1500字范文 > 减少温室气体排放 reducing greenhouse gas emissions英语短句 例句大全

减少温室气体排放 reducing greenhouse gas emissions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-19 11:33:36


减少温室气体排放 reducing greenhouse gas emissions英语短句 例句大全

减少温室气体排放,reducing greenhouse gas emissions

1)reducing greenhouse gas emissions减少温室气体排放

1.It elaborates the relevant countermeasures ofreducing greenhouse gas emissions adopted by Germany,such as improving traditional agriculture,enlarging modern agriculture,vigorously producing raw materials regrowth,and promoting renewable energy usage.本文分析和研究了气候变化对德国农业和林业的正反两方面的影响,肯定了德国农业和林业对气候保护、减少温室气体排放的积极作用。


1.Study on reducing GHG emission from shipping in China中国航运业减少温室气体排放的研究(英文)

2.Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction联合国气候变化框架公约减少温室气体排放议定

3.Japan was host of the Kyoto Protocol, the landmark treaty that requires cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.日本为主持京都议定书的国家,该条约为减少温室气体排放的一个里程碑。

4.China is classed as a developing nation and is not bound by the requirements of the treaty to cut its greenhouse gas emissions.中国被归类为发展中国家,因此不受该条约中减少温室气体排放规定的约束。

5.Statement of Intent for Sustainable Development Cooperation and Joint Implementation of Measures to Reduce Emissions of Greenhouse Gases合作促进可持续发展和共同执行措施以减少温室气体排放的意向声明

6.A reduction in emissions of sulphur dioxide,which causes acid rain,has increased the impact of greenhouse gases.引起酸雨的二氧化硫气体排放的减少,增加了温室气体的影响。

7.Talks to cut emissions by five per cent collapsed in The Hague several months ago.数个月前在海牙进行的减少5%的温室气体排放的谈判失败了。

8.Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which are produced by burning fossil fuels.减少排放矿物燃料燃烧产生的诸如二氧化碳等温室气体。

9.Present Situation of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Beijing and the Approach to Its Reduction北京市温室气体排放现状及减排对策研究

10.Are taxes the best means to cut greenhouse emissions?收税是削减温室气体排放的最好办法吗?

11.Study of the Control of GHG Eemission from Ships by Reducing Sailing Speed;船舶减速对其温室气体排放的控制研究

12.The government says speed limiters will help improve safety on the road and cut greenhouse gas emissions in the province.政府官员说这些限速规定将会改善高速公路行使安全和减少该省温室气体排放量。

13.That would not only save billions of dollars in electricity bills, but also significantly reduce energy demand, environmental pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions.不光会节约数百亿的电费,而且会显著减少能量需求,环境污染以及温室效应气体排放。

14.The group said its members want to reduce costs they may face from future rules on greenhouse gas emissions.这个组织表示,它的成员希望能够减少他们将来所面对的温室气体排放所需的费用。

15.Total Amount Estimating of Green House Gas Emission from Chinese Shipping Industry and Reducing Mechanism Research中国船舶温室气体排放总量测算及减排机制研究

16.A bit more is unlikely to move them to curb their emissions.显然,即使再大一点的损失也不可能促使他们削减其温室气体排放。

17.Greater use of nuclear power should also help reduce China"s emissions.更多的核能利用也有助于中国削减温室气体排放。

18.The Research of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Mechanism under the <Kyoto Protocol>;《京都议定书》下温室气体减排机制研究


emitting countermeasure减缓温室气体排放

3)greenhouse gas emission reduction温室气体减排

1.So,paying attention togreenhouse gas emission reductions measures of MSW treatment is very important.针对填埋、堆肥、焚烧这3种常见的垃圾处理方式,提出了收集并利用填埋沼气发电、将有机垃圾高温堆肥改为厌氧消化、回收并利用沼气发电、垃圾焚烧回收能源的温室气体减排措施。

2.《Kyoto Protocol 》gives some opportunities to rural energy development in China from the view point of financing, it will promote rural energy development and contribute togreenhouse gas emission reduction.《京都议定书》为中国农村能源发展提供了一定资金机遇,抓住机遇既能促进农村能源的发展,又能为温室气体减排做出贡献。

3.It enables developed nations to fulfill their obligations in respect togreenhouse gas emission reductions and helps developing countries grow in a sustainable way.清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》框架下的一种双赢机制,它帮助发达国家实现其部分温室气体减排义务,同时帮助发展中国家实现可持续发展。

4)greenhouse gas reduction温室气体减排

1.Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) is a flexible mechanism based on the market suggested by the Kyoto Protocol,the developing countries could absorb financing and technologies environmental friendly overseas,improving the structure of energy and environment domestic from trading with developed countries ongreenhouse gas reduction.清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》确定的一个基于市场的灵活机制,发展中国家通过与发达国家进行温室气体减排贸易,可以引进国外资金和环境友好的先进技术,促进本国能源结构和环境的改善。

5)greenhouse gases mitigation温室气体减排

1.The Clean Development Mechanism(CDM)is benefit to both the developed countries and the developing countries on aspect ofgreenhouse gases mitigation.清洁发展机制在温室气体减排方面使发达国家和发展中国家实现了双赢。

6)greenhouse gas mitigation温室气体减排

1.Biogas project in large scale livestock farms will generate not only local environmental benefits,but also internationalgreenhouse gas mitigation benefits.大中型畜禽养殖场沼气工程不仅可以为当地带来良好的环境效益 ,也可以实现全球性的温室气体减排效益。


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