1500字范文 > 和平友好 peace and friendship英语短句 例句大全

和平友好 peace and friendship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-06 04:59:09


和平友好 peace and friendship英语短句 例句大全

和平友好,peace and friendship

1)peace and friendship和平友好

1.To maintain and develop an international surrounding withpeace and friendship is the responsibility of all the human beings.20世纪的历史教训值得铭记,维护和发展和平友好的国际环境是人类共同的责任。


1.Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation印苏和平友好合作条约

2.A treaty establishing peaceful relations.和约确定和平友好关系的条约

3.The four principles of Sino-Japanese friendship: peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, mutual trust, and long-term stability中日友好四项原则:和平友好,平等互利,互相信赖,长期稳定

4.The four principals of Sino-Japanese friendship: peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, mutual trust, and long-term stability.中日友好四项原则:和平友好,平等互利,互相依赖,长期稳定。

5.the four principles of peace and friendship,equality and mutual Benefit,mutual trust and long-term(prolonged)stability和平友好,平等互利,相互信任,长期稳定四原则

6.Peace-loving people throughout the world recognize this peaceful and friendly trend of development.这种和平友好的发展方向,是世界爱好和平的人民一致认同的。

7."These Games were held in peace and brotherhood,"he said.他说:"这届奥运会是在和平友好的气氛中举行的。"

8.We welcome the citizens of the neutral countries in peace and friendship.我们在和平友好的气氛中欢迎中立国家的公民。

9.The Contracting Parties shall develop duraBle relations of peace and friendship Between the two countries缔约双方应发展两国间持久的和平友好关系。

10.Sanniangzi s Contribution on the Friendship between Mongolia and Han in Late Ming Dynasty;三娘子对明末蒙汉和平友好关系的贡献

11.China will continue to follow the diplomatic policy of peace and create a more peaceful and friendly international environment.中国将继续奉行和平外交政策开创更为和平友好的国际环境

12.September, 1988 Performed in Tokyo and other cities in Japan to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sino Japanese Friendship Treaty.1988年9月祝贺中国和日本和平友好条约缔结十周年,赴日本演出。

13.The Joint Declaration Between the Government of the People"s Republic of China and the Government of Japan and the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between China and Japan are the foundation for the development of Sino-Japanese relations .发展中日关系的基础是《中日联合声明》和《中日和平友好条约》。

14.a peace [friendship] treaty和平 [友好] 条约

15.Peaceful relations, as between nations; friendship.和睦,友好,友善国家间友好和平的关系;友谊

16.Peace,Friendship and Exchange Initiative和平、友好与交流倡议

17.Protocol of Peace, Friendship and Boundaries和平、友好及边界议定书

18.Sino-Russian Friendship Committee for Peace and Development中俄友好、和平与发展委员会


the Treaty of Peace and Friendship《和平与友好条约》

1.Historical Background forthe Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Nepal and India;试析尼印《和平与友好条约》签订的历史背景

3)a treaty of peace and amity和平友好条约

4)the Japanese Peace and Friendship Forest日本和平友好绿化协会

5)Treaty of Peace,Friendship and Cooperation Between the Repu blic of India and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics《印苏和平友好合作条约》

6)the pacific relation of the two countries两国和平友好关系


《苏印和平友好合作条约》《苏印和平友好合作条约》Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Republic of IndiaSu一Yin HePing Youhao Hezuo TIQoyue《苏印和平友好合作条约》(TreatyofPeaee,FriendshiP and Cooperation betweenthe Union可SOviet SOcialistR印ublies and the尺印u西lie oflndia)苏联和印度缔结的具有军事性质的条约。1971年8月9口在新德里签订,同年8月18日生效,有效期。条约由序言和12条正文组成,主要内容是:缔约双岌了将继续发展和加强两国友好、睦邻与全面合作关系;双方保证不缔结也不参加针对另一方的任何军事同盟,不对另一方进行侵略,也不容许利用本国领土进行可能对另一方造成军事损失的任何行为,不向参加与另一方发生武装冲突的任何第三方提供任何援助;缔约国任何一方受到进攻或进攻威胁时,双方应立即共同协商以消除这种威胁,并采取适当的相应措施以保障和平与两国安全;双方声明不向他国承担与本条约不相容的任何秘密或公开义务。条约签订后不久,印度在苏支持下于同年11月发动第三次印巴战争。1990年7月,两国决定条约期满后再顺延5年。(孙恩言)
