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张扬 expansion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-09 09:50:51


张扬 expansion英语短句 例句大全



1.Return and Expansion:On Style of Prose and Inner World of Contemporary People;回归与张扬——论散文文体和当代人的精神世界

2.In such a society,the special link between a mother and daughter undergoes a process of spit,expansion and recomposition,which exhibits not only the despair and madness in women s fight against men but also the hidden hop.生活在父权制社会下,男性凝望世界中的女性,渴望直接与男性对话,从而产生异样感情,特殊的母女关系经历了分裂到张扬再到重组的过程,表现出女性在与男性相抗衡的过程中的绝望与疯狂,也隐含作者内心深处的希望。

3.The spiritual nature of the humanist literature lies in theexpansion of humanity as well as the worry and reflection of humanity.人文主义文学的精神实质不仅仅在于对人性的张扬 ,还包括对人性的忧叹与反思。


1.Unbounded Personality-The Art of “the 8 Eccentrics in Yangzhou”;张扬的个性——“扬州八怪”绘画艺术的启示

2.Please keep quiet about this.请不要张扬这件事。

3.The scandal was blazed abroad.这桩丑闻被张扬出去了。

4.Activity of a muck-raker搜集并张扬丑闻的活动

5.It had never been given such painstaking publicity.这事从未象现在这样大张旗鼓地四处张扬过。

6.not blatant or overly aggressive in manner or appearance.在举止、外貌上不张扬或过分自信的。

7.The scandal was hushed up in an effort to save face.为了不丢人, 没有把这一丑闻张扬出去。

8.They tried to bribe the reporter into silence.他们试图收买该记者,不让他张扬。

9.The family left Washington, typically without fuss, returning "westward and home".这一家人毫不张扬地“回西部老家去”。

10.The Transient Tragedy of Sex Exaggeration --Read Xi Xiang Ji Again性张扬的昙花悲剧——重读《西厢记》

11.A Character--with true chara cteristics;人性的张扬——析许地山笔下的春桃形象

12.The Compliments of Life Affections--A Preliminary analysis of Animation of Hayao Miyazaki;生命情感的张扬——宫崎骏动画作品探析

13.The Viking Spirit and Ibsen’s Creation;易卜生的文学创作与海盗精神的张扬

14.On Cultivation of Confidence and Promotion of Individual Character in Painting Education;论美术教育中的培养自信与张扬个性

15.The Peer Relationship in Literati Gathering Poems at North Song Dynasty;北宋文人集会诗中“人”“我”关系张扬探源

16.Animation of Intellectuals’ Self-Consciousness and Historical Commentary in Late Ming Dynasty;晚明士人自我意识的张扬与历史评论

17.An expression of individualism --Recent analysis of Lu Xun s Qiu Ye;个性主义的张扬——鲁迅《秋夜》新解

18.Reserve or Openness--the Cultural Focus in Intercultural Communication;含蓄,抑或张扬——异域交际中的文化视点



1.The restraint of writer s personality is unconditioned and thepublicity of the writer s personality is conditioned in the period of writing official documents.公务文书写作中 ,撰稿人个性的抑制是无条件的 ,张扬是有条件的。

2.Influenced by the thought of "compromise", History of Love by Feng-Meng-long revealed a tension ofpublicity and dispelling in man and women s love tales, praised theirpublicity and Buddhist monk s rebellious behaviors meanwhile dispelled these behaviors by the retribution and destiny.由于冯梦龙"折中"和"骑墙"的"情教观"使他在《情史》中所辑的一些男女情事大都弥漫着一种对人性张扬和消解的张力。


1.Ding Ling was a woman whodisplayed her self-consciousness to the top of her life.丁玲是一个把自我意识张扬到了极致的人,她自身的悲苦命运可以说是她笔下众多女性的一个综合写照,她有过她们在生活涡流里的苦闷与迷茫、幻灭与追求、挣扎与绝望以及自我与坚强。

2.The appearance anddisplay of subjectivity was an inevitable outcome of philosophy itself in modern western philosophy.德国古典哲学张扬了主体性,在康德的认识论领域,主要表现为"知性为自然立法";在伦理学领域,表现为实践理性优于理论理性、"人是目的而不是手段"。


1.That is, researched on the reason and performance from thepublicizing feminist consciousness perspective, pointed out its negative effects, and discussed the proper ways to fulfill the real purpose of feminine literature.即分析女性文学用张扬女性意识的写作姿态介入文学写作的原因与表现,指出其产生的不良后果,探讨实现女性文学真正目的恰当方式。

2.In this thesis, according to the foundation of forefathers study, theauthor used the way of social-historical study, from the cultural level --theresurrection andpublicizing, the aesthetic ideolo.本论文在前人研究的基础之上,运用社会历史研究法,从文化层次——人的主体意识的复苏与张扬、美学意识形态、学科自身独立意识、马恩创始人对美学题的论述和从社会层面的角度进行考察之后,提出了自己的观点。

5)show off张扬个性

1.There were two purposes for scholars weak points having been dealt with in the traditional articles in Nan Dynasty: 1)The scholars felt a great pity for their low social status despite their great achievements in literature; 2) their taking to literature, which is a special career, made themshow off and resulted in their so-called weak points.南朝时传统文论常常谈起文士疵瑕,探寻其目的,一是为文士虽有文学成就却地位低下而生遗憾之叹,二是认为所谓文士的疵瑕是由于其从事文学这一特殊的事业而张扬个性所致。

6)humanity depiction人性张扬


