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叙事性 narrative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-24 21:54:48


叙事性 narrative英语短句 例句大全



1.Narrative Memory——Design of the Crossing River Campaigns Memorial;叙事性纪念——以渡江战役纪念馆为例

2.Narrative Study on Fictions s Interpretation of Kafka;卡夫卡阐释的叙事性探析

3.The Narrative Research of the Voice in the Documentary Creation Study;纪录片创作中的声音叙事性研究


1.Narration is an important means of expression of the literary works of narration.叙事是叙事性文艺作品的一种重要的表述手段。

2.Constituents and Their Role in EFL Learners Narratifve Structure;叙事性与非叙事性成分探析——兼析二语学习者独白式话语的叙事性特征

3.The Narrativity of History and the Historicity of Narrative: Hayden White s Poetics of History;历史的叙事性与叙事的历史性——海登·怀特的历史诗学

4.The Study of Tragically Aspect of Mongolian Narrative Short Tone Folk Song;蒙古族叙事性短调民歌的悲剧性研究

5.From Historical Literary Narrative to Oral Narrative in-Performance;从历史性书面叙事到表演性口头叙事

6.On the Subjective Similarity of Woman Literature and the Poor People Literature女性叙事与“底层叙事”主体身份的同构性

7.On Metafictional Narrative Strategies of Horizontal Narrative Discourse and "Fragment" Narration in Zuckerman Trilogy;“佐克曼三部曲”的元小说叙事策略:碎片叙事及非线性叙事话语研究

8.On the Unique Nature of Chinese Narrative Poetry"s Plot Chosen From the Perspective of Han-dynasty Yuefu Narrative Poetry从汉乐府叙事诗看中国叙事诗情节的独特性

9.An Analysis of the Omniscient Narrative in Seize the Day from the Perspective of Rhetorical Narratology;《只争朝夕》全知叙述模式的修辞性叙事学分析

10.On the Reliability and Unreliability of the Narrator in Narrative Works;论叙事作品中叙述者的可靠与不可靠性

11.Rhetoric of Image Narration叙述与抒情中的价值判断——论影像叙事的修辞性

12.The Narrative Discourse and Gender Consciousness in the Edifying Stories of the Holy Scrolls;圣卷“教化故事”的叙事话语与性别意识

13.The Study on the History-type and Female Narrative of Dongxiangs Folk-story东乡族民间故事类型与女性叙事研究

14.Modern Women s Narration and Gender;时代女性的叙事与性别——20世纪二三十年代文学中的新女性叙事

15.A feminine narrative of the feminine imitation survival of Tie Ning;论铁凝对女性模仿性生存的女性叙事

16.On the Narration of Feminine Identity in Chinese Feminine Narrative Texts Since the 1980 s;我国80年代以来女性叙事文本中的女性身份叙事

17.Gender,Identity and Narrative Discourse:Mainstreams Approaches to Feminist Narratology;性别、身份与叙事话语:西方女性主义叙事学的主流研究方法

18.The Reliability of Fictitious Narration--Analysis of Narrative Rhetoric the Story of Xu San-guan Selling His Blood;虚构叙事的可靠性——对《许三观卖血记》叙事的修辞性解读



1.Mo Shang Sang,a famous folk song in Han Dynasty reflected deeply the social situatin of that time with the basic artistic feature-narration.叙事性是其基本的艺术特点,该作品通过人物的语言和行动塑造出鲜明的个性人物形象。

2.Contemporary poems have contained elements of narration since the 1990s,and there have been many successful styles and variations of contemporary poems.叙事性已从技术手段、修辞策略上升为现代诗的一种思维方式,它带来的最大益处,是大大提升了诗人处理复杂事物的能力。

3.The article is mainly exploring the connotation of themes of poems by Yujian in terms of routinization,narration .本文主要就其诗歌的日常性、叙事性和口语化等方面探讨其诗学命题的内涵。


1.Falling in love with his sister-in-law,Zhu Yizun s romantic Ci works like "Jing Zhi Ju Qin Qu" are featured by:sincerity,elegance andnarrativeness.朱彝尊与其妻妹的恋情使其艳词独具与众不同的真挚、醇雅、叙事性加强等审美特质。

2.The article that questioning and defining the intellects identity, reflection on pure poems and the introduction ofnarrativeness are the three primary colors of the poetic atlas.文章认为 ,知识分子身份的置疑与认定、“纯诗”主张的反思与重建、叙事性的引入是其三个元色调。


1.Surface-structurenarrativity refers to the tellability of narratives while deep-structurenarrativity is determined by the human experientiality the narratives convey.从表层看,叙事性指叙事的可述性,从深层看,叙事性指叙事传达出的人类经验。

2.Hayden White has explored the topics,narrativity, aesthetics and ideological content of historical discourse in his works.海登·怀特的新主义历史诗学探讨了历史话语的转义性、叙事性、审美性以及意识形态性 ,拆除了传统的文史界限 ,瓦解了历史话语的客观性 ,引起了历史哲学之真理性与审美性的融合 ,在历史的叙事性与叙事的历史性之间建立了新的平衡。

3.This article from two aspects——“remove the shelters”and“innarrativity of metapoetics writing”, to discuss the important meaning of Yu Jian s poetry and theory.本文从“去蔽”和“叙事性中的元诗写作”两个角度出发,结合于坚具有代表性的诗歌文本、诗歌主张,着重分析。

5)narrative means of sexual relations两性叙事

6)feminist narration女性叙事

1.This paper analyses the first half of the novel sfeminist narration from the two perspectives of sociology and narratology,pointing.从社会学和叙事学两种视角深入分析上篇的女性叙事,可以看出,中国妇女在现代化进程中所遭遇的解放必须面对传统文化早已内化的压抑和西方化的自我镜像的挑战,还有男性他者的强权。

2.Its quiet,detachedfeminist narration of the historical winds in The Republic of China and Chinese intellectuals inner world in the 20th century is so loud that we seem to hear the distant yet dense echoing of the historical tragedy of the separation of a society t.该作品文字精致、意蕴幽徊、意境诗性,从其美学价值看,堪称华语小说中的精品;而其清幽淡远的女性叙事之间显示出来的20世纪民国历史风云和中国知识分子的精神世界同样撼人心魂,让我们得以倾听两岸分离的社会历史悲剧沉淀于人心的悠远细密的回响。


