1500字范文 > 乒乓球运动员 table tennis players英语短句 例句大全

乒乓球运动员 table tennis players英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-04 11:43:50


乒乓球运动员 table tennis players英语短句 例句大全

乒乓球运动员,table tennis players

1)table tennis players乒乓球运动员

1.The essay researches on the harmful psychological states oftable tennis players in competition based on actual cases.根据高校乒乓球运动员的实际,对乒乓球运动员比赛中较易产生的不良心理状态进行了分析,并通过对心理训练在乒乓球比赛中的作用的探讨,提出了在乒乓球训练过程中实施心理训练的方法,为增进运动员的心理适应水平,提高运动员水平发挥的稳定性提供科学依据。

2.The subjects were 10 excellent maletable tennis players(20±2 years old,the training years were 11±2).运用两块瑞士产KISTLER三维测力台对10名优秀男乒乓球运动员正手拉弧圈球技术过程中地面对人体的地面支撑反作用力进行测试。


1.The Understanding and Development of the Ball Sense of Ping-pong Athletes;对乒乓球运动员“球感”的初步研究

2.The Research on the Psychological Preparation in Table Tennis Before Serving a Ball;乒乓球运动员发球前心理定向的研究

3.Because she is the most famous ping-pong player in the world.她是世界上最有名的乒乓球运动员。

4.What are the basic skills of a table tennis player?乒乓球运动员的基本技术是什么?

5.The Study on the Reaction Time of Table Tennis Athletes (Review);对乒乓球运动员反应时的探讨(综述)

6.Harmful Effects of Excessive Tension on Table Tennis Players in Matches;过度紧张对乒乓球运动员比赛的影响

7.On personality characteristics of women table tennis players in China;我国女子乒乓球运动员个性特征研究

8.Trait Analysis of Top Ranking Table Tennis Players;顶尖级乒乓球运动员的特质分析(英文)

9.Discussion on the Psychological Training Methods to High Level Table Tennis Athletes;高水平乒乓球运动员的心理训练方法

10.New Requirements on Physique of Table Tennis Players by New Match Rules;新规则对乒乓球运动员体能的新要求

11.The Fatigue of Table Tennis Players Obviously Has Some Regulations;试谈乒乓球运动员训练后的疲劳恢复

12.Research and Analysis of Specialized Stamina Training of Juvenile Table Tennis Players;少年乒乓球运动员专项体能训练探析

13.Probing into the Psychological Approach of Training the Table Tennis Players;对乒乓球运动员心理训练方法的探讨

14.On the Effect of Mood upon the Results of Table Tennis;情绪对少年乒乓球运动员成绩的影响

15.Trial Discussion on Elementary Management of Children s Table Tennis Teams;试论少儿乒乓球运动员的选材及管理

16.Study on the Selection of Table Tennis Athlete;6~8岁乒乓球运动员选材方法的研究

17.The Visual Search Study of Table Tennis Athletes on the ERP Feature乒乓球运动员视觉搜索的ERP特征研究

18.ERP Research on Time Perception in Tablc Tennis Players乒乓球运动员时间知觉的ERP研究


table tennis athletes乒乓球运动员

1.This text has a comparative study on excellenttable tennis athletes and ordinary professional undergraduates reaction time in the two knids of noises and provides the theoretical basis for the P.就优秀乒乓球运动员和乒乓球专选班大学生在两种噪音环境下的反应进行比较研究,以期为教练员、体育教师指导运动员参加运动训练、运动竞赛提供理论依据。

2.The writer puts forward the necessity oftable tennis athletes with good preparation before the competition, describes the content of mental preparation and puts forward some ordinary ways of mental preparation before the competition.通过对实行"11分制"后乒乓球运动员比赛中出现的心理状态变化的简单阐述,提出乒乓球运动员良好赛前心理准备研究的必要性,描述运动员赛前心理准备的内容并提出一些常用的赛前心理准备的方法。

3.In the race, it has quick、tactical and changeable characteristics; On the basis of analyze and judge to the opponent’s tactical intent, thetable tennis athletes can seize the initiative and use their skills and tactics to defeat the opponents.乒乓球运动是一种高策略性项目,运动过程中球速快,战术多变;在比赛中,乒乓球运动员要对对手的战术意图进行分析和判断,在正确判断的基础上才能有效地运用自己的技术和战术,掌握主动权克敌制胜。

3)table tennis player乒乓球运动员

1.In order to supervisetable tennis players competitive status, brain bioelectricity of 13 table tennis world champions were followed-up by means of nerve electrophysiology together with sports psychology.为监控乒乓球运动员竞技状态 ,采用神经电生理学与运动心理学相结合的方法 ,对 1 3名世界冠军乒乓球运动员的大脑生物电活动进行跟踪监测 ,分析其脑电活动绝对功率谱和相对功率谱数值 ,绘制脑电图(EEG)、脑电地形图 (BEAM)和压缩谱阵 (CSA)图像 ,并与同期银、铜牌得主及后备力量进行对比分析 ,给出监督运动员竞技状态的脑功能特征的诊断报告。

2.Based on the latest conceptual model of achievement goals in sport, this study explores achievement goals of elitetable tennis players in an important international competition.根据新近提出的运动成就目标概念模型,在重大国际比赛中,对高水平乒乓球运动员的运动成就目标进行探讨。


1.The standoutpaddlers are influenced by emotional instability in playing.高水平乒乓球运动员比赛时情绪不稳定会使其训练形成的动力定型发生改变,技、战术水平的发挥受到影响。

2.In order to win the games, thepaddlers must have not only a stronger body and good skill but also the best psychology.本文分析了影响乒乓球运动员竞赛心理变化的因素,从重视心理训练等方面提出了减少消极影响的途径。

5)table tennis乒乓球运动

1.Feasibility Study on Carrying out Interval Hypoxia Training in Table Tennis;乒乓球运动员间歇性低氧训练的研究现状与分析

2.A Simple Analysis of Relations Between Nationwide Body-Building and Development in Table Tennis;浅析全民健身与乒乓球运动发展的关系

3.On socio-cultural significance oftable tennis;论乒乓球运动的社会文化意义

6)excellent table tennis player优秀乒乓球运动员

1.Self-analysis of mental capacities byexcellent table tennis players;优秀乒乓球运动员心理素质的自我分析


