1500字范文 > 雨量 rainfall英语短句 例句大全

雨量 rainfall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-21 12:20:05


雨量 rainfall英语短句 例句大全



1.Using status assessment of thesolid-staterainfall data storage-collection system;固态存储雨量数据收集系统使用情况的评价

2.Effect of ridge and furrow planting ofrainfall harvesting on soil available nutrient distribution and root growth of summer corn under simulatedrainfall conditions;模拟降雨量条件下沟垄集雨种植对土壤养分分布及夏玉米根系生长的影响

3.Citrus yield trends in relation to temperature andrainfall in Changtai County, Fujian Province;福建长泰椪柑产量丰欠与气温、雨量的关系


1.depth-area-duration analysis of severe rainstorm暴雨的雨量─面积─降雨期分析

2.an annual rainfall of 10 cm年降雨量10厘米.

3.depth-duration-area value雨量-时间-面积值

4.Rainfall this year exceeded the yearly average.今年的雨量超过了年平均降雨量。

5.an annual income,production,rainfall,subscriptio年收入, 产量,雨量,(预订)费.

6.an annual income, production, rainfall, subscription年收入、 产量、雨量、 费.

7.Temperature and rainfall are variables.气温和降雨量是变量。

8.Rainfall is fine, and will not hurt a box turtle unless flooding occurs.如果雨量不大那降雨也不会伤害龟。

9.An analysis to measure the amount of rain that fallson peoples bodies as they walk;人在雨中行走时人身上淋雨量的分析

10.The canopy interception and the inner precipitation have a significant linear correlation with the precipitation density.林冠截留量、内雨量均与降雨量和降雨强度呈显著的线性相关。

11.an unusually high rainfall for January一月份异常高的降雨量

12.the annual precipitationof the region该地区的年降雨量.

13.The climate affects the amount of the rainfall.气候影响了降雨量。

14.Casella"s siphon rainfall recorder卡塞拉虹吸雨量记录仪

15.remote electronic rainfall recorder遥感电子雨量记录器

16.The rainfall averages 36 inches a year.年降雨量平均为36英寸.

17.rainfall excess(形成径流的) 有效雨量

18.spatial variation in rainfall雨量分布的地区性差异



1.Then, analysis on trouble phenomenon for emergence of large numerical false data duringprecipitation data collection of central station is made.简单介绍了GPRS测报系统和遥测站的组成,针对雨量冒大数故障,对中心站出现的故障现象进行分析,用模拟故障现象,逐一排查故障设备等方法对故障进行处理。

2.In this paper,technical problems associated with on-the-spot calibration of automatic weather station(AWS)are studied and analyzed in six aspects:temperature,humidity,barometric pressure,wind,precipitation and evaporation.此文对自动站现场校准工作中的相关技术问题,从温度、湿度、气压、风、雨量和蒸发六个方面进行了研究分析,解决了许多《自动站现场校准方法》中没有涉及的问题,其解决方法在实际工作中得到了验证,对自动站的现场校准工作具有较强的指导作用。

3.In order to improve the precision of the flood forecast and prolong the earliness of forecast for the real-time forecast, a thinking of the short-time rainfall forecast for predicting theprecipitation during the earliness of forecast is introduced in view of the situation that no any treatments are made for theprecipitation within the earliness of forecast hereinafter.为提高实时洪水预报的精度,延长实时预报预见期,针对目前预见期内降雨不作处理的状况,提出了对预见期内的雨量进行短期预报的思路。




6)Meiyu precipitation梅雨期雨量

1.Correlation and moving correlation analysis are used in this paper in order to find out the relation between the total precipitation in the Yangtze-Huaihe River valley during Meiyu period (Meiyu precipitation) and the sea surface temperature (SST) in the Pacific Ocean from the previous winter to Meiyu period.运用相关分析和滑动相关方法,分析了江淮流域5个代表站1903-2000年梅雨期雨量的变化特征及其与太平洋海温的相关关系及年代际差异。


