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分度 graduation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 22:50:13


分度 graduation英语短句 例句大全



1.A study on principal axisgraduation by numerical control in gear grinding machine;锥面砂轮磨齿机主轴的数控分度研究

2.The Graduation and Management of Gynecomastia;男性乳腺发育症的分度与治疗

3.Realizing high precision auto-graduation by using low precision worm wheel;用低精度蜗轮副来实现高精度的自动分度


1.indicating head(仪表)刻度盘,分度盘

2.graduated collar分度环,环形刻度盘

3.a thermometer calibrated in degrees centigrade.用百分度校准的温度计。

4.reference table (of thermocouple)(热电偶的)分度表

5.A division or an interval on a graduated scale.分度,刻度刻度标尺上的一个间隔

6.The edge of a graduated arc or circle used in an instrument to measure angles.(四分仪等的)分度弧或圆圈,用于量角度

7.Use Drawing Page"s Units;Degrees;Deg;Deg-Min-Sec;Radians使用绘图页的单位;度数;度;度-分-秒;弧度

8.vertical gradients of salinity and temperature盐度和温度作垂直分层

9.stratification of temperature and salinity温度与盐度的分层状况

10.Decompositions of T_0-Measures and T_∞-Measures;T_0-测度和T_∞-测度的分解

11.Insulation strength: 1500Vmin绝缘强度:1500伏/分

12.the partition of India in 19471947年印度的分裂.

13.India was partitioned in 1947.印度於1947年分裂.

14.split-field photometer分场[对比]光度计

15.visual acuteness视觉分辨率[锐度]

16.Lebesgue Decomposition of the Loeb MeasureLoeb测度的Lebesgue分解

17.Dimensions and Measures of Some Fractal Sets and the Density of Measure;某些分形集的维数、测度及测度的密度

18.Sea-floor classification and roughness analyses海底分类和糙度分析



puter—aided Calculation of Indexing and Change—gear on Milling Machine;计算机辅助铣床分度及挂轮计算

2.Meshing theory and analysis forenvelopment wormindexing cam mechanism;包络蜗杆分度凸轮机构的啮合原理及分析


1.At last the uncertainty are evaluated for the infrared tympanic thermometercalibration.研制了一种专门用于红外耳温计分度的双孔黑体空腔,并用研制的黑体空腔对红外耳温计在37℃和41℃进行了分度实验。

2.A method that is used for thecalibration of the NiCr CuFe cryogenic thermocouples has been introduced.介绍了一种用于NiCrCuFe低温热电偶的实验室简易分度方法,可满足一般实验中精度的需要,并对分度误差进行了分

3.This paper covers thecalibration method of tungsten-rhenium thermocouples using an optical pyromer as standtard instrument .本文论述用光学高温计分度钨铼热电偶的方法及其测量不确定度。


1.Design of TableIndex Function of Machining Center byIndexing Axis;用分度数控轴实现加工中心工作台分度功能的设计方法

2.This essay discusses the design of the multiple usage NC rotary table, through the index transmission、 swing angle transmission、 coordinate axis clamp、 mechanism of work setup and unload, and so on.从分度传动、摆角传动、坐标轴夹紧、工作装卸机构等方面,设计研究多用途数控转台,将设计研究结果,作为数控机床附件,满足五轴联动加工需求。

3.In this paper a presentation of construction, cyclic operation and existing problems of AHY SeriesIndex Table is first given and analysis on the existing problems is made, mainly in that table needs to be raised when index of the table rotates and the regulation mechanism is located beneath the baseplate.文章首先介绍AHY系列回转工作台的结构、循环动作及存在问题,分析存在问题的原因,主要是由于工作台分度回转时台体需抬起以及调整机构位于底座下部。


1.Analysis on the correlation between CT and clinicalgrading in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy of the neonate;新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的CT分度与临床分度相关性分析

2.It introduced the definition,grading,therapy,and nursing care of patients with acute external irradiation caused radiation disease.介绍了外照射急性放射病的定义、分度、治疗、护理,提出规范护理是救治成功的关键。

3.Objective To study the reasonability of the premature ejaculationgrading and to observe the therapeutic effects of the four methods to premature ejaculation.目的:探讨早泄临床分度的合理性,及几种治疗方法对早泄分度治疗的临床应用效果。


1.A highly preciseangle-differentiated device and its auto-controlling and measuring system used for angle demarcation are researched and developed.研制并开发了用于角度标定的高精密角度分度装置及其测量控制系统,装置采用永磁直流力矩电机驱动精密轴系主轴的运转来带动分度盘的转动,以圆光栅测量系统检测主轴的转动角度,为了实现角度的零误差分度定位控制,转动角度的分度控制采用了闭环自动控制系统。


长度测量工具:多齿分度台 由两个具有相同外径﹑齿形﹑齿距的端面齿盘组成的精密角度测量工具(见长度测量工具)。图 1440齿多齿分度台 为多齿分度台的外形。测量时上齿盘抬起﹐并按被测角度的基本值转动一个角度﹐然后下降与下齿盘重新嚙合﹐以所转过的角度与被测角度比较﹐即可测得被测角度的误差。多齿分度台常与自準直仪组合﹐用於检定多面棱体﹑角度量块﹑光学迴转工作台等﹐或与测微仪(见比较仪)等组合﹐用於测量高精度齿轮的周节误差﹑分度板的分度误差等﹔还可用於加工中的精密分度等。端面齿盘的齿数常见的有 360﹑720和1440等3种。多齿分度台测量角度的精确度很高﹐在360°内可达 0.1。精确度高的主要原因是﹕上下齿盘的齿形是先用高精度专用磨床磨出﹐然后对研﹐因此可获得极準确的齿距﹔上﹑下两齿盘嚙合时全部端面齿起误差平均效应作用﹐因而得到的分度精度超过单个齿距的精度。
