1500字范文 > 减肥人群 people on diet英语短句 例句大全

减肥人群 people on diet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-22 12:00:27


减肥人群 people on diet英语短句 例句大全

减肥人群,people on diet

1)people on diet减肥人群

1.The factors influencing the changing process of exercise behavior ofpeople on diet were investigated,and the Scale of Changing Process of Exercise Behavior for People on Diet(PCS-DP) was developed based on the principle of psychometrics and the Theory of Stage of Change in exercise psychology.目的:探讨减肥人群锻炼行为变化过程的影响因素,在此基础上编制减肥人群锻炼行为变化过程量表。


1.Development of the Scale of Changing Process of Exercise Behavior for People on Diet减肥人群锻炼行为变化过程量表的编制

2.Study on the Effect of Yoga Exercise for Weight Loss to the Overweight and Obese People瑜伽对于超重及肥胖人群减肥效果的研究

3.Enhanced Weight Loss From a Dietary Supplement Containing Standardized Phaseolus Vulgaris Extract in Overweight Men And Women含白芸豆提取物的膳食补充剂对超重人群减肥效果的评估

4.The judging of adult obesity and the study of exercise prescription of reducing weight;成人肥胖标准的判定与减肥运动处方的研究

5.Study on the Healthy Ways to Help Simple Obese Adults Reducing Weight成年人单纯性肥胖者健康减肥方式的设计

6."If you lose muscle it looks like you are losing more weight," Ms Sharkie said.“肌肉群减少,让烟民误以为达到了“减肥”的效果”,沙尔基说。

7.but resisted the temptation to go in and buy one to eat.这人说:“我正在设法减肥,想减轻我的体重十磅。

8.Well, either you lose weight or I"m out of here.呃,你要是不减肥,我就走人。

9.I rang the Weight Watchers people.我给减肥机构的人打了电话。

10.Whenever women get together, sooner or later, the question of slimming arises.女人聚在一起,迟早会谈到减肥的问题。

11.WEIGHT LOSS: Walking is a great way to lose body fat, though most people find they have to do it for at least an hour a day in order to lose weight.减肥走路是减掉脂肪的好办法,不过大多数人要想减肥每天至少要走一小时。

12.At any given moment fully 30% of all women are on a weight-loss diet and another 30% are clinically obese.无论何时,30%的女人都在节食减肥,另外还有30%的女人属于过度肥胖。

13.Study on Self-Concept and Mental Health and Relationship of Shanghai Senior High School Female Dieters;上海市高中女生减肥群体的自我概念与心理健康的关系

14.While someone may suggest that you eat less and less to reduce your weight, I would assure you that gourmet dining will not increase your weight.有人劝您减肥必须少吃再少吃,我让您美食品尝不增肥。

15.At least one billion people around the world are considered overweight or obese. So, trimming the fat has become a global problem.至少全球有一亿人是超重或者肥胖。因此,减肥已经成为全球问题。

16.Study on the Healthy Ways to Help Simple Obese Adults Reducing Weight in Closed Environment;全封闭环境下成年人单纯性肥胖者健康减肥方式的探讨

17.Various kinds of drug, tea and food with the effect of reducing weight are enjoying high favour among the people now.各类减肥药、减肥茶、减肥食品,眼下正备受青睐。

18.Ginseng slimming tea, a healthy way to get in shape with it, Ginseng can balance the chi energy through the body and mind.人参减肥茶选用天然植物和鲜花精制而成,对人体无不良副作用,是健康减肥的理想产品。


obesity group肥胖人群

3)non-obese population非肥胖人群

4)Senior High School Female Dieters高中女生减肥群体

1.Study on Self-Concept and Mental Health and Relationship of ShanghaiSenior High School Female Dieters;上海市高中女生减肥群体的自我概念与心理健康的关系

5)Weight loss减肥

1.The study of effect of weight loss of rhubarb;大黄减肥作用的实验研究

2.Evaluation of several ways for weight loss;几种不同减肥方法及其效果评价

3.This review provides an update of recent studies of dietary fiber and weight and includes a discussion of potential mechanisms of how dietary fiber can aid weight loss and weight maintenance.综述了最新的关于膳食纤维在减肥方面的研究,包括膳食纤维如何能帮助体重下降以及保持体重的潜在机制。

6)Lose weight减肥

1.The concept and standards, the causes and harm of obesity, the intention and ways to lose weight were analyzed comprehensively.对肥胖的概念、标准、肥胖的原因与危害及减肥的观念与途径进行了综合分析,提出只有当体重超过标准体重的20%或体重指数大于27时肥胖者才需要减肥,坚持进行有氧锻炼结合饮食调控是最积极有效的减肥途径。

2.Among the met-hods of lose weight,exercise assisting with controlling diet has the best effect.肥胖已成为现代医学关注的焦点,肥胖的致因、危害及减肥方法目前尚无定论。


高危险人群在人群总体中对特定环境污染物的毒性比较敏感,即接触污染物后发生毒性反应的相对危险性明显高于正常对照人群的那一部分人群。同正常对照人群比较,在接触同样水平的环境污染物后,高危险人群表现为毒性反应增强或潜伏期缩短。高危险人群类别因环境污染物的不同而异。例如,儿童对二氧化硫、飘尘等大气污染物比较敏感,呼吸道容易受到损伤;缺钙者对铅污染敏感;维生素 A缺乏者对呼吸道致癌物敏感;遗传性葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏者对多种溶血性化学污染物敏感;着色性干皮病患者由于皮肤上皮细胞DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)修复功能缺损,易患紫外线诱发的皮肤癌;冠心病患者对一氧化碳的毒性比较敏感等。影响人体对环境污染物反应敏感性的因素主要有发育、营养、遗传、行为习惯和疾病等。当个体接触环境污染物时,这些因素在体内引起吸收、 分布、 代谢、排泄等毒物动力学的差别,使有关器官中毒物的浓度增高;或者影响有关器官对毒物的反应性和机体的适应代偿能力,使这部分人群对环境污染物的敏感性增强。高危险人群是环境医学的重点保护对象。在制订环境卫生标准时,必须认真考虑高危险人群的安全。确定不同环境污染物的高危险人群及其占人群总体的比例是环境医学的一项任务。参考书目E.J. Calabrese, PollutantsandHighRisk Groups,Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1978.
