1500字范文 > 魏晋觉醒 personality awakening of Wei-jin Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

魏晋觉醒 personality awakening of Wei-jin Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-14 13:36:06


魏晋觉醒 personality awakening of Wei-jin Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

魏晋觉醒,personality awakening of Wei-jin Dynasties

1)personality awakening of Wei-jin Dynasties魏晋觉醒

2)the self-consciousness of Wei-Jin Dynasties literature魏晋文学自觉论

1.The long prevailing statement of "the self-consciousness of Wei-Jin Dynasties literature" is theoretically based on such notions as "pure literature," "the awakening of humans," and "aestheticism," which are all the products from the western modernity.文学史上流行已久的"魏晋文学自觉论",其理论支撑不外乎"纯文学"、"人的觉醒"以及"审美"等概念,而这些概念无一例外都是西方现代性的产物。

3)Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋

1.Anxiety about Personality Choice of Scholars inWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋士人人格选择的焦虑

2.Review on the Development of the Poetry with Five Characters duringWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋五言诗发展状况述评

3.The Semantic Field of Yumao in theWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋“羽毛”语义场探微


1.The Wei-Jin Complex in Lu Xun’s Novels: from Wei-Jin Reference to Wei-Jin Experience;鲁迅小说的“魏晋情结”:从“魏晋参照”到“魏晋感受”

2.Xiao(Whistling Songs)of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Six Dynasties--On xiao and the Bearing of the Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋六朝的啸——兼论啸与魏晋风度

3.mural paintings on tomb of Wei and Jin Dynasties in Jiayu Pass嘉峪关魏晋墓室壁画

4.Taoist philosophy of the Wei, Jin, and North and South dynasties魏晋南北朝道教哲学

5.The Ethos & Mindsets of the Wei & Jin Esquires Reflected in the Emotions and Styles of Wei & Jin Verses;魏晋士风、士人心态与魏晋诗歌的情感、风格

6.Study These Comical Behaviors of the Elites inWei-Jin Times in Comical Aesthetics;魏晋滑稽 盛相驱扇——从滑稽美学看魏晋风度

7.The substitution of Wei royalty for Han royalty and Jin royalty for Wei royalty were importing and profound political affairs.曹魏代汉和晋代魏都是魏晋南北朝时期重大的政治事件,影响深远。

8.The Women s Status in Criminal Law of the Wei Jin and South Dynasities --And the Mitigation of Criminal Law During This Period;魏晋南朝刑律中的妇女地位——兼谈魏晋南朝刑律的轻省化

9.Body "Discovery" and Body "Rebellion" of Gentry Group in Wei-Jin Period--Analysis of the Wei-Jin Manners from the Perspective of Body魏晋士人的身体“发现”与身体“反叛”——“魏晋风度”的身体视角解读

10.Formation of Calligraphy Style--Advocating of Pleasing Charm in Jin Dynasty from the Perspective of Metaphysics Thoughts of Wei and Jin Scholars;从魏晋士人玄学思潮看“晋代尚韵”书风的形成

11.The Umbrella and Fans Carried by a Guard of Honor in Picture Material From Wei to Southern and Northern Dynasties魏晋南北朝图像资料中的伞扇仪仗

12.Women"s Family Status In Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasty魏晋南北朝妇女在家庭中的地位探析

13.Research on the Form of "Prestigious-Favorable" Feudal Official from Last Phase of Han to Jin Dynasty汉末魏晋时期“威惠”型官吏形态研究

14.When he was asked to tell which dynasty it was, he did know nothing about the Han Dynasty [206BC-AD220] and still the less he knew about the Wei Dynasty [386-556] or the Jin Dynasty.问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。

15.Succession and Transmutation of Buddism Painting in Wei, Jin, North and South Dynasty论魏晋南北朝佛教绘画的传承与嬗变

16.The Intelligentsia of Wei and Jin Dynasties,Metaphysics and the Raise of"Liufalun论魏晋士族、玄学与“六法论”的提出

17.14~ Buddhism and historiography of Wei, Jin,North-South Dynasties.14、佛教与魏晋南北朝时期的史学。

18.Style and Symbol--A Study on the Lotus Image in WeiJin and NanBei Dynasties;风格与象征——魏晋南北朝莲花图像研究


the self-consciousness of Wei-Jin Dynasties literature魏晋文学自觉论

1.The long prevailing statement of "the self-consciousness of Wei-Jin Dynasties literature" is theoretically based on such notions as "pure literature," "the awakening of humans," and "aestheticism," which are all the products from the western modernity.文学史上流行已久的"魏晋文学自觉论",其理论支撑不外乎"纯文学"、"人的觉醒"以及"审美"等概念,而这些概念无一例外都是西方现代性的产物。

3)Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋

1.Anxiety about Personality Choice of Scholars inWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋士人人格选择的焦虑

2.Review on the Development of the Poetry with Five Characters duringWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋五言诗发展状况述评

3.The Semantic Field of Yumao in theWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋“羽毛”语义场探微


1.The Relationship between Zhang Taiyan s Academic Thoughts onWeijin and His National Consciousness;“假复古之事业,寄革命之精神”——论章太炎的魏晋学术思想与其民族主义观念之渊源

2.A Discussion on Wang Bi s Metaphysics andWeijin Aesthetic Fashion of Landscape;论王弼的玄学思想对魏晋山水审美风尚的影响

5)Wei Jin魏晋

1.The South ofWei Jin towards to the Political Exploiture of Guangdong;魏晋南朝对广东的政治开发

2.Seclusion Culture ofWei Jin and Ji Kang s Death;魏晋隐逸文化与嵇康之死

6)the Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋

1.The Patterns of People inthe Wei and Jin Dynasties in Realizing Self-rescue of Life;魏晋士人实现生命自救的形态方式

2.The Relationship Between Stepmothers and Stepsons inthe Wei and Jin Dynasties;论魏晋时期的继母子关系


