化,性解放运动渐渐失去了它的积极作用,成为一些人纵欲、淫乱、不负责任、追求利己原则的护身符和代名词。这从20世纪60年代出现的美国的“嬉皮 士”运动中即可窥豹一斑。这就萌生了一系列的社会弊病:吸毒、无父母儿童的出现、卖淫、同性恋及性犯罪等等。正因为这些原因,性解放成为人们憎恶的名词,也使它本身走上衰败的道路。
