1500字范文 > 温室气体浓度 greenhouse gas concentration英语短句 例句大全

温室气体浓度 greenhouse gas concentration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-20 03:06:22


温室气体浓度 greenhouse gas concentration英语短句 例句大全

温室气体浓度,greenhouse gas concentration

1)greenhouse gas concentration温室气体浓度


1.On the Cenozoic climate changes and greenhouse gases浅析新生代气候变化与大气温室气体浓度的关系

2.Temporal and Spatial Variations of Greenhouse Gases Concentrations in Soils in Karst Stone Desertification Areas in Central Part of Guizhou Province黔中喀斯特石漠化地区土壤温室气体浓度的时空分布特征

3.Changes in Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation Over China Under the Stabilization Scenario of Greenhouse Gas温室气体稳定浓度情景下中国地区温度和降水变化

4.The Greenhouse Effect Experimrnt Try of Different Concentration Carbon Dioxide不同浓度二氧化碳气体的温室效应实验探究尝试

5.Determination and Analysis of the Temperature in Soil Wall and Solar Greenhouse日光温室土质墙体内温度与室内气温的测定分析

6.Global Temperature Forced by Solar Irradiation and Greenhouse Gases?全球温度受到太阳辐照和温室气体的强迫吗?

7.Effect of wall height on air temperature of greenhouse during night墙体高度对日光温室内夜间气温的影响

8.Decomposition of Low Concentration Gas-phase Toluene from Indoor Air Using Plasma-driven Photocatalyst Reactor;低温等离子体驱动纳米光催化净化室内低浓度甲苯新技术研究

9.Temperature Compensation to Concentration of Polluted Gases in In-situ Measurement with DOAS Method差分吸收光谱技术在线监测污染气体浓度的温度补偿

10.Temperature and nonlinearity compensation for in-situ concentration measurement of polluted gas with DOAS methodDOAS方法在线测量污染气体浓度的温度与非线性补偿

11.Kyoto Protocol and Greenhouse Gas International Emission Trading System《京都议定书》与温室气体国际减排交易制度

12.Programme on Greenhouse Gases致温室效应气体计划

13.non-greenhouse gas不产生温室效应气体

bustible gas concentration monitor可燃气体浓度监测仪

15.Preliminary study of the variety of indoor Formaldehyde density;室内空气中甲醛浓度的变化规律初探

16.Study of Pneumatic Ventilation-window Opener and Temperature Control System for Intelligent Greenhouses;智能温室气动开窗温度调控系统研究

17.Gas Concentration Distribution in an Entrained-Flow Gasifier气流床气化炉内气体浓度的分布规律

18.When the atmospheric concentrations of these gases increase, however, more heat is trapped and the Earth"s temperature rises.但是如果这些气体的大气层浓度不断增加,更多的热量将会被留在地球,造成地球气温上升。


CO_2 concentration of B2 emission scenario温室气体情景排放浓度

3)concentration of background greenhouse gases温室气体本底浓度

4)stabilization of GHG concentration in atmospheric稳定大气中温室气体浓度

5)CO_2 concentration in greenhouse温室CO_2浓度

6)greenhouse gas温室气体

1.Experimental study on the absorbability ofgreenhouse gases by gas-bags made of Aluminum foil composite film;铝箔复合膜气袋对温室气体吸附性的试验研究

2.Diurnal variations of fluxes of thegreenhouse gases from a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest soil in Dinghushan;鼎湖山针阔叶混交林地表温室气体排放的日变化

3.Effects of the development of steam power generation in Hubei Province on the emission ofgreenhouse gases;湖北火电发展对温室气体排放的影响研究


温室效应和温室气体分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:一些微量气体对太阳的短波辐射无阻碍,但对长波辐射有强烈的吸收,若其吸收带落在7~13微米的红外大气窗口内,则吸收的能量将引起大气的增温。温室气体主要有CO2、H2O、CH4、N2O、O3、CFCs等约30余种。当地表因被辐射加热又以红外辐射的形式向空间散发的能量被大气中的温室 气体吸收而使大气增温,产生温室效应。大气中本来就有CO2、H2O等温室气体,但如果温室气体的种类及其含量因人为活动在大气中增加时,温室效应将增加,从而导致地球的平均气温上升,这将造成全球性的危害。
