1500字范文 > R&D强度 R&D intensity英语短句 例句大全

R&D强度 R&D intensity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-12 05:46:33


R&D强度 R&D intensity英语短句 例句大全

R&D强度,R&D intensity

1)R&D intensityR&D强度

1.An empirical study on the relationships between CEO characteristics,R&D intensity,and external environmentCEO特征、R&D强度以及外部环境关系的实证研究

2.Chinese high-tech industry is compared internationally with some economic index such as R&D ex-penditure andR&D intensity,and some advices and suggestions are made as follows.文章通过分析R&D经费投入、R&D强度等经济指标,对我国高新技术产业进行国际对比,提出了我国高新技术产业的现状和存在的问题、对策和建议。

3.By comparing and analysis,we can find the problems such asR&D intensity objectives are too high to achieve and tend convergence,focal point develop domain or technology are similar.通过对部分省市规划的比较分析表明,R&D强度目标偏高且趋同、重点发展领域或技术趋同等问题非常突出;政府强化对推动科技进步工作的绩效考核也有可能导致不良的结果。


1.Differences in R&D Intensity:An Analysis Based on the Effect of Industrial Structure;R&D强度差异:基于产业结构的分析

2.An empirical study on the relationships between CEO characteristics,R&D intensity,and external environmentCEO特征、R&D强度以及外部环境关系的实证研究

3.Study on the changing trend and problems of R&D/GDP in Fujian province and countermeasures;福建省全社会R&D强度变化趋势、问题与对策探讨

4.A Comparison of Determinants of China s Provincial R&D Intensity Difference--An Empirical Analysis Based on Cases of 1998-;中国省际R&D强度差异的决定与比较——基于1998-的实证分析

5.Study on Trend and Steady Growth of R&D Intensity in China--Based on the Building of Innovation-Oriented Country我国R&D强度变化趋势及稳定增长研究——基于创新型国家建设的视角

6.The empirical analysis on the relationship between enterprise scale and input-intensity of R&D;企业规模与R&D投入强度关系的实证分析

7.The "S" Curve of R&D/GDP and Thoughts on Steady Growth of China s R&D;R&D强度的“S”曲线与实现我国投入稳定增长的若干思考

8.Strengthen financial management of R&D in a new high-tech company;加强高新技术企业R&D的财务管理

9.The Research on R&D Performance Measurement and Evaluation of China s Enterprises;我国企业R&D绩效测度与评价研究

10.The Performance Measurement of R&D Project Based on the Enterprise;基于企业层面R&D项目的绩效测度

11.A Research Survey to Cooperative R&D Study from Industrial Organization Perspective;产业组织角度的合作R&D研究述评

12.Research on Optimization of Schedule-Cost Risk for R&D Project;R&D项目进度费用风险优化的研究

13.R&D Project Measurement and Evaluation: A Literature Review;国外R&D项目测度与评价研究述评

14.Study on R&D Performance Measurement System of Enterprise s Technology Innovation Project;企业技术创新项目R&D绩效测度系统研究

15.Study on Scheduling Incentive Mechanism of Large-scale R&D Project Based on Stackelberg Mode;基于Stackelberg的大型R&D项目进度激励机制研究

16.Regional R&D Measurement Research Based on Principle Component Analysis;基于主成分分析的区域R&D活动测度研究

17.Career Orientation and Institutional Incentive of R&D Talents under Innovation-based Economy;创新经济下R&D人员职业取向与制度激励

18.The Metric of Process Quality of R&D Project Based on SVM;基于支持向量机的R&D项目过程质量度量


R&D intensityR&D投入强度

1.This paper explores the relationship between theR&D intensity and the performance of private-owned enterprises.文章将详细讨论中国民营企业R&D投入强度对企业业绩的影响。

2.Risk Preference, Agency Theory and R&D Intensity;但目前我国企业总体R&D投入强度偏低,研究影响其投入的决定因素以促进企业加大投入力度很有必要。

3)Measuring R&D PerformanceR&D绩效度量

4)R&D performance measurementR&D绩效测度

1.Research on enterpriseR&D performance measurement implementation and function mechanism企业R&D绩效测度实施与功能作用机制研究——来自Q发动机制造有限公司的实践经验

5)strength label(R)强度标号(R)

6)R-Residual strengthR-剩余强度


