1500字范文 > 合格领导者 eligible leader英语短句 例句大全

合格领导者 eligible leader英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-11 17:56:51


合格领导者 eligible leader英语短句 例句大全

合格领导者,eligible leader

1)eligible leader合格领导者

2)price leader价格领导者


1.Research on the Pricing Pattern of Leader-follower Based on Time Series Analysis;对价格领导者-跟随者竞争模式的研究

2.Barometric price leadership is distinguished by change in the identity of the leader.晴雨表式价格领导的特点是决定于价格领导者身份的变化。

3.Study on Female Leaders" Leadership Charisma and Leadership Style女性领导者的领导魅力与领导风格研究

4.Study on Leadership and Leadership Effectiveness in Sport Organizations in College;高校体育院系领导者领导风格与领导效能研究

5.Selection of managers leadership style based on the leadership validity--Empirical evidence research on valid leadership style of Chinese business managers;基于领导有效性的管理者领导风格抉择——关于中国企业管理者有效领导风格的实证研究

6.Collusive price leadership characterizes oligopolistic markets.串通式价格领导具有寡占市场的特征。

7.The Value of Yi zhuan in Molding Leader’s Moral Accomplishment;《易传》在领导者道德素养陶铸中的价值

8.When such deals are struck, management"s attention is often focused on royalty fees and transfer prices.与这些合同签定以后,管理领导者的注意力接着就会集中在技术转让价格与提成费方面。

9.The Role of Personal Charm Leadership in China"s Government论我国政府领导者人格魅力在领导工作中的作用

10.Leader s New Role in an Enterprise--the Founder of Organizational Value;企业领导者的新角色——组织价值观的塑造者

11.A Value Compromise Model of Leader and Organization;组织价值观与领导者价值观的妥协模型

12.Information analysis on competitor leadercharacter;关于竞争对手领导者性格的信息收集分析

13.The Study on The Differences of Characters of The Leaders with Low Performance under Different Organizational Culture;不同组织文化间差绩效领导者性格差异的研究

14.The Relationship Between Personality and the Four Dimensions of Transformational Leadership变革型领导者与人格特质之间的关系研究

15.Article4 The State shall implement a system of uniform leadership and graded control with regard to price control matters.第四条国家对价格工作实行统一领导、级管理。

16.The Study of the Regional Risk Expansion Mechanism in Real Estate Markets Based on Price Leadership Model;基于价格领导模型的房地产区域风险扩散研究

17.One that leads or guides.引导者带领或领路的人

18.Study of State-Owned Enterprise s Behavioral System Evaluated;国有企业领导者行为系统评价体系研究


price leader价格领导者

3)qualified hospital leader合格医院领导

1.How to be aqualified hospital leader;做一名合格医院领导的探讨


1.On the quality and the road of the adjustment and controling of financial knowledge for theleaderships in hospitals;谈医院领导者财务管理的素质及调控途径

2.Research on theleadership credibility in high-tech private enterprises;论民营科技企业领导者诚信建设

3.The author discusses to the detailed intensions of the requiredleadership qualities for scientific decisionmaking,namely,the qualities of politics,of reasonable knowledge,of selecting modern decisionmaking approaches,of being good at inducing the efficiency of a group,of forming independent opinions and making discerning judgement.指出领导者决策科学化必须具备良好的政治素质、合理的知识素质、健全的心理素质、运用现代科学决策方法的素质、善于发挥群体效能的素质、独立见解和敏锐判断的素质 ,并分别对其具体内涵进行了阐


1.On leader s EQ and new leadership;领导者情商与新型领导力


1.Art ofleadership ofleaders in management by crisis;试论领导者在危机管理中的领导艺术

2.A Brief Comment on Professor Rong Shi-xing s Newly ——Published Book On Responsibilities of the Leaders;一本富有时代责任感的好书——评荣仕星教授新作《论领导者责任》

3.Probe on the Art of Leadership of Modern Leaders;现代领导者的领导艺术探究


