1500字范文 > 扩产 Expansion英语短句 例句大全

扩产 Expansion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-09 20:48:06


扩产 Expansion英语短句 例句大全



1.Capacity expansion and energy saving revamping of morpholine production unit;吗啉生产扩产改造及节能研究

2.Operational Practice of Jinlong Flash Smelting afterExpansion金隆闪速熔炼扩产后的运行实践

2)expand production扩产

1.Simulation of B/T distillation unit of aromatics combination plant forexpand production revamping;芳烃联合装置B/T分馏单元扩产改造模拟

2.Generalizing for TPP reforming andexpand production on technolgy of production and equipments.对磷酸三苯酯扩产、生产技术和设备改造做了概述 ,改造后产品质量指标接近国外标

3)expanded production扩产

1.General capacity and main orientation of Tio after newexpanded production is introduced.介绍了钛白行业的总产能和扩产后行业内的主要动向 ,指出了扩产后可能产生的隐患 ,提出了反思与对策。

4)capacity expanding产能扩充


1.The planned new investment is part of the company"s three-stage output expansion programme for the Yokohama plant, a Nissan spokeswoman said.日产发言人表示,规划中的新投资案是横滨厂产能扩充三阶段计划的一部分。

2.What it boils down to is that we can control the industry if we expand operations.来说,如果我们扩充营运,就能控制这项产业。

3.He has aggrandized his estate.他已扩充他的产业。

4.appropriations for additions of property扩充事业的拨款;扩展产业的拨款;发展产业拨款

5.expanded function operator panel (EFOP;EFP)扩充功能操作板;扩展功能的操作员控制面板

6.The landowner enlarged her property By repeated purchases.土地拥有者不停购买以扩充她的财产。

7.BASIC extensionBASIC语言扩充

8.COBOL extensionCOBOL语言扩充

9.Using Visual C++ Expend the Function in KingviewVisual C++扩充组态王功能的研究

10.The list is long and could well be expanded..这个名册很长,而且还能继续扩充。

11.This experiment could extend the students" knowledge in nature.这一实验能扩充学生的自然知识。

12.Expand forcefully to adapt functional requirements.可以强有力地扩充以适应功能需求.

13.Thought on Rapidly Increasing Traffic Capacity of Lanzhou Railway Administration;兰州铁路局运输能力快速扩充的思考

14.Burn-In Expansions Using the Switching Matrix以功能转换模块扩充老炼系统使用功能

15.There is no such check on the expansion of distant future outputs.对较远将来的产量而言,其扩充并不受这种限制。

16.Immense expansions were ordered in the production sphere.在生产领域内曾经安排了大规模的扩充。

17.Warning! Data in extended DOS partition could be DESTROYED. Do you wish to continue?警告!扩充DOS分区的数据可能被破坏,继续吗?

18.Everything possible should be done to organize and expand the artillery and engineer units in all areas.应尽一切可能建立和扩充各地的炮兵和工兵。


expand production扩产

1.Simulation of B/T distillation unit of aromatics combination plant forexpand production revamping;芳烃联合装置B/T分馏单元扩产改造模拟

2.Generalizing for TPP reforming andexpand production on technolgy of production and equipments.对磷酸三苯酯扩产、生产技术和设备改造做了概述 ,改造后产品质量指标接近国外标

3)expanded production扩产

1.General capacity and main orientation of Tio after newexpanded production is introduced.介绍了钛白行业的总产能和扩产后行业内的主要动向 ,指出了扩产后可能产生的隐患 ,提出了反思与对策。

4)capacity expanding产能扩充

5)expansion and reconstruction扩产改造

1.Points out questions of matching technology for flash furnace and the contents ofexpansion and reconstruction to improve the capacity and equilibrate in production.通过对金隆闪速炉炼铜现状的分析,指出了目前与闪速炉配套的其他工艺存在的问题,讨论了扩产改造的内容,以满足闪速炉35万t熔炼的要求,使辅助设施和生产相配套,实现产能扩大和均衡生产。

6)upsurge of the production capacity expansion扩产热潮


