1500字范文 > We always want what we cannot have. When were young we want to stay out late have roman

We always want what we cannot have. When were young we want to stay out late have roman

时间:2019-02-14 03:23:10


We always want what we cannot have. When were young  we want to stay out late  have roman


We always want what we cannot have. When we e young, we want to stay out late, have romantic relationships, and be . However, when we e , we want to go back to being young and we the days when we didn have to worry about complex love affairs, pressure, and money problems.

Young people believe adulthood freedom from parents and schoolwork. When they get older, they feel that is freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities. To this feeling, people say, “The grass is always on the other side of the fence.”

As , we like to be like adults but as young adults, we to be young again. We think about staying out late and our own money to spend. Suddenly, they see that love can result in hearts; staying out late makes it hard to get ready for the next morning. They find out that adult life is not as as they thought it would be and suddenly, becomes very scary.

Life is . It gives us time to but also requires us to work. The time will come when we must grow up and we will always look back wishing we being young a bit longer. That time will not come back. It is normal to want what we cannot have but the is that to be happy is to appreciate what we have. That is the first step to grow up. life becomes more complex, we will not regret the time we wasted wishing we were adults.

【小题1】A.comfortableB.dependentC.independentD.polite【小题2】A.olderB.defeatedC.marriedD.confident【小题3】A.likeB.forgetC.regretD.miss【小题4】A.studyB.jobC.ageD.health【小题5】A.createsB.showsC.meansD.limits【小题6】A.childhoodB.adulthoodC.parenthoodD.neighborhood【小题7】A.reduceB.describeC.experienceD.understand【小题8】A.greenerB.thinnerC.yellowD.colorful【小题9】A.researchersB.teenagersC.adults D.elders【小题10】A.wishB.decideC.returnD.stop【小题11】A.makingB.havingC.worrying aboutD.showing off【小题12】A.healthyB.ambitiousC.brokenD.excited【小题13】A.breakfastB.schoolC.exerciseD.work【小题14】A.richB.busyC.poorD.easy【小题15】A.lifeB.loveC.careerD.future【小题16】A.longB.shortC.fairD.beautiful【小题17】A.studyB.thinkC.playD.live【小题18】A.stoppedB.enjoyedC.imaginedD.tried【小题19】A.reasonB.resultC.dreamD.truth【小题20】A.IfB.WhenC.UnlessD.BeforeC






【小题2】答案:A考查形容词辨析。older“年长的”;defeated“挨打的;被打败的”;married“已婚的;婚姻的”;confident“自信的;确信的”。由“However”以及后文“...back to being young”可知此处指“当我们真正长大,又希望重温童年”。故A项正确。













【小题15】答案:A考查名词在语境中的运用。联系上文知,突然间,生活 (life)变得非常可怕。故A项正确。







1.complex adj.复杂的

The link between money and happiness is complex.金钱与幸福之间关系复杂。

2.appreciate v.欣赏,感激,珍惜

I really appreciate your handwriting.我真的欣赏你的书法。


is normal but

句意:想要拥有我们得不到的是人之常情,但事实是,只有珍惜现在所拥有的才能得到真正的快乐。其中to be happy是不定式,充当表语从句中的主语;to appreciate what we have也是不定式,充当表语从句中的表语。
