1500字范文 > 淹没范围 inundated area英语短句 例句大全

淹没范围 inundated area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-12 13:58:23


淹没范围 inundated area英语短句 例句大全

淹没范围,inundated area

1)inundated area淹没范围

1.Calculation of backwater and method of defininginundated area in reservoir of low-bead river-run power station;低水头径流式电站回水计算及水库设计淹没范围的确定方法


1.Assimilation of flood extent data into hydrodynamic model洪水淹没范围数据与动力学模型的融合

2.Research on Flood Risk Analysis and the Method of Flood Submerging Range Simulation based GIS for the City;城市洪水风险分析及基于GIS的洪水淹没范围模拟方法研究

3.Simulation Analysis of Water Submerging Dynamic Evolution on Coal Mining Subsidence Area of Longkou City;龙口市采煤塌陷区及水域淹没范围动态演变模拟分析

4.Algorithm Study on Calculation of Reservoir Submerged Area Based on 3D GIS一种基于3D GIS的计算水库淹没区范围的算法研究

5.The insect is trapped and drowns in the water and digestive juices at the bottom of the pitcher.昆虫被围困,淹没在瓶状叶底部的水和消化液里。

6.The orcs flooded the Mine Valley and are now besieging the castle.兽人放水淹没了矿坑山谷,而且正在围攻城堡。

7.The lake overflowed till all the villages in the neighbourhood were awash.湖水泛滥,使得周围的所有村庄都被水淹没。

8.Code for planning and design of reservoir submergence treatment of hydroelectric engineering水利水电工程水库淹没处理规划设计规范

9.The final will be a comprehensive test.期末考是没有范围的。

10.It did not go beyond the tribe.它没有超出部落的范围;

11.Fear of drowning will keep a swimmer from swimming in the ocean if there is no lifeguard around.要是周围没有救生人员,游泳者就不敢到海里游泳,怕淹死。

12.I am ever busy building this wall all around; and as this wall goes up into the sky day by day I lose sight of my true being in its dark shadow.我不停地修筑着围墙;当这围墙高耸入云时,我看不见我的真我,它淹没在高墙的黑影中。

13.without limits in extent or size or quantity.在范围、尺寸或数量上没有界限的。

14.not constricted physically or by extension psychologically.没有身体或心理范围上的挤压的。

15.Selection contained no recognizable handwriting选择范围没有包含可识别的手写文字

16.No enemy aircraft came within range.没有一架敌机飞入我们的射程范围。

17.make sure that no person or object is within a 5 meter radius.保证5米半径范围内没有任何人或物

18.resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degree.范围或程度上明显没有边界,象海洋的。


flood submerged area洪水淹没范围

1.A method forflood submerged area simulation based on GIS;GIS支持下的洪水淹没范围模拟

3)reservoir flood area水库淹没范围

1.A GIS-based method forreservoir flood area calculation and damage evaluation based on the digital elevation model (DEM) and backwater information is described.介绍了基于地理信息系统(GIS)技术和数字高程模型栅格图像与回水位数据计算水库淹没范围及评估淹没损失的方法,以便使水库淹没处理工作更加科学与合理。

4)submerged area simulated淹没范围模拟

5)drowned tunnels limit水灾淹没范围

6)the flood submerging simulation洪水淹没范围模拟


