1500字范文 > 淹没仿真 Inundation simulation英语短句 例句大全

淹没仿真 Inundation simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-10 05:41:27


淹没仿真 Inundation simulation英语短句 例句大全

淹没仿真,Inundation simulation

1)Inundation simulation淹没仿真


1.This paper presents the experiential study on casingcutting with abrasive water jet under conditions of nonsubmergence,submergence and ambient pressure.针对石油工程生产需要,在非淹没、淹没以及有围压存在的条件下,对磨料射流切割油井套管进行了实验研究。


1.Coastal land submerged during high tide.受潮地,潮淹区涨潮时被水淹没的海岸

2.To cover with water, especially floodwaters.淹没用水淹盖,特指洪水泛滥

3.River often overflow their bank.河流常常淹没河岸。

4.The flood inundated the whole district.洪水淹没了整个地区。

5.Flood water covers our fields.洪水淹没了我们的田地。

6.A huge wave swamped the boat.一个巨浪淹没了那条船.

7.The waters can not quench it.水是不能淹没它的。

8.The rain was heavy, and consequently the road was flooded.雨很大, 所以路被淹没了。

9.suspended bowl submersible mixed flow pump吊碗型淹没式混流泵

10.The land was submerged by the flood.那块地被洪水淹没。

11.What he said was lost in the applause.他的话被喝采声淹没了。

12.The boat sank beneath the waves.小船淹没在浪涛中.

13.Torrents of water rushed down the mountain and submerged the farmland.山洪暴发,淹没了农田。

14.Sometimes mountain torrents swept down, flooding the fields.有时山洪暴发,淹没农田。

15.Torrent of water rushed down the mountain and submerge the farmland山洪暴发,淹没了农田

16.The boat was overwhelmed by a great wave.那条船被大浪淹没。

17.a big wave submerged us.一个大浪淹没了我们。

18.The lower gun-ports were now below water,下层炮眼已淹没在水里,



1.This paper presents the experiential study on casingcutting with abrasive water jet under conditions of nonsubmergence,submergence and ambient pressure.针对石油工程生产需要,在非淹没、淹没以及有围压存在的条件下,对磨料射流切割油井套管进行了实验研究。


1.②The size andinundation of the reservoir can be expounded and proved through economic benefits.②水库规模与淹没问题,应通过经济论证。


1.A New DEM-based Method for Flood Area Calculation and Damage Evaluation;一种基于数字高程模型DEM的淹没区灾害评估方法

2.Based on grid of DEM, we take the lower reaches of Weiheflood data as a basis, and combined with Virtual GIS module of ERDAS 8.基于数字高程模型的栅格结构,以渭河下游洪水淹没数据为基础,依据无源淹没和有源淹没的原理,并结合ERDAS8。

3.Correctflood simulation of intertidal zone is crucial to marine applications such as coastal management and anti-flood.此文针对传统算法的不足,提出了一种顾及高水位影响的潮滩淹没动态仿真算法。


1.2-D depth-averaged model for flows inriver withsubmerged groins;天然河道淹没丁坝群水深平均平面二维数学模型研究

2.Simulation study of organ pipe nozzlesubmerged water jet;风琴管喷嘴淹没射流流场仿真研究

3.Thesubmerged tunnel is simulated by the Elastic-Plastic FEM to analyse its influence on the environment.为了分析淹没坑道对环境的影响,采用弹塑性有限元法对被淹没的坑道进行了数值计算,分析了不同情况坑道衬砌及围岩的破坏变形情况,同时提出了相应的加固方案,并对拟采用的不同方案加固效果进行了模拟分析,分析结果表明所提出的加固方案可行。


1.We present an improved watershed transform based on morphological reconstruction andflooding by the analysis of the reasons of over-segmentation produced by watershed and the possible under-segmentation due to watershed-plus-marker.针对分水岭变换产生的过分割问题以及标记点选取可能导致的欠分割问题,提出了一种基于变换序列滤波和梯度淹没的分水岭变换算法。


