1500字范文 > 女子乒乓球运动员 women table tennis player英语短句 例句大全

女子乒乓球运动员 women table tennis player英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-03 12:58:21


女子乒乓球运动员 women table tennis player英语短句 例句大全

女子乒乓球运动员,women table tennis player

1)women table tennis player女子乒乓球运动员

1.On personality characteristics ofwomen table tennis players in China;我国女子乒乓球运动员个性特征研究


1.On personality characteristics of women table tennis players in China;我国女子乒乓球运动员个性特征研究

2.Research on Man-style for Woman Technique in Table Tennis;我国女子乒乓球运动员技术男性化的研究

3.Research on The Characteristics of The Japanese and South Korean Women’s Table Tennis Athletes’ Using Long Pimples日韩女子乒乓球运动员长胶使用特征研究

4.Application of Multi-ball Training in Specific Fitness Training of Woman Table Tennis Players;多球训练在女子乒乓球运动员专项素质训练中的运用

5.Analysis of the Technical Characteristics of Guoyue-Outstanding Young Woman Table Tennis Athlete of China;对我国优秀年轻女子乒乓球运动员郭跃技术特征的分析

6.Elementary Introduction Of Man-style Training For Woman Technique In Table Tennis;浅谈乒乓球运动员女子技术男性化的训练

7.Study of Chinese elite female Pingpong and tennis players body shape features;我国优秀女子乒乓球和羽毛球运动员身体形态特征的研究

8.Research on Chinese Youth Athlets of Man-style for Woman Technique in Table Tennis中国青少年乒乓球女子运动员“技术男性化”的研究

9.Research on Two Major Factors of Man-style for Woman Technique in Table Tennis我国乒乓球女子运动员技术男性化两大影响因素研究

10.Tactic Analysis on Chinese Excellent Female Tabletennis Players:WANG Nan and GUO Yue对中国乒乓球队优秀女子运动员王楠和郭跃的战术分析

11.What do you think about the standard of the top Chinese table tennis players?你认为中国乒乓球尖子运动员的水准何?

12.Analysis of the Present Training State of the Preparatory Men Table-tennis Players of China;中国男子乒乓球运动员后备力量培养现状研究

13.Personality characteristics of Chinese male Pingpong players;我国男子乒乓球运动员个性特征的研究

14.50th World Table Tennis Championships Men"s Table Tennis Players and Foreign Excellent Comparative Analysis of Technical and Tactical50届世乒赛中外优秀男子乒乓球运动员技战术对比分析

15.The Understanding and Development of the Ball Sense of Ping-pong Athletes;对乒乓球运动员“球感”的初步研究

16.The Research on the Psychological Preparation in Table Tennis Before Serving a Ball;乒乓球运动员发球前心理定向的研究

parative Analysis on How Outstanding Men and Women Table Tennies Plabers Use Skill and Tactics优秀男女横板乒乓球运动员技战术运用特征的对比分析

18.Study on The Juvenile Athlete s Current Situation of The Development of Man s Table Tennis of Guangdong Province From the "Double Fish" Juvenile Table Tennis Championship;从“双鱼”少年乒乓球锦标赛看广东省少年男子乒乓球运动员发展现状


male Pingpong players男子乒乓球运动员

1.Personality characteristics of Chinesemale Pingpong players;我国男子乒乓球运动员个性特征的研究

3)excellent male paddlers优秀男子乒乓球运动员


1.The standoutpaddlers are influenced by emotional instability in playing.高水平乒乓球运动员比赛时情绪不稳定会使其训练形成的动力定型发生改变,技、战术水平的发挥受到影响。

2.In order to win the games, thepaddlers must have not only a stronger body and good skill but also the best psychology.本文分析了影响乒乓球运动员竞赛心理变化的因素,从重视心理训练等方面提出了减少消极影响的途径。

5)table tennis player乒乓球运动员

1.In order to supervisetable tennis players competitive status, brain bioelectricity of 13 table tennis world champions were followed-up by means of nerve electrophysiology together with sports psychology.为监控乒乓球运动员竞技状态 ,采用神经电生理学与运动心理学相结合的方法 ,对 1 3名世界冠军乒乓球运动员的大脑生物电活动进行跟踪监测 ,分析其脑电活动绝对功率谱和相对功率谱数值 ,绘制脑电图(EEG)、脑电地形图 (BEAM)和压缩谱阵 (CSA)图像 ,并与同期银、铜牌得主及后备力量进行对比分析 ,给出监督运动员竞技状态的脑功能特征的诊断报告。

2.Based on the latest conceptual model of achievement goals in sport, this study explores achievement goals of elitetable tennis players in an important international competition.根据新近提出的运动成就目标概念模型,在重大国际比赛中,对高水平乒乓球运动员的运动成就目标进行探讨。

6)table tennis players乒乓球运动员

1.The essay researches on the harmful psychological states oftable tennis players in competition based on actual cases.根据高校乒乓球运动员的实际,对乒乓球运动员比赛中较易产生的不良心理状态进行了分析,并通过对心理训练在乒乓球比赛中的作用的探讨,提出了在乒乓球训练过程中实施心理训练的方法,为增进运动员的心理适应水平,提高运动员水平发挥的稳定性提供科学依据。

2.The subjects were 10 excellent maletable tennis players(20±2 years old,the training years were 11±2).运用两块瑞士产KISTLER三维测力台对10名优秀男乒乓球运动员正手拉弧圈球技术过程中地面对人体的地面支撑反作用力进行测试。


