1500字范文 > 人性展现 revelation of humanity英语短句 例句大全

人性展现 revelation of humanity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 11:34:42


人性展现 revelation of humanity英语短句 例句大全

人性展现,revelation of humanity

1)revelation of humanity人性展现

1.This article comments on Li Pei_fu s novel creation from four aspects:his literary world,hisrevelation of humanity,his cultural criticism and his artistic personality.本文从文学世界、人性展现、文化批判和艺术个性四个角度评论李佩甫的小说创作 ,其文学世界是由乡村世界和都市世界两部分构成的 ,作者着重表现乡村世界 ;其人性展现则围绕人性异化者、人性觉醒者和沉于旧梦者的人性内蕴 ,唱出了复杂的咏叹调 ;其文化批判则针对中原文化中的保守专制、神秘性及其孕育出的官场哲学 ;其艺术个性主要表现在人物设置的对应性、叙事的回忆视角、文本的结构类型、创作过程的“滚雪球”现象。

2)modernity show现代性展现

3)modem development现代性发展

1.The research on human spirit connotation andmodem development should summarize human spirit connotation in a certain region first,and then find out all kinds of disadvantages which prevent themodem development of this region based on the current situation in this region.研究区域人文精神的内涵及现代性发展,首先是总结一个地区既有人文精神的主要内涵,然后以当下该地区现实问题为出发点,发现既有人文精神阻碍该地区现代性发展的各种弊端,以期在建造新现实中,产生真正新的地城人文精神。


1.The Anti-modernist Trend of Thought: History, Theory and Challenge;反现代性发展思潮:历史·理论·挑战

2.“Public Intellectual” and Morden Development of Confucianism;“公共知识分子”与儒学的现代性发展

3.On The Constestation of Management Model among Modernity, Hyper-modernity and Post-modernity;管理学发展模式的现代性、超现代性与后现代性的论争

4.Integration and Development of Urban Tradition and Modernization;论城市传统性与现代性的整合和发展

5.The Post-Modernity of the Evolution of Modern Linguistic Models;现代语言学理论模式发展的后现代性略析

6.The Double-destiny of Modernity--Theoretic Reflection of Modern Social Development;现代性的两种命运——对现代社会发展的理论反思

7.III. The Historical Inevitability of Tibet"s Modernization三、 西藏现代化发展的历史必然性

8.Discussion on Developmental Teacher Assessment in Modern Classroom Teaching;现代课堂教学中发展性教师评价初探

9.The Modernity Problem in the Process of China Stage Play Development during the 20th Century;20世纪中国话剧发展中的现代性问题

10.Modernity·Utopia·the Developing Course of China s Socialism;现代性·乌托邦·中国社会主义发展历程

11.Financial Transformation of Chinese Modern Monetary Policy Development;中国现代货币政策发展的财政性蜕变

12.Constructive post-modernism development of PE in colleges and universities of China;我国高校体育建设性后现代发展研究

13.An interpretation of modernity and its evolution;对“现代性”的内涵和发展轨迹的考察

14.Character and Development of Modern Good Circulation In China;从现代物流的特性看其在我国的发展

15.An Analysis of Information Technology Development and Open Modern Education;信息技术的发展与现代教育的开放性

16.We Should Develop People s Initiative in Modern Education for Ideology and Morality;现代思想道德教育要发展人的主体性

17.On the Development of Modern Enterprises Restricted by Corporate Identity Sign;论CI标志对现代企业发展的制约性

18.Discussion on the connotations of instrumental rationality of the development of modern competitive sports论现代竞技体育发展的工具理性内涵


modernity show现代性展现

3)modem development现代性发展

1.The research on human spirit connotation andmodem development should summarize human spirit connotation in a certain region first,and then find out all kinds of disadvantages which prevent themodem development of this region based on the current situation in this region.研究区域人文精神的内涵及现代性发展,首先是总结一个地区既有人文精神的主要内涵,然后以当下该地区现实问题为出发点,发现既有人文精神阻碍该地区现代性发展的各种弊端,以期在建造新现实中,产生真正新的地城人文精神。

4)Literariness development文学性展现

5)human nature development人性发展

1.The management of "human nature development" is the best state of human resource management;“人性发展化”管理是人力资源管理的最佳境界

2.The Monetary Expansion and Human Nature Development under the Philosophical Perspective;哲学视界的货币扩张与人性发展

6)modern humanity现代人性


