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人类解放 human emancipation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-07 09:18:35


人类解放 human emancipation英语短句 例句大全

人类解放,human emancipation

1)human emancipation人类解放

1.The course ofhuman emancipation and the evolution of social forms;人类解放的进程与社会形态的嬗变(英文)

2.It is generally agreed among Marxist scholars that elimination of class,state,oppression and exploitation embodies thehuman emancipation theory of Marxism,but the underlying factors that prompted the theory remain unexplored.马克思思想的研究者们一般认为马克思提出的人类解放就是消灭阶级、消灭国家、消灭压迫和剥削,然而,并没有指明其后的更深刻的原因。

3.In his work On The Jewish Issue,Marx divided the course of emancipation into two historical phases——political emancipation andhuman emancipation,and expatiated the connotation of political emancipation systemically.在《论犹太人问题》一文中,马克思把人的“解放”过程区分为“政治解放”和“人类解放”两个前后相继的阶段,并比较系统地阐述了政治解放的内涵。


1.From Political Emancipation to the Emancipation of Mankind--A Preliminary Discussion ofMarx s Political Thought;从政治解放到人类解放——马克思政治思想初论

2.A new era of human liberation is beginning.一个人类解放的新时代正在开始。

3.Three Representatives": the Value Parameter of Human Emancipation and Developing;“三个代表”:人类解放和发展的价值坐标

4.Reconsideration of The Liberation of Human Being--Reread of Proclamation of Communist Party“人类解放”思想再思考——重读《共产党宣言》

5.From the Political Liberation to the Liberation of Mankind--Exceeding Political Freedom in Early Marxist Philosophy;从政治解放到人类解放——早期马克思对政治自由的超越

6.Political Emancipation Aimed At Human Emancipation--On Development of Contemporary Political Civilization in China(III)旨在人类解放的政治解放——三论当代中国政治文明建设

7.Angel Clare, the prophet of emancipation, no longer exists.宣扬人类解放的安吉尔·克莱不复存在了。

8.The Value Targets of Western Individualism and Marx s Human Liberation;西方个体主义的价值目标与马克思的人类解放

9.The course of human emancipation and the evolution of social forms;人类解放的进程与社会形态的嬗变(英文)

10.Labor,Technology and the Liberation of Humankind --A Research about Engels Thought on Philosophy of Technology;劳动、技术与人类解放——恩格斯技术哲学思想探析

11.The Radical Multivariate Democracy of Laclau and Mouffe and Liberation of Mankind拉克劳、墨菲的激进多元民主与人类解放

12.The Ideality and Reality of Marx"s Theory of Human Liberalization马克思人类解放理论的理想性与现实性

13.Dialectics about the Civil Society:from the Political Emancipation to Human Emancipation;市民社会的辩证法:从政治解放到人类解放——马克思市民社会理论的政治意义

14.He dedicated his life to the emancipation of all mankind.他献身于全人类的解放。

15.the emancipation of all mankind全人类的解放E-Proclamation[美]【史】奴隶解放宣言

16.They dedicated their lives to the emancipation of all mankind他们献身于全人类的解放。

17.They worked all their lives for the emancipation of mankind.他们为人类的解放事业奋斗了一辈子。

18.A Research on the Relations Between Ideological Emancipation and Development of Human Society;思想解放与人类社会发展的关系研究


human liberation人类解放

1.The Paper gives a comparative analysis to Western individualism and Marx s theory ofhuman liberation from their formation background and process, theoretic connotation.在探讨近现代西方个体主义和马克思人类解放两种价值观形成的背景、过程及其含义基础上,分析了两者之间的关系以及它们在西方和中国的不同历史命运,并对如何确立新的个体与社会的关系作了一些思考。

2.Though the two values, "individualism" coming from enlightenment movementin the Later Middle Ages and Marx s "human liberation" both emerged in the WesternWorld, they have different destinies.西方近代启蒙的“个体主义”和马克思的“人类解放”两种价值观同样产生于西方,但在中国和西方却有着不同的命运,尤其是在当代中国不断发生着碰撞和冲击。

3.Marxist philosophy is the doctrine abouthuman liberation as well as free and all-round development of humans.马克思主义哲学是关于人类解放与一切人自由而全面发展的学说,人文关怀是马克思主义哲学不同于以往一切哲学的最基本特征和价值取向,它是与传统的本体论根本对立的全新哲学思维方式。

3)mankind liberation人类解放

1.Karl Marx′s idea ofmankind liberation can guide our construction of harmonious society both in theory and practice.马克思市民社会理论是对黑格尔市民社会理论的批判与超越,其价值指向是人类解放。

4)human emancipation theory人类解放论

5)mankind emancipation人类的解放

1.Based on this,by analysing the contradictory between the productive forces and the productive relations in the capitalist society,Marx emphasize thatmankind emancipation can realize only by eliminating the wage labor.在此基础上,马克思通过对资本主义社会生产力与生产关系矛盾的分析,强调只有消灭雇佣劳动,才能彻底实现人类的解放。

6)human freedom and liberation人类自由与解放


