1500字范文 > 王道政治 Wangdao plicy英语短句 例句大全

王道政治 Wangdao plicy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-12 23:01:15


王道政治 Wangdao plicy英语短句 例句大全

王道政治,Wangdao plicy

1)Wangdao plicy王道政治

1.Women s Education in Manchukuo Govenment s “Wangdao plicy”;论伪满时期“王道政治”下的妇女教化


1.Women s Education in Manchukuo Govenment s “Wangdao plicy”;论伪满时期“王道政治”下的妇女教化

2.A Research on the Appearance and the Alienation to Traditional People-Centralism of "Kingcraft" Thoughts of Manchuria Puppet Government;伪满“王道政治”的出笼与其异化错位研究


4.A Preliminary Study of the Distortion and Degredation of the Sacrifices to Confucius in Manchuria Enemy-occupied areas--On the Historical Destiny of "Kingcraft Politics";试论伪满祀孔典礼的堕落与变异——兼论“王道政治”的历史命运

5.Managing Mind and Governmental Way Wang Ah-Shi" Political Thought and Philosophical Foundation治心与治道——王安石的政治思想及其哲学基础

6.On the Political Structure of the Early and Middle Han Dynasty and the Political Significance of “the Combination of Law and Confucianism”;汉代中前期的政治结构与“霸王道杂之”的政治意义

7.A political dynasty controlling the state.统治着国家的政治王朝

8.The Insistence of Tainli (Natural Law) and Justice--A Political Analysis of Zhu Xi Thought of Wang Dao;天理与道义的彰显——朱熹王道思想的政治哲学解析

9.Wang, C., Wang, K., Kuo, C.S., &Wang, D.C. (, 7).王谦、王凯、郭嘉祥、王道治(,4)。

10.The Carrying forward of the Correct Path of the Human World:an Analysis of Politics of Mr.Wu Kangzhai ’s Idea“Waiwang”;人间正道的宏扬:吴康斋先生“外王”观的政治学分析

11.Wang Ming had his own political programme and so did Li Li-san.王明有政治纲领,李立三也有政治纲领。

12.Wang Chuan shan"s political stand of "be Strict with the Officials"and "be Lenient to the People"is imbued with political foresight.王船山“治吏”“养民”论极具政治远见。

13.A Dissertation of Political Thinking on Administrating the Northwest Border Area by BeiSong Regime;北宋王朝治理西北边疆政治思想考述

14.Sense and Significance of WANG Wei s Political Thought --With Reference to the Esthetic Ideal of WANG Wei s Political Manner;论王维政治思想的内涵与意义——兼论王维政治风度的美学境界

15.on the color, they own political utility, deify monarchy for serving Han dynasty.色彩上,政治功利,神化帝王,为汉王朝服务。

16.Tuesday, the United States urged the monarch to return to democracy by initiating a dialogue with Nepal"s political parties.美国星期二呼吁尼泊尔王室与尼泊尔政治派别开启对话,回到民主道路上来。

17.The power, position, or empire of a monarch or of a state governed by constitutional monarchy.王权,王位君主或由立宪君主统治的政府的权力、地位或王国

18.Political Ethics or Ethical Politics--Comment on Chinese Traditional Rule of Virtue;政治道德还是道德政治——评我国传统的德治思想


sage politics圣王政治

1.Such a view will definitely lead to the emphasis or even admiration ofsage politics,which is the root of the key problem of this self-contradiction in Xun Kuang s view of human nature.荀子的人性论必然导致对圣人或圣王政治的强调甚至崇拜,这是其人性思想的社会论意义。

3)royal politics王权政治

1.Xunzi s blueprint of great-unityroyal politics reveals the theoretical change of Confucianism to meet the social transformation of the late Warring States.荀子关于大一统王权政治的构想反映了儒家学说为适应战国末期的社会转型而发生的理论变迁。

4)Emperor Politics君王政治

5)the Kingly Way王道统治

1."National Harmony" and "the Kingly Way";简析“民族协和”与“王道统治”

6)political ethics政治道德

1.In the process of practicing "three representatives" and pushing forward "two initialtives",strengtheningpolitical ethics of leaders is significant for correctituding party style,constituting uncorrupt and efficient government,constructing harmonious Jiangsu,promoting democracy and moral civilization of Jiangsu.在实践"三个代表"重要思想,推进"两个率先"的过程中,加强领导干部的政治道德建设,对于端正党风、建立廉洁高效的政府、构建和谐江苏,推动江苏的民主政治和精神文明建设具有十分重要的意义。

2.Political civilization is a progressive element of the political life in human society whilepolitical ethics is the key of political civilization, the construction of socialism political civilization, therefore, must lay great emphasis on the construction ofpolitical ethics.政治文明是人类政治生活的一种进步状态,政治道德则是政治文明的核心因素。

3.The author attempts to, on the basis of an elaboration of the scientific connotation ofpolitical ethics, analyze deeply the relationship between the construction ofpolitical ethics and the Party s governing capacity, make clear the importance of the construction of political eth.本文试图在阐述政治道德的科学内涵的基础上,深入分析政治道德建设和执政能力建设之间的关系,明确政治道德建设对于加强党的执政能力建设的重要性,从而扩展加强执政能力建设的研究视野和领域。


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
