1500字范文 > 魏晋清谈 The Wei-Jin pure conversation英语短句 例句大全

魏晋清谈 The Wei-Jin pure conversation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-21 06:24:47


魏晋清谈 The Wei-Jin pure conversation英语短句 例句大全

魏晋清谈,The Wei-Jin pure conversation

1)The Wei-Jin pure conversation魏晋清谈

1.The Wei-Jin pure conversation is the most notable cultural phenomena during the medieval period in China.魏晋清谈是中国历史上最值得注意的一种文化现象,历来研究不绝。


1.A Study on "qing(清)" of "qingtan(清谈)" from the Rhetorical Point of View in shi shuo xin yu(世说新语)从修辞角度析《世说新语》中“魏晋清谈”之“清”

2.Idle Talks of WeiJin: Language Games;魏晋清谈:语言游戏——以伽达默尔的游戏概念为视角对魏晋清谈的分析

3.A Brief Review On The Wei-Jin Pure Conversation Study;从“清谈误国”到文化研究——魏晋清谈研究的历史回顾

4.Origin of Ideas and Arts in the Articles of the Wei and Jin Dynasties;玄学清谈与山水清音——魏晋文章之思想与艺术探源

5.From “Practical Talk”to “Theoretical Talk”--The Change of Famous Scholars Value Ideas During Late Han and Wei,Jin Dynasties;从“谈论”到“清谈”——论汉末至魏晋时期“名士”价值取向的变化

6.The Women s Status in Criminal Law of the Wei Jin and South Dynasities --And the Mitigation of Criminal Law During This Period;魏晋南朝刑律中的妇女地位——兼谈魏晋南朝刑律的轻省化

7.On the Development of Sword Technique in the Period of Wei-jin,South and North Dynasty;浅谈魏晋南北朝时期的剑术及其发展

8.The Defect in the View on Rhapsody of Liu Xie --From the Rhapsody Masters of the Wei & Jin Dynasties;刘勰赋学观的缺失——从魏晋赋首谈起

9.A Preliminary Study of Zhang Taiyan s " Weijin Style": its Source and Influence;“清远本之吴魏,风骨兼存周汉”——章太炎“魏晋文章”之源流及影响初探

10.On Literary Form "Qing" in Wei-Jing and South-North Dynasties--and on Tao Yuan-min s Moral Character;论魏晋南北朝的文论之“清”——兼及陶渊明的品第

11.The Manner of Wei-jin and Heroic Spirit in the Poetry and Proses from Late Qing to May 4th Period;晚清至五四时期诗文中的“魏晋风度”及侠士风

12.Time of Self-Awareness of Humanity--Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasties and Its Influence on Chinese Education;人性的自觉时代——魏晋玄学与语文教育浅谈

13.Patriotism in Wei-Jin South and North Period’s Proses;浅谈爱国思想在魏晋南北朝散文中的体现

14.On the Elegy in Dynasties of Wei,Jin a nd Late Han and Its Variety--Also as a Probe into the Birth of Elegy;汉末魏晋挽歌及其流变论——兼谈挽歌的产生

15.The Wei-Jin Complex in Lu Xun’s Novels: from Wei-Jin Reference to Wei-Jin Experience;鲁迅小说的“魏晋情结”:从“魏晋参照”到“魏晋感受”

16.Xiao(Whistling Songs)of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Six Dynasties--On xiao and the Bearing of the Wei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋六朝的啸——兼论啸与魏晋风度

17.From the Wei and Jin to the Qing dynasties, jade objects took on a more secular aspect in their shape and design经过魏晋隋唐至元明清,玉器的题材和造型都更加世俗化。

18.Three Religions” is a aggregate title of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.三教概念的发展,可分几个阶段,即魏晋南北朝、宋、明清。


On Calligraphy in Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋书法摭谈

3)Miscellaneous Stories in Wei and Jin Dynasties略谈魏晋的杂传

4)Wei and Jin Dynasties魏晋

1.Anxiety about Personality Choice of Scholars inWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋士人人格选择的焦虑

2.Review on the Development of the Poetry with Five Characters duringWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋五言诗发展状况述评

3.The Semantic Field of Yumao in theWei and Jin Dynasties;魏晋“羽毛”语义场探微


1.The Relationship between Zhang Taiyan s Academic Thoughts onWeijin and His National Consciousness;“假复古之事业,寄革命之精神”——论章太炎的魏晋学术思想与其民族主义观念之渊源

2.A Discussion on Wang Bi s Metaphysics andWeijin Aesthetic Fashion of Landscape;论王弼的玄学思想对魏晋山水审美风尚的影响

6)Wei Jin魏晋

1.The South ofWei Jin towards to the Political Exploiture of Guangdong;魏晋南朝对广东的政治开发

2.Seclusion Culture ofWei Jin and Ji Kang s Death;魏晋隐逸文化与嵇康之死


