1500字范文 > 毕业作业 graduation assignment英语短句 例句大全

毕业作业 graduation assignment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-13 16:44:06


毕业作业 graduation assignment英语短句 例句大全

毕业作业,graduation assignment

1)graduation assignment毕业作业

1.Curricular transition ofgraduation assignment should be the only way to stop the tendency of being formal ingraduation assignment practice,which,to some extent,lacks precise guiding notion,reasonable operating mode,support from resource system and administrative institution.将毕业作业课程化是纠正开放教育毕业实践环节出现的形式化倾向的出路。

2.The Graduation Assignment is very important part for Open Education Practical Teaching which it strengthen the guidance is the best way to improve the quality ofgraduation assignment writing.毕业作业是电大开放教育实践性教学环节的重要组成部分,加强毕业作业的指导对于提高毕业作业的写作质量具有重大意义。


1.Discussion on Curriculum Design of Graduation Thesis in Open Education;试论开放教育毕业作业的课程化设计

2.(The writer is a graduate from a university in the United Kingdom.)(作者是英国大学毕业生)

3.In a Specialized Way--The Report of Graduate Work;以专业的方式——毕业创作工作报告

4.How to Do Graduation Treatise Replication;怎样搞好毕业论文答辩──毕业论文答辩操作研究

5.Talk the Graduate Student Employment Work From the Wire And Cable Made Technology Major Employment Condition;从电缆专业就业状况谈毕业生就业工作

6.To graduate Cum laude is to graduate with honor.优等毕业即光荣的毕业。

7.48percent of blach high-school graduates are unemployed.的黑人高中毕业生失业/找不到工作。

8.A Study on the Satisfaction of College Graduates Employment Guidance;高校毕业生就业指导工作满意度研究

9.Study of the Application of CRM in Undergraduate Career Guidance System;研究应用CRM指导高校毕业生就业工作

10.Rational Consideration on Pushing Vocation Guidance Work for Graduate Students in Higher Vocational College;推进高职院校毕业生就业工作的思考

11.A Reflection on the Work of Employment Guidance for Higher Vocational Graduates;关于高职毕业生就业指导工作的思考

12.Discussion on Publicity Strategy in Facilitating Graduates Employment;浅谈高校毕业生就业工作的宣传策略

13.On Ideological and Political Work and Employment Guiding for College Graduates;思想政治工作与高校毕业生就业指导

14.On the problems existed in the thesis writing for the English majors and its countermeasures;英语专业毕业论文写作的问题及对策

15.Study on the Thesis Conclusion Writing for English Majors;英语专业毕业论文“结语”写作研究

16.Problems in Writing Thesis Statements and Their Solution;英语专业毕业论文“论题句”写作研究

17.An Analysis of and Counter Strategies for Polytechnic Graduates Job Selection Behavior;高职毕业生择业行为分析及工作对策

18.Strength the Joint Mechanism in the Work of Graduates Employment;应强化毕业生就业工作中的联动机制


graduated work毕业创作

1.This thesis is about the procession of mygraduated work and the comprehension and search of "dry-moistness"It contain the explanation of "dry-moistness" , the different and development in east、 west painting and the search and try in work? In addition It contain the thinking, ideations and requests before work, the procedure、 questions and search .本文以毕业创作的进行为线索,以工作报告的形式记录和整理了创作的整个过程以及对“枯润”的理解和探索。

3)Graduate work毕业生工作

4)graduation creative course毕业创作课

1.How to improve teaching quality and narrow the gap with academies of fine arts is a question for discussion constantly to the artistic specialty Meanwhile,most reflecting the and quality effect of the teaching is thegraduation creative course.毕业创作课 ,是最能体现美术专业的教学质量和教学效果的一门课程。

5)careers guidance for graduates毕业生就业工作

1.This paper, based on the state of employment for graduates in as the situation in our university, sums up the experiences gained in this respect and holds a tentative discussion about the work ofcareers guidance for graduates in new situation.文章在分析 2 0 0 3年毕业生就业工作面临的形势的基础上 ,结合学校的实际情况 ,总结、分析了 2 0 0 3年学校毕业生就业工作取得的成绩、经验和做法 ,并对新形势下毕业生就业工作进行了初步探

6)assignment of undergraduates本科毕业作业


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