1500字范文 > 叙事性交互 Interactive Narrative英语短句 例句大全

叙事性交互 Interactive Narrative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-21 02:20:05


叙事性交互 Interactive Narrative英语短句 例句大全

叙事性交互,Interactive Narrative

1)Interactive Narrative叙事性交互

1.Interactive Narrative Design of Digital Games数字化游戏的叙事性交互设计

2)Meta-narrative and inter-textuality元叙事与互文性

3)interlaced styles交错叙事

1.This paper analyzes the narration, flashback andinterlaced styles of films in the new times in the view of sequence.从时序入手 ,通过对新时期电影中的顺序、倒叙、交错叙事手法的分析梳理 ,试图探寻在西方电影思潮的影响下 ,这一叙事技巧最活跃时期 ,在时间处理上诸种尝试。

4)narrative communication叙事交流

5)interactive narrative.互动的叙事。


1.Narrative Memory——Design of the Crossing River Campaigns Memorial;叙事性纪念——以渡江战役纪念馆为例

2.Narrative Study on Fictions s Interpretation of Kafka;卡夫卡阐释的叙事性探析

3.The Narrative Research of the Voice in the Documentary Creation Study;纪录片创作中的声音叙事性研究


1.Narration is an important means of expression of the literary works of narration.叙事是叙事性文艺作品的一种重要的表述手段。

2.Constituents and Their Role in EFL Learners Narratifve Structure;叙事性与非叙事性成分探析——兼析二语学习者独白式话语的叙事性特征

3.The Narrativity of History and the Historicity of Narrative: Hayden White s Poetics of History;历史的叙事性与叙事的历史性——海登·怀特的历史诗学

4.The Study of Tragically Aspect of Mongolian Narrative Short Tone Folk Song;蒙古族叙事性短调民歌的悲剧性研究

5.From Historical Literary Narrative to Oral Narrative in-Performance;从历史性书面叙事到表演性口头叙事

6.On the Subjective Similarity of Woman Literature and the Poor People Literature女性叙事与“底层叙事”主体身份的同构性

7.On Metafictional Narrative Strategies of Horizontal Narrative Discourse and "Fragment" Narration in Zuckerman Trilogy;“佐克曼三部曲”的元小说叙事策略:碎片叙事及非线性叙事话语研究

8.On the Unique Nature of Chinese Narrative Poetry"s Plot Chosen From the Perspective of Han-dynasty Yuefu Narrative Poetry从汉乐府叙事诗看中国叙事诗情节的独特性

9.An Analysis of the Omniscient Narrative in Seize the Day from the Perspective of Rhetorical Narratology;《只争朝夕》全知叙述模式的修辞性叙事学分析

10.On the Reliability and Unreliability of the Narrator in Narrative Works;论叙事作品中叙述者的可靠与不可靠性

11.Rhetoric of Image Narration叙述与抒情中的价值判断——论影像叙事的修辞性

12.The Narrative Discourse and Gender Consciousness in the Edifying Stories of the Holy Scrolls;圣卷“教化故事”的叙事话语与性别意识

13.The Study on the History-type and Female Narrative of Dongxiangs Folk-story东乡族民间故事类型与女性叙事研究

14.Modern Women s Narration and Gender;时代女性的叙事与性别——20世纪二三十年代文学中的新女性叙事

15.A feminine narrative of the feminine imitation survival of Tie Ning;论铁凝对女性模仿性生存的女性叙事

16.On the Narration of Feminine Identity in Chinese Feminine Narrative Texts Since the 1980 s;我国80年代以来女性叙事文本中的女性身份叙事

17.Gender,Identity and Narrative Discourse:Mainstreams Approaches to Feminist Narratology;性别、身份与叙事话语:西方女性主义叙事学的主流研究方法

18.The Reliability of Fictitious Narration--Analysis of Narrative Rhetoric the Story of Xu San-guan Selling His Blood;虚构叙事的可靠性——对《许三观卖血记》叙事的修辞性解读


Meta-narrative and inter-textuality元叙事与互文性

3)interlaced styles交错叙事

1.This paper analyzes the narration, flashback andinterlaced styles of films in the new times in the view of sequence.从时序入手 ,通过对新时期电影中的顺序、倒叙、交错叙事手法的分析梳理 ,试图探寻在西方电影思潮的影响下 ,这一叙事技巧最活跃时期 ,在时间处理上诸种尝试。

4)narrative communication叙事交流

5)interactive narrative.互动的叙事。


1.Narrative Memory——Design of the Crossing River Campaigns Memorial;叙事性纪念——以渡江战役纪念馆为例

2.Narrative Study on Fictions s Interpretation of Kafka;卡夫卡阐释的叙事性探析

3.The Narrative Research of the Voice in the Documentary Creation Study;纪录片创作中的声音叙事性研究


