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《战争与和平》 War and Peace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-06 02:19:35


《战争与和平》 War and Peace英语短句 例句大全

《战争与和平》,War and Peace

1)War and Peace《战争与和平》

1.The Importance of the Objective Spirit in Creative Writing——Discussing from the Process of WritingWar and Peace;客观精神之于写作的重要性——从托尔斯泰《战争与和平》的成书过程谈起

2.On the Epic Constructing Art of theWar and Peace;论《战争与和平》的史诗建构艺术

3.The Imitation of the Plot and the Distinction between the Narratives:A Comparison between Children of the Magnate andWar and Peace故事情节的仿效与中俄家族叙事的分野——《财主底儿女们》与《战争与和平》的比较


1.unabridged editions/versions of `War and Peace"《战争与和平》的全文版本.

2.the original text of War and peace.《战争与和平》的原版本

3.a book the length of `War and Peace"像《战争与和平》篇幅那样长的书

4."War and Peace" is a literary classic.《战争与和平》是一部经典文学著作。

5.This is the original text of "War and Peace".这是《战争与和平》的原版本。

6.`War and Peace",newly translated from the original Russian从俄语原文重新翻译的《战争与和平》

7."War and Peace" was a famous bestseller.《战争与和平》是一本著名的畅销书。

8.A leaf turned down showed that she was in the middle of "War and Peace".从折的书页看,她在看《战争与和平》。

9.From Shield to War and Peace;从阿喀琉斯的盾牌到《战争与和平》

10.Two paradoxes in Tolstory s War and Peace;托尔斯泰在《战争与和平》中的两大悖论

11.Angels and Enchantress On the Two Feminine Images in War and Peace;天使与妖妇——谈《战争与和平》中的两类女性形象

12.the dichotomy between peace and war和平与战争之一分为二

13.A New Thinking of War and Peace;战争与和平的新思维──评托夫勒的《未来的战争》

14.Post-war Strategic Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung on War and Peace;论战后毛泽东在战争与和平问题上的战略思想

15.Grotius and Law of Nature;格老秀斯与自然法——简评《战争与和平法》

16.Negotiations for a peace went on in parallel with the war.和平谈判与战争同时进行。

17.Long River:Unfinished Chinese "War and Peace"《长河》:未竟的中国式“战争与和平”

18.War, Peace and Ethic: On the Possibilities of Pacifism;战争、和平与道德——兼论和平主义的可能性


Peace and war战争与和平

1.The use of space technology for military purposes has created a series of international political problems, among which the problem about peace and war is outstanding.航天技术的军事应用引发了一系列国际政治问题,其中战争与和平问题尤其突出。

3)war and peace战争与和平

1.In his narrative poems,Htilar Sitthu dealt with the motif ofwar and peace,condemning wars,calling for peace and extolling Myanmar s national dignity and national spirit.铁拉悉都的叙事长诗围绕战争与和平的母题,反对战争,呼唤和平,弘扬缅甸人民的民族自尊以及民族精神。

2.There were many reasons, but the most basic causation was the disaccord of Mao Zedong and Nikita Khrushchev about the basic issue of ages, such as on the question ofwar and peace, peaceful coexistence, peaceful transition, etc.20世纪五六十年代,中共与苏共在国际共运总路线问题上产生严重分歧,其中的原因很多,但最基本的原因则是毛泽东与赫鲁晓夫对时代基本问题的看法不一致,包括战争与和平问题、“和平共处”、“和平过渡”问题,等等。

3.Besides,he put forwards a series of far-sighted notions and theories of great importance concerning the issue ofwar and peace.邓小平同志依据马克思主义的基本原理 ,对当代国际形势呈现的新情况、新特点进行了全面而深刻的观察和分析 ,在战争与和平的问题上提出了一系列具有远见卓识的重要思想理论 :和平与发展是当今世界带有全球性、战略性和关系全局的突出问题 ;战争危险虽然存在 ,但世界大战可以推迟和避免 ,世界仍不安宁 ,霸权主义是构成世界和平的新威胁 ;和平共处五项原则仍是处理国际关系的最好方式 ;反对霸权主义、维护世界和平是中国的国策

4)The Law of War and Peace《战争与和平法》

1.The magnum opus of historic significanceThe Law of War and Peace written by Grotius, famed as the o-riginator of International Law, brought International Law into a complete, independent and systematical branch of learning.格老秀斯以其巨著《战争与和平法》使国际法成为完整、独立、系统的学科,被称为国际法的“鼻祖”,他更是近代西方法学思想家中第一个系统地论述了自然法理论的人。

5)Forum on Peace and War战争与和平论坛

6)peace versus war和平与战争相对


