1500字范文 > We always want what we cannot have. When we’re young we want to stay out late have roman

We always want what we cannot have. When we’re young we want to stay out late have roman

时间:2020-07-10 01:44:59


We always want what we cannot have. When we’re young  we want to stay out late  have roman


We always want what we cannot have. When we’re young, we want to stay out late, have romantic relationships and be 1.However, when we e 2, we want to go back to being young and we 3the days when we didn’t have to worry about complex love affairs, 4pressure and money problems.

Young people believe adulthood 5 freedom from parents and schoolwork.When they get older, they feel that 6is freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities. To 7 this feeling, people say, The grass is always8on the other side of the fence.

As 9, we like to be like adults but as young adults, we 10 to be young again. We think about staying out late and 11our own money to spend.Suddenly, we see that love can result in 12hearts; staying out late makes it hard to get ready for 13the next morning. We find out that adult life is not as 14 as we thought it would be and suddenly, 15becomes very scary.

Life is 16.It gives us time to 17 but also requires us to work. The time will come when we must grow up and we will always look back wishing we 18being young a bit longer. That time will not come back. It is normal to want what we cannot have but the 19is that to be happy is to appreciate what we have.That is the first step to grow up. 20life becomes more complex, we will not regret the time we wasted wishing we were adults.

【小题1】A.comfortableB.dependentC.politeD.independent【小题2】A.defeatedB.olderC.marriedD.confident【小题3】A.likeB.forgetC.missD.regret【小题4】A.jobB.studyC.ageD.health【小题5】A.createsB.showsC.limitsD.means【小题6】A.adulthoodB.childhoodC.parenthoodD.neighborhood【小题7】A.reduceB.experienceC.describeD.understand【小题8】A.thinnerB.greenerC.yellowD.colorful【小题9】A.researchersB.adultsC.teenagersD.elders【小题10】A.decideB.wishC.returnD.stop【小题11】A.makingB.worrying aboutC.havingD.showing off【小题12】A.healthyB.ambitiousC.excitedD.broken【小题13】A.breakfastB.schoolC.workD.exercise【小题14】A.richB.busyC.poorD.easy【小题15】A.loveB.lifeC.careerD.future【小题16】A.longB.fairC.shortD.beautiful【小题17】A.studyB.thinkC.liveD.play【小题18】A.stoppedB.imaginedC.enjoyedD.tried【小题19】A.reasonB.resultC.truthD.dream【小题20】A.WhenB.IfC.UnlessD.BeforeD




【小题1】A.comfortable 舒服的B.dependent依靠的 C.polite礼貌的D.independent独立的;根据句意:我们年轻的时候,想在外面待到很晚,想谈恋爱,想独立。故选D

【小题2】A.defeated被击败 B.older 更老的 C.married结婚 D.confident自信的;根据句意:当我们年龄大一些的时候,我们想回到年轻。故选B



【小题5】A.creates创立 B.shows表露 C.limits限制 D.means意味着;根据句意:年轻人认为成年人意味着不被家长和家庭作业约束。故选D


【小题7】A.reduce减少B.experience经历 C.describe描述 D.understand理解;根据文后文可知,这里是描述他们的感受。故选C


【小题9】A.researchers研究人员 B.adults成年人 C.teenagers青少年 D.elders老年人;根据句意:青少年总是想成为成年人。故选C



【小题12】A.healthy健康的 B.ambitious有野心的 C.excited兴奋的D.broken破碎的;根据前文,突然我们会感到爱情能导致我们心碎,故选D


【小题14】A.rich富裕的B.busy忙碌的 C.poor贫困的 D.easy容易的,我们发现成年人的生活与我们曾经所想的不是一样容易的,故选D




【小题18】A.stopped 停止B.imagined 想象 C.enjoyed欣赏、享受D.tried尝试;我们总是回首希望我们能更长时间的来享受童年。故选C

【小题19】A.reason原因 B.result结果 C.truth真相D.dream梦想;但是生活的真理是感激现在我们所有的,故选C

