1500字范文 > 学理呼唤 scientific theory or principle summon英语短句 例句大全

学理呼唤 scientific theory or principle summon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-10 06:06:53


学理呼唤 scientific theory or principle summon英语短句 例句大全

学理呼唤,scientific theory or principle summon

1)scientific theory or principle summon学理呼唤

1.The City Civilizations: globalization time city civilization practicescientific theory or principle summon城市文明学:全球化时代城市文明实践的学理呼唤


1.An Outline of Science of Civilization Theoretical Call for Reflection on Civilization in the Age of Globalization;文明学论纲——全球化时代文明反思的学理呼唤

2.The City Civilizations: globalization time city civilization practice scientific theory or principle summon城市文明学:全球化时代城市文明实践的学理呼唤

3.Students′creativity calls for new educational concept;呼唤教育新理念 激发学生创造力

4.A Strong Appeal for the Spirit of Historical Rationality;对历史理性精神的强烈呼唤——读汤吉夫《大学纪事》

5.Chinanized Psychology Research and the Construction of Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会 呼唤中国化人格与社会心理学研究

6.On Establishing a Caring Teacher-student Relationship in Teaching;新课改呼唤在教学中建立“关心型”师生关系——诺丁斯关心理论的启示

7.The Theoretics of DENG Xiao-ping is The Philosophical Responses for the Calls of The Time;邓小平理论:时代呼唤的哲学回响——纪念邓小平诞辰100周年

8.A Course Reform in Primary- and- Middle- School Maths Calls for An Interactive Teaching Model;中小学数学课程改革呼唤"互动型"教学

9.On Students Ego in Reading Class;课堂阅读教学 学生呼唤“自我”

10.Call Academic Consciousness: A Think for Localization of Sociology of Population;呼唤学术自觉:人口社会学本土化思考

11.The Mixture of Human and Science Spirit is Needed in Universities;大学呼唤科学精神与人文精神的融合

12.The old call of the ideal was sounding.往日那理想的呼唤又在她耳边响起。

13.Because your ears were shut to my voice; no one gave attention to my out-stretched hand;我呼唤你们不肯听从。我伸手,无人理会。

14.Pendulum in Curriculum Reform;在“钟摆”现象中呼唤后现代课程理论

15.New Situation Calls for New Adult Higher Education Management;新的形势呼唤新的成人高等教育管理

16.Fighting Against SARS:Call the Establishment of a Public Crisis Management System(PCMS);抗击SARS:呼唤建立公众危机管理体系

17.Creative Education:Educational Concept Needed by Knowledge Economy;创新教育:知识经济呼唤的教育理念

18.Case of Detained Smoker:Appeal for Rational Discretion Standard“烟民被拘案”呼唤理性对待裁量基准


call treatment nursing mode呼唤式护理

1.Effect ofcall treatment nursing mode on coma patients from craniocerebral injuries;呼唤式护理干预对颅脑损伤致昏迷患者的影响

3)Call for Science Spirit呼唤科学精神


1.Pharmaceutical analysis of complex matrices:itsappeal to modern analytical instruments;复杂体系药物分析对现代分析仪器的呼唤

2.Behind this,what we saw is the insist andappeal of him on moral.鬼子的小说一直以诉求苦难著称,他在这篇《瓦城上空的麦田》里,敏锐而清醒地看到了社会中正在丢失的某些美好人性,因此,他像一个道德审判者一样,对我们每个人发出了道德的审判,在这背后我们看到的是他对道德的坚守和呼唤。


1.The Green sports——call on times civilization;绿色体育——时代文明的呼唤

2.Traditional aesthetics tends to go to two extremes of "being totally metaphysical" or of "being totally non-metaphysical", either of which is inclined to ignore the human existence for the sake of so-called reality of beauty or is inclined to be focused on making separate, immobile and detailed analysis of .正本清源,返朴归真,关注人的生存,致力于感性的完善,还人以美的感觉,发挥美的启"真"导"善"功能,在物欲横流的市场经济社会中,给感性的个体以审美的关怀和美学的指导,引导人们走出个体独立后的孤独和精神世界的空虚,这是时代对美学的呼唤。

3.Market economycalls modern honesty.在经济转轨中 ,我国市场经济欠缺诚信 ,严重危害了社会主义市场经济的进程 ,因而市场经济迫切呼唤现代诚信。

6)Vocative the Universities City Turning to be a University呼唤大学城大学化


