1500字范文 > 科技投入强度 input intensity of R&D英语短句 例句大全

科技投入强度 input intensity of R&D英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-12 22:06:59


科技投入强度 input intensity of R&D英语短句 例句大全

科技投入强度,input intensity of R&D

1)input intensity of R&D科技投入强度

1.Based on the analysis of input intensity and characters of R&D in Fujian,some models are designed to forecast theinput intensity of R&D in Fujian,These models are GM(1,1),growth curve models,and theirs combination.随后,文章提出了福建省实现"十一五"科技投入强度目标的条件要求,为政府制订和调整科技投入政策提供参考。


1.Forecasting and Early-Warning on the Input Intensity of Research and Development in Fujian Province福建省科技投入强度的预测预警研究

2.The Analysis of the Factors Affecting R&D Expenditure Intensity in China: An Explanation Based on Knowledge Accumulation;影响我国科技投入强度因素分析——基于知识积累的一种解释

3.Cointegration Theory: The Analysis Between the Performance of Government s Inputting in Scientific and Technological & Target Intensity;基于协整理论的政府科技投入绩效与目标强度研究

4.Spending on science, technology and education rose considerably in the past five years.较大幅度地增加科技、教育投入。

5.Performance Evaluation of Input and Output of Science and Technology in China;我国科技投入产出效率的测度与评价

6.An Analysis of Financial Policy in Chinese Science and Technology Investment;关于继续加强财政支持下科技投入的政策思考

7.The Research on the Influence to Guangdong Province Economy from the Investment in Science and Technology;科技投入对广东省经济影响的测度研究

8.An Analysis of the Contribution of Dongguan City’s Input into Science and Technology to Its Economic Growth;科技投入对东莞市经济增长的贡献度分析

9.The Grey Comparative Analysis of the Relationship Between the Science and Technology Input of Fujian Province and the Economic Development;福建省科技投入与经济增长的灰色关联度分析

10.Substantive Analysis on Correlation between Investment and Return for Scientific and Technological Innovations with Enterprises in Ningbo宁波企业科技创新投入与产出关联度实证分析

11.The Correlation Degree Analysis of the Relationship between the Science and Technology Input and Economic Growth in Qinghai Province青海省科技投入与经济增长关系的关联度分析

12.Discussion on the Socialized Investment System Construction for the Technology Development of Tibet论西藏科技进步的社会化投入制度建设

13.Increasing Technology Investment and Strengthening Science and Technology Innovation in Nonwovens Industry of China;我国非织造布工业应增加技术投入和加强科技创新

14.Financial input into scientific and technological activities increased.科技经费投入增加。

15.The Measurement of In/output effects of Science and Technology in Shanghais Industry Company--An Input PerSpective Based on Science and Technology of Government Finance;上海市工业企业科技投入产出效率测度与评价——基于政府财政科技投入的视角

16.Analysis on the Effect of Governmental S&T Input to Other S&T Input in China;我国政府科技投入对其他科技投入的效应分析

17.A Study of the Relationship between Government R&D Funding and Business Technology Innovation Activities;政府直接资助强度与企业技术创新投入的关系研究

18.Research on Evaluation Model of Output Efficiency of Science and Technology Input from Local Government Finance;地方政府财政科技投入产出效率测度模型的研究


agricultural science and technology input intensity农业科技投入强度

3)Input of science and technology科技投入

1.Positive Effective Analysis of Input of Science and Technology on Technological Advance in China——A Panel Data Analysis based on 30 Chinese districts;我国科技投入的技术进步效应——基于30个省市跨省数据的实证分析

2.Based on this a- nalysis,some data about total efficiency and returns to scale of input of science and technology are obtained.本文使用我国科技投入产出数据,采用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对我国从事科技研发的三大主要部门的科技投入产出状况进行分析,获得各部门使用科技投入的总体效率和规模收益情况的一些数据,从而给国家下一步的科技投入方向提供一些参考,对各部门提高科技投入使用效率的途径也提出一点建议。

4)scientific and technological input科技投入

1.This paper introduces that the basic productive construction has been improved by means of increasingscientific and technological input for the Jiangxi salt industry with the efforts made for many years, especially in the period of the Tenth Five-Yeai Plan.介绍了江西盐业历经多年的努力,特别是在“十五”期间,增大科技投入,完善生产基础建设。

2.The general situation of the railwayscientific and technological input in China is reviewed.回顾了我国铁路科技投入概况,通过与国内大中型工业企业科技投入及国外科技投入强度对比,并参照国外铁路科技投入状况,提出了对我国铁路科技投入的政策建议。

3.It would be a way increacingscientific and technological input as well as paying attention to train, bring and make use of qualified technical personnel.今后五年的科教兴市工作,要完成到本世纪末从经济总量上再造一个太原的总体目标,国有大中型企业扭亏、农业持续稳定发展是关键,加大科技投入,重视对科技人才的培养、引进和使用是途径。

5)sci-tech input科技投入

1.An empirical analysis on the relationship betweensci-tech input and economic growth of China;我国科技投入与经济增长关联的实证分析

2.Research and thinking onsci-tech input indicators关于科技投入指标的分析与思考

3.Starting with the significance of Sci-tech input on economy development,and according to the statistics of 1998- in Jiangsu Province,this paper,based on gray relevance analysis and the analysis of the relationship between economic growth of Jiangsu Province and every factor ofsci-tech input,finds that the input of sci-tech researchers is more important than the input of.随着科学技术的快速发展,科技投入对经济增长的作用越来越明显。

6)science and technology investment科技投入

1.An Empirical Analysis of Economic Effect of China s Science and Technology Investment in 1991-;1991-间中国科技投入经济效果的实证分析

2.An empirical analysis of economic effect of China sscience and technology investment;我国科技投入经济效果的实证研究

3.This article constructs the econometric model of the investment of science and technology in large and medium-scale industries,makes simulation and forecasts of the model,and analyzes the factors that affectscience and technology investment.建立了一个大中型工业企业科技投入的计量模型,对该模型进行了模拟和预测,并对影响科技投入的各种因素进行了分析。


科技科学技术:高~ㄧ~资料 ㄧ~工作者。
