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难度 difficulty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-17 23:38:47


难度 difficulty英语短句 例句大全



1.Evaluation of ultrasonic predictingdifficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy by receiver operator characteristic curve;术前超声预测腹腔镜胆囊切除术难度的受试者工作特征曲线分析

2.Effects of part of speech, word category and word frequency ondifficulty and reaction time of Chinese Words Reasoning Test;语词推理测验的词性、词类和词频对项目难度和反应时间的效应

3.Research on calculating methods ofdifficulty and differentiation in education survey;教育测量中难度与区分度的计算方法


1.The work is very difficult, it may get beyond him这工作难度非常大,他可能难以胜任。

2.The difficulty of the examination staggered me.考试的难度令我震惊。

3.Third, it will be more difficult to increase the farmers" income.三是农民增收难度大。

4.But the fight against corruption is a difficult one.但是反腐斗争仍有难度。

5.It is a major operation. It is a very messy operation.这是大手术,难度很大。

6.This mathematics problem is extremely difficult.这道数学题难度很大。

7.Difficulties arise in a number of ways.难度表现在许多方面。

8.Swallows and sparrows cannot understand the amBition of a swan.小人之心难度君子之腹。

9.The four sections are presented in order of difficulty.为显示难度,这四个部分按难易程度排列的。

10.A Tentative Study of L2 Lexical Difficulty and Grading of Lexical Difficulty Factors;第二语言词汇难度及难度因素分级研究

11.Discussion about the Method of Through the Examination Questions Difficult to Control Examination Papers通过试题难度控制试卷难度方法的探讨

12.Interpretation of "The Wild Grass";“难度”与“限度”——也谈《野草》解读

13.We"ll see you through(your trouble [financial difficulties]).我们将帮助你度过困难[经济困难]。

14.to an inexpressible degree.达到难以形容的程度。

15.He took every oBstacle in his stride.他轻易地度过一切难关。

16.I" ll see you through.我会帮助你度过难关的。

17.They held up through all difficulties.他们坚持度过各种困难。

18.We must knock ourselves out to get through the difficulty.须竭尽全力度过难关。


degree of difficulty难度

1.Thedegree of difficulty and differentiation of objective test questions in the examination paper of analytical chemistry were calculated.统计了《分析化学》期末考试选择题、填空题的难度和区分度,评价了试题质量,总结了考试整体结果,讨论了试卷分析的实施和效用。

2.39%;degree of difficulty is 0.39%;难度指数值为0。

3.To evaluate our school′s test quality, collect some relevant information on improvement of teaching quality and establish test items database, a quantitative analysis was performed on the preventive medicine test papers of 40 nursing students to explore thedegree of difficulty, degree of distinction, degree of reliability and degree of validity.为了解护理本科生的试卷质量,为教学改革及试题库建设提供理论依据,通过对医学系护理专业预防医学考试卷的定量分析,探讨了试卷的难度、区分度、信度和效度等质量分析指标。


1.Through the contrast and the analysis of RG code of points (2001edition) issued by FIG and the changes of code of points during recent 25 years, the paper indicates that the main changes are represented by the higher technicaldifficulties, the greater risk and the originality of technical actions.本文通过对国际体联颁发的2001年版艺术体操评分规则和近25年来评分规则的变化进行对比分析,指出新规则的主要变化表现在技术难度更高、惊险性更大,并强调了技术动作的独创性。

2.: With the objects of the athletes, who attended the 37~(th) Championship Group , and with male free exercise , this paper analyses movementdifficulties , patterns and linkage , and movement quality of D plus Group .以参加37届体操世锦赛男子自由体操比赛的运动员为对象,从D组以上技巧动作的难度、类型和连接,以及完成动作的质量等方面,对当代男子自由体操发展趋势作了比较系统的研究。

3.The results show that thedifficulties of movement mainly embody the creation of stylish multidegree turn, flying movements and enhancement of connection value.结果表明 :动作难度以开发独具风格的多度转体与飞行动作、并提高连接价值为主 ;动作连接以腾身回环、后空翻与弧形转体等换杠动作的创新为潮流 ,并尽量减少连接动作 ,以提高比赛的时间效益 ;在重视完成动作质量和后空翻类下法稳度的基础上 ,稳步开发前空翻类动作 ,以实现下法的多样化。

4)difficulty degree难度

1.The paper points out that in arranging the entire exercise, it is not necessary to make thedifficulty degree too high, provided the entire exercise meets the set requirements.运用观看录像与统计分析相结合的研究方法,对女子蹦床规定动作的难度、动作类型选择进行分析,寻找编排的规律与特点。

5)weaving difficulty织造难度

1.Prediction forweaving difficulty and relevant measures;织造难度预测与相应措施

6)recovery difficult回收难度


难度难度:是说题目的难易程度,常用受测者答对或通过每个项目的人数百分比作为难度的指标,在下面的公式中, P 越大难度越低, P 越小难度越高 P=R/N*100% 其中 P: 难度; N: 总受测人数; R: 答对或通过人数
