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领导者 Leader英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-13 09:43:29


领导者 Leader英语短句 例句大全



1.On leader s EQ and new leadership;领导者情商与新型领导力


1.He"s a follower, not a leader.他是追随者, 不是领导者.

2.Study on Female Leaders" Leadership Charisma and Leadership Style女性领导者的领导魅力与领导风格研究

3.Study on Leadership and Leadership Effectiveness in Sport Organizations in College;高校体育院系领导者领导风格与领导效能研究

4.Analysing Leading Methods and Sorts for Leadership of Coal Enterprises and Effective Leading Approach;浅析企业领导者的领导方式及有效的领导途径

5.6. Leadership Don"t get blinded by the cult-hero worshipof "Big L" leaders;领导能力无须盲目崇拜“大人物”领导者。

6.As a leader, your main role is to lead.而作为领导者,你的主要任务就是领导!

7.As a principal, how do you distribute leadership fairly?身为领导者,如何合理地分配领导权?

8.The Leaders and their styles of leadership in the Task-based organizations;任务型组织中的领导者及其领导方式

9.Art of leadership of leaders in management by crisis;试论领导者在危机管理中的领导艺术

10.Leaders must do more real work.领导者必须多干实事。

11.They are good leaders.他们是优秀的领导者。

12.You"re a natural leader...你是天生的领导者...

13.You have the necessary equipment for leadership.你具备领导者的才能。

14.usurp the role of leader夺取领导者的地位.

15.the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.罗马天主教的领导者。

16.leader member exchange theory领导者?成员交换理论

17.Ten Tips for Leaders给领导者的十大忠告

18.New leaders who may emerge.可能出现的新领导者们



1.Art ofleadership ofleaders in management by crisis;试论领导者在危机管理中的领导艺术

2.A Brief Comment on Professor Rong Shi-xing s Newly ——Published Book On Responsibilities of the Leaders;一本富有时代责任感的好书——评荣仕星教授新作《论领导者责任》

3.Probe on the Art of Leadership of Modern Leaders;现代领导者的领导艺术探究


1.On the quality and the road of the adjustment and controling of financial knowledge for theleaderships in hospitals;谈医院领导者财务管理的素质及调控途径

2.Research on theleadership credibility in high-tech private enterprises;论民营科技企业领导者诚信建设

3.The author discusses to the detailed intensions of the requiredleadership qualities for scientific decisionmaking,namely,the qualities of politics,of reasonable knowledge,of selecting modern decisionmaking approaches,of being good at inducing the efficiency of a group,of forming independent opinions and making discerning judgement.指出领导者决策科学化必须具备良好的政治素质、合理的知识素质、健全的心理素质、运用现代科学决策方法的素质、善于发挥群体效能的素质、独立见解和敏锐判断的素质 ,并分别对其具体内涵进行了阐

4)the leadership and the led领导者与被领导者

5)administrative leaders行政领导者

1.The Research about the Relationship between the Administrative Leaders Quality and their Influence during the New Period;新时期行政领导者的素质与影响力关系探究

2.During the course of modelling the government s image, public servants, especiallyadministrative leaders play a leading role.本文阐述了在现代社会中政府进行形象塑造的必要性和重要性,并主要从行政领导者的意识和行为方面分析了政府如何进行形象塑造。

3.Foradministrative leaders,it pays to develop their non-power influence,which is a good way of improving their administrative level.行政领导者发展其非权力影响力是领导者增强影响力,提高行政水平的重要内容。

6)active leader动态领导者

1.Consensus of a class of multi-agent systems withactive leader and time delay;一类具有动态领导者和时滞的多主体系统的一致性(英文)


领导者领导者leaders领导者(le aders)群体利益和意志的集中代表者,群体活动的组织、协调、指挥者,群体目标的制定者。领导者既可以是一个群体,也可以是一个个体。在不同的社会历史条件下,领导者的内涵不同,具有不同的社会政治、经济、文化、社会心理特征。在社会主义制度下,领导者与被领导者在根本利益上是一致的,因而他们是人民群众利益的代表者。社会要求领导者是人民的公仆,为人民服务是领导者的根本行为规范。能否做到这一点,是衡量领导者优劣的最根本尺度。(范粉章撰王树茂审)
