1500字范文 > 人的未特定化 unspecialization of human英语短句 例句大全

人的未特定化 unspecialization of human英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-22 12:25:12


人的未特定化 unspecialization of human英语短句 例句大全

人的未特定化,unspecialization of human

1)unspecialization of human人的未特定化

1.The specialization of animal and theunspecialization of human make the differences in the evolution of the two.动物的特定化及人的未特定化决定两者进化的异质性。


1.A Medical Demonstration of humans Specialization--Commenting Landmann s Unspecialization;人的特定化的医学论证——兼评兰德曼的人的未特定化

2.Project "%1" could not be opened because a language-specific compiler could not be instantiated.未能打开“%1”,因为某个特定语言的编译器未能实例化。

3.On the Special Regulations in China s Criminal Laws on Delinquency;论我国刑事法律对未成年人犯罪的特别规定

4.a wild and uninhabited area.无人定居的未开垦地区。

5.Our future plans are unsettled; everything is in a state of flux.我们未来的计划未定,一切都变化莫测。

6.Immature Dendritic Cells Generated from Human PBMC Are Maturation Resistant;人外周血未成熟树突状细胞体外扩增、鉴定及抗成熟特性的研究

7.Not cut or ground to a specific shape.Used of a gemstone.未琢磨的:未切成或磨成特定形状的,用于宝石

8.Strengthen comprehensive management of public security,the prevention and reduction of juvenile delinquency;未成年人侵害未成年人犯罪的特点、成因和对策

9.Interpretation of Personification Features of Modern Portless Rural Citizens --Yangzhou in Process of Modernization Cited as an Example;近代未开埠城市市民人格特征解读——以现代化过程中的扬州为个案

10.Getting into Form-Patterns of Figure Painting in The Three Kingdoms;论《三国演义》人物形象的定型化特征

11.On How to Delimitate the Subjects of Convertible Robbery--focus on the minors;转化型抢劫罪主体范围的界定——以未成年人主体为考察点

12.Penalties of transformed robbery conviction should not be applicable to the minors under the age of 16;不满十六周岁的未成年人不宜适用转化型抢劫定罪处罚

13.A specified authentication package is unknown.特定的身份验证程序包未知。

pleted or Not? Criteria for Schubert"s"Unfinished"Piano Sonatas舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲“未完成”的界定标准

15.(be/hang)in the balance;(of a decision,result,sb"s future,etc)(be)uncertain or undecided(指决定、结果、某人的未来等)不能确定的,尚未决定的

16.especi- ally if it had never been attained before.特别是前人未曾到过的顶峰。

17.The Psychological Characteristic and Rescue about the Wandering Juveniles;流浪未成年人的心理特征与心理救助

18.Characteristics of the Contemporary Juvenile Values Evolvement;当代未成年人价值观演变的基本特征


wild man未开化的人

3)the people"s socialized future人的社会化未来

4)rude savages未开化的野人

5)a person specially designated for a post特定的人选



