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毕业 graduation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 08:33:03


毕业 graduation英语短句 例句大全



1.Problems existed ingraduation theses of college nursing students and its strategies;护理本科生毕业论文存在的问题及对策

2.Exploration on the psychological health condition of medical students in poverty during the period ofgraduation;对医学院校特困生毕业时期心理健康状况的探索

3.and management of clinical medicine undergraduates aftergraduation not noly brought new vitality into the hospital human resource management,but also improved the grass-roots medical service level through the follow-up reassignmen以温州医学院附属第一医院为例,分析了该院在人才引进和培养过程中采取的一系列灵活、高效的管理机制,尤 其是对毕业后临床医学本科生实行限期3年的培养和管理,不仅有效地缓解了医学院校本科毕业生的就业压力,而且为附属医 院的人才管理注入了活力,并通过二次分配提高了基层的医疗服务水平。


1.To graduate Cum laude is to graduate with honor.优等毕业即光荣的毕业。

2.A ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred; a commencement.毕业典礼授予学位或毕业证书的仪式;毕业典礼

3.He graduated in 1968.并于1968年毕业。

4.on behalf of 3, 435 graduates,代表3435名毕业生,

5.They graduate and receive a diploma after twelfth grade.在十二年级毕业并获颁毕业证书。

6.One who has received an academic degree or diploma.毕业生得到学位或毕业证书的人

7.The high school seniors engaged in high jinks after commencement.毕业典礼后高中毕业生狂欢一

8.A graduate of a school or college.毕业生一个学校或学院的毕业生

9.Possessing an academic degree or diploma.毕业了的持有学位或毕业证书的

10.Strengthening the Reform of Graduation Design Improving Aaduation Design Quality;加强毕业设计改革 提高毕业设计质量

11.Strengthen Every Link of Graduation Design and Improve Its Quality;抓好毕业设计环节 提高毕业设计质量

12.Estate Surveying Graduate产业测量师(毕业生见习)

13.He graduated in history.他毕业于历史专业。

14.the law final(s)法律专业的毕业考试.

15.Change College Graduates Notions of Employment and Facilitate Their Fuller Employment转变毕业生就业观念 促进毕业生充分就业

16.Change College Graduates Notions of Employment and Facilitate Their Fuller Employment;转变毕业生就业观念 促进毕业生充分就业

17.To most graduates the senior yearbook is a treasured souvenir of high school days.对在部份毕业生来说,高中毕业毕业纪念册是中学时代珍贵的纪念。

18.the graduating student with the second highest academic rank; delivers the opening address at graduation exercises.第二等级的毕业生;在毕业典礼上致开幕词的毕业生。


graduation employment毕业就业

3)graduation assignment毕业作业

1.Curricular transition ofgraduation assignment should be the only way to stop the tendency of being formal ingraduation assignment practice,which,to some extent,lacks precise guiding notion,reasonable operating mode,support from resource system and administrative institution.将毕业作业课程化是纠正开放教育毕业实践环节出现的形式化倾向的出路。

2.The Graduation Assignment is very important part for Open Education Practical Teaching which it strengthen the guidance is the best way to improve the quality ofgraduation assignment writing.毕业作业是电大开放教育实践性教学环节的重要组成部分,加强毕业作业的指导对于提高毕业作业的写作质量具有重大意义。

4)graduate design毕业设计

1.On the the instruction ofgraduate design of the architectural project technology department in higher vocational school;高职院校建筑工程技术专业毕业设计教学探讨

2.Strengthening and applying the concept of the structure in thegraduate design of the civil engineering specialty;土木工程专业毕业设计应注重结构概念强化与应用

3.Exploration of diversification of highway engineeringgraduate design;道路工程方向毕业设计多元化实践

5)graduation paper毕业论文

1.Guide for Graduation Papers of Computer Science Undergradute Students;计算机专业本科生毕业论文指导

2.As an important practical tache in professional education of construction management speciality,graduation paper has an important position and role in improving synthetically quality and developing innovation ability for undergraduate students.工程管理专业毕业论文(实习)作为工程管理专业教育中重要的实践性教学环节,对提高学生的综合素质和培养学生的创新能力具有重要作用。

3.Thegraduation paper writing is the last important link in the college teaching.高等专科学校文科类毕业生的毕业论文写作是高等专科学校教学中最后一个重要环节。

6)graduation practice毕业实习

1.On the present state and reform of teaching ofgraduation practice for undergraduate students;化工工艺专业毕业实习现状与教学改革探索

2.Study ongraduation practice for medical image engineering students;医学影像工程专业毕业实习的研究与探索

3.On the reformation ofgraduation practice and project in landscape architecture specialty;园林专业毕业实习与毕业设计改革的探索


