1500字范文 > 年雨量 annual rainfall英语短句 例句大全

年雨量 annual rainfall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-10 06:28:57


年雨量 annual rainfall英语短句 例句大全

年雨量,annual rainfall

1)annual rainfall年雨量

1.And the forecastingannual rainfall is 750~800mm.通过对北京地区1900年以来雨量、气温和太阳活动的关系及厄尔尼诺(Elnino)年的关系处理分析,给出一种预测北京市年雨量的数学模型,已准确预测了1996。

2)annual precipitation年降雨量

1.Based on theannual precipitation data from 48 rain gauging stations in Beijiang River Basin and the method of Thiessen,no-pointannual precipitation have been calculated.根据北江流域的48个站点的年降雨量资料和泰森多边形计算方法,计算出北江流域的面降雨量。

2.Theannual precipitation series of Liuzhou city from 1935 to 1976 is simulated by the step-wise regression based on the Mean Generating Functions crossed by Gram-Schmidt.采用基于均生函数逐步回归的正交化筛选建模方法对柳州市1935~1976年的年降雨量序列进行拟合计算,并由所得的线性回归模型对1977~1982年降雨量进行预测。


1.an annual rainfall of 10 cm年降雨量10厘米.

2.the annual precipitationof the region该地区的年降雨量.

3.The rainfall averages 36 inches a year.年降雨量平均为36英寸.

4.The region received just half its normal annual fall of rain,这个地区降雨量只是正常的年降雨量的一半,

5.The rainfall there averages 300 mm a year.那儿的年降雨量平均每年为三百毫米。

6.Periodic Changes of the Annual Precipitation and Annual Natural Runoff in Guizhou Province贵州省年降雨量和天然年径流量年际变化研究

7.The whole of the area has less than 250mm rainfall a year.这个地区一年降雨量少于250毫米。

8.a tropical forest with heavy annual rainfall.年降雨量很大的热带森林。

9.The mountains rejoiced in an average annual rainfall of30 inches.那山区的平均年降雨量为30英寸。

10.The rainfall average s800mm.a year.平均每年降雨量为800毫米。

11.Crop yield correlates closely with annual rainfall.农作物的收成与年降雨量有密切关系。

12.The quantity of precipitation varies greatly from year to year in these regions.在这些地区每年降雨量的变化很大。

13.Growth at GBH of the trees showed similar monthly patterns to that of rainfall and temperature.年生长量与年积温及与年降雨量均无明显的相关。

14.Forecasting of Annual Precipitation Based on Model of Average-growing Function in Hangzhou City基于均生函数模型的杭州市年降雨量预测

15.Rainfall this year exceeded the yearly average.今年的雨量超过了年平均降雨量。

16.What is the average annual rainfall in this region?这个地区的年平均降雨量是多少?

17.The mean yearly rainfall is20inches.每年平均降雨量是二十英寸。

18.The amount of rainfall is down compared with last year.同去年相比,降雨量减少了。


annual precipitation年降雨量

1.Based on theannual precipitation data from 48 rain gauging stations in Beijiang River Basin and the method of Thiessen,no-pointannual precipitation have been calculated.根据北江流域的48个站点的年降雨量资料和泰森多边形计算方法,计算出北江流域的面降雨量。

2.Theannual precipitation series of Liuzhou city from 1935 to 1976 is simulated by the step-wise regression based on the Mean Generating Functions crossed by Gram-Schmidt.采用基于均生函数逐步回归的正交化筛选建模方法对柳州市1935~1976年的年降雨量序列进行拟合计算,并由所得的线性回归模型对1977~1982年降雨量进行预测。

3)Annual rainfall年降雨量

1.The causes that result in failure of production of white wax in Guangxi are, firstly, overmuch annual rainfall (above 1 552 mm), the rainfail upper limit is about 1 552.广西白蜡生产失败的主要原因是,首先,年降雨量超过1552mm,间接或直接地引起大批白蜡虫死亡;其次,对白蜡虫具有毁灭性的白蜡虫寄生蜂不采取任何防治措施,致使种虫寄生率高达92。

2.Through analysis of the annual rainfall data from 1960 to of 18 rainfall stations in Beisan River network in Tianjin,wet-dry year was determined;probabilities of continuous wet years and dry years,and stable probability were calcu-lated;and finally,regional compensative characteristics were analyzed via Kriging model and set pair theory.利用天津市北三河境内18个雨量站、1960—共46年的年降雨量资料,依次对北运河、潮白河、蓟运河流域的年降雨进行了丰枯判别、连丰、连枯概率和稳定概率计算,并利用Kriging插值模型和集对理论对各流域间的降雨补偿特性进行了分析。

4)average annual rainfall年平均雨量

5)total rainfall per year年总降雨量

6)We didn"t have much rain this year.今年雨量少。


面雨量面雨量areal rainfalm ianyuliang面雨量(ar己al rainfall)一定面积上的某时段内的平均雨量。计算面雨量的方法很多,最通用的是算术平均法或加权算术平均法,还有网格法和等雨量线图法等。算术平均法最简便,但精度不高。网格法和等雨量线图法精度较高。面雨量在水文气象学中的实用价值很大,在水文分析预报工作中,诸如分析降水天气区划,研究某一地区降水气候规律,旱涝变化特征以及暴雨洪水预报等都需要使用面雨量资料。精确的面雨量,必须有分布合理的点雨量或先进的探测技术。例如建立雨量自动化观测网,数字化天气雷达网,雷达计算机联网,自动化气象通讯网等,这些先进设备和技术的采用对面雨量精度的提高,将起到重要作用。(陈海龙)
