1500字范文 > 困难 difficulty英语短句 例句大全

困难 difficulty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-23 11:04:20


困难 difficulty英语短句 例句大全



1.The Reasons and Disposement of Distal Locking Difficulty Occured in the Treatment of Low Extremities Fracture with Interlocking Nail;交锁髓内钉治疗下肢骨折出现远端锁钉困难的原因及处理

2.Clinical Trial to Solve the Difficulty of Inserting Stomach Vessel;胃管插入困难的临床探索

3.Clinical analysis and experience of tracheal intubationdifficulty(25 cases);气管插管困难25例临床分析及体会


1.uncountable difficulties无数的难题[困难]

2.financial distress财政困难,资金困难

3.We must recognize difficulties, analyse them and combat them.我们要承认困难,分析困难,向困难作斗争。

4.(b) The company is in payment difficulties.(二) 出现支付困难。

5.obviate dangers, difficulties, etc排除危险、困难等

6.(informal) impressively difficult.(非正式)令人难忘的困难。

7.A hero is never put off by difficulties.困难难不倒英雄汉。

8.Where there is a difficulty, there is a way out .哪里有困难,哪里就有解决困难的办法。

9.He faced difficulties squarrely and overcame them.他正视困难并且克服了困难。

10.To sink under the weight was but to increase the weight.在困难之中消沉下去就等于增加困难。

11.We"ll see you through(your trouble [financial difficulties]).我们将帮助你度过困难[经济困难]。

12.teething problemsph.1. 初期困难,创业阶段的困难

13.functional dyspareunia功能性交媾困难 功能性交媾困难

14.We must learn to face difficulties squarely and try to overcome them."我们应该学会正视困难,努力克服困难。"

15.In a difficult, unfortunate, or inextricable position遭遇困难,处于困境处于困难的、不幸的或困窘是境况

16.tackle a problem head-on迎向困难着手解决.

17.Do you have any difficulties on your team?在你队里有很多困难吗?

18.I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation.我在发音上有很多困难。



1.Thedifficulties and countermeasures for clinical nurses;当前临床护理队伍面临的困难与对策

2.Thoughts on Difficulties and Measures of Bilingual Teaching;双语教学面临的困难与对策

3.Analysis of thedifficulties in English intonation learning and teaching methods;浅析英语语调学习的困难及教学对策


1.Clinical observation of McCoy laryngoscope in difficult endotracheal intubation;McCoy喉镜用于困难气管插管的临床观察

2.The macro analyze on the difficulties private enterprises face to absorb the funds;民营企业融资困难的宏观分析


1.The paper lists someproblems existing in maths thinking teaching for teachers to conduct more effective teaching.本文对思维教学中存在的潜在困难进行列举,以便教师能更有效地进行思维教学。

2.However, we faces manyproblems such as the increase in readers needs .然而,目前文献采购工作面临着读者需求日益增加,文献数量庞大、类型复杂,文献来源渠道繁多,而文献购置费却大幅度下降等诸多困难或问题,严重影响了文献采购工作的有效开展。

3.While affirming the miraculous educational achievements in the Sichuan Province,this article points out the "three great challenges"and the "six majorproblems"that the teachers colleges in the Sichuan Province are facing in education.文章在肯定四川教育取得长足发展的同时 ,指出四川师专教育面临的“三大挑战”和“六大困难” ,并由此提出解决问题的四项原则 :即适度超前和稳步发展的原则 ;突出师范特点 ,重在提高质量的原则 ;坚持低重心、高质量、重特色的原则 ;坚持以人为本的原则。


1.Problems and Prospects of Photovoltaic Development in China;中国太阳能光伏发电面临的困难与前景

2.By analyzing problems of negative probability density and negative energy with which Klein-Gordon equation is faced in applying to the practice of micro-particles,the paper shows forming of Dirac equation can avoid the problem of the negative probability density brought about Klein-Gordon equation,and then reveals algebraic property and matrix formulation of operatorand  and ■ in Dirac equation.文中分析了Klein-Gordon方程在应用于微观粒子时所出现的负几率和负能量困难,阐明Dirac方程的建立可以避免方程所带来的负几率困难,同时揭示了Dirac方程中算符和■的代数性质及其矩阵表示。

3.At present students management in universities faces new problems.学生管理在高校管理工作中占有重要地位 ,当前高校学生管理面临新的困难 ,要摆脱困境就必须重视校园文化和法制化管理 ,加强学生管理队伍建设。



