1500字范文 > 北京市怀柔区 Huairou District of Beijing英语短句 例句大全

北京市怀柔区 Huairou District of Beijing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-17 19:31:23


北京市怀柔区 Huairou District of Beijing英语短句 例句大全

北京市怀柔区,Huairou District of Beijing

1)Huairou District of Beijing北京市怀柔区

1.Application of the Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation Method to Environmental Quality Study of Tourism Destinations——A Case ofHuairou District of Beijing模糊综合评判方法在旅游地环境质量研究中的应用——以北京市怀柔区为例


1.Investigation of Tobacco Control in Primary and secondary schools in Huairou District of Beijing City北京市怀柔区中小学校控烟现况调查

2.A study on the industry development in the process of suburban urbanization of Beijing: exemplified by the case of Huairou;北京郊区城市化进程中的产业发展研究——以北京市怀柔区为例

3.Stream Use and Its Future Changes in Rural Areas of Huairou District of Beijing;北京市怀柔区乡村河溪利用方式及演变分析

4.Analysis of the Occupational Physical Examination in Huairou District of Beijing in ;北京市怀柔区职业健康检查结果分析

5.Studies on the Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Tourism in Huairou District of Beijing北京市怀柔区旅游业可持续发展评价研究

6.Necessity Analysis of Adolescent Sex Education among Middle School Students in Huairou District of Beijing City北京市怀柔区中学生青春期性教育必要性分析

7.Research on GIS Two Urban Spatial Information Sharing Application PlatformGIS北京市怀柔区市区两级空间信息共享应用平台的研究

8.The Observation of Comprehensive Intervention Effect for Patients with Hypertension in a Rural Community of Huairou District, Beijing City北京市怀柔区农村社区高血压综合干预效果观察

9.Mode Analysis of Salvation and Support for Rural Disabled People--Take Huairou District and Yanqing County in Beijing for Example;农村残疾人救助与扶持模式研究——以北京市怀柔区和延庆县为例

10.Investigation of A Death Case of Meningococcal Meningitis in Huairou District of Beijing City北京市怀柔区1例流行性脑脊髓膜炎死亡病例的调查

11.Analysis of Adolescent Injury Related Behavior and Its Influencing Factors in Huairou District of Beijing City北京市怀柔区青少年伤害相关行为及其影响因素分析

12.Incidence of Hand-foot-and-mouth Disease and Control Measures Analysis in Huairou District of Beijing City during -北京市怀柔区—度手足口病发病情况及防控措施分析

13.Status of the knowledge and behavior of gynecopathy prevention and the general screening and treatment service of gynecopathy in Huairou District,Beijing City北京市怀柔区妇女病防治知识、行为和普查普治服务现状

14.Epidemiological Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Huairou District of Beijing City during -北京市怀柔区—性传播疾病的流行病学分析

15.Current Status and Related Factors of Addiction Behavior of Middle School Students in Huairou District of Beijing City北京市怀柔区中学生成瘾行为现况及其相关因素

16.A Study of the Reengineering Process and the Construction of an Administrative Service Center in China:A Case Study of Huairou District Administrative Service Center of Beijing;流程再造与我国行政服务中心建设研究——以北京市怀柔区行政服务中心为例

17.Analyzing on the Way of the Participation of the Trade Union into Social Construction--A Case of the Social Construction of the General Trade Union in Huairou District,Beijing工会参与社会建设的路径分析——以北京市怀柔区总工会社会建设的实践为例

18.Application of the Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation Method to Environmental Quality Study of Tourism Destinations--A Case of Huairou District of Beijing模糊综合评判方法在旅游地环境质量研究中的应用——以北京市怀柔区为例


industry integration development北京怀柔

3)Beijing urban area北京市区

1.One is inBeijing urban area and the other,as background region,is at Xinglong County of Hebei Province.在北京市区和背景区——河北兴隆县选点,对比两地大气污染物浓度变化及污染状况。

4)Beijing Metropolitan Area北京都市区

1.This paper, using spatial distribution simulation, spatial auto correlation and factor analysis, studies the spatial structure of producer services inBeijing Metropolitan Area with the data gathered in the second national economic unit census and 228 Jiedaos of the metropolitan area as attribute and spatial data.分别以北京第二次全国基本单位普查数据和都市区228个“街区单元”为属性数据和空间数据,运用空间分布实态模拟、空间自相关、因子分析等定量方法,完成了北京都市区生产者服务业空间结构的实证研究。

2.Based on data of the fifth census of Beijing in 2000 and of the second census in 1982, methods of Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis are used to analyze the social spatial structure ofBeijing Metropolitan Area and its evolution.利用 2 0 0 0年的第 5次人口普查数据和 1 982年的第 3次人口普查数据 ,采用因子分析和聚类分析技术研究了近 2 0年来北京都市区的社会空间结构及其演化。

5)mountainous area in Beijing city北京市山区

6)Suburbs of Beijing北京市郊区

1.Study on Farmers income inSuburbs of Beijing;北京市郊区农民收入问题研究


北京北京Beijing北京市陆高匪EE£灞1:1200000122436千米,#、●0●●,,,●,●●,●●●●,●●●、●●●●,,,,●惟,,j,●●●●●●,,、、●●●●●,,、,,00●●、、、北Bei 53门上修建城楼,改建护城河上的木桥为石桥。后蒙古骑兵多次南下,威胁北京安全,嘉靖三十二年(1553)增筑环抱南郊的外城,以加强北京城的防卫。北京城的平面布局至此定型。其平面呈“凸”字形。面积约62平方千米。明代北京城分为紫禁城、皇城、内城、外城四重。紫禁城(今故宫)是京城的核心,周垣3.5千米。皇城在紫禁城外羽,周长9千米。皇城外的内城,是就元大都城改建的。清代沿用明朝北京城,但营建了规模空前、风光绮丽的颐和园、圆明园等西郊园林。北京是一座具有光荣革命传统的城市。195月4日在北京爆发的“五四”运动,迅速发展成全国性的反帝反封建的革命运动,成为中国新民主主义革命的开端。1926年3月18日北京群众集会游行抗议日本帝国主义的侵略行动,当请愿队伍到执政府门前,反动军警开枪打死47人,伤200余人,从而酿成“三一八”惨案。1935年12月9日北平爆发了“一二·九”运动,各地响应北平学生的爱国行动,抗日救亡的新高潮在全国兴起。1937年7月7日夜,日本侵略军突然袭击驻守卢沟桥的中国军队,爆发卢沟桥事变,中国守军奋起抵抗,揭开了中华民族全面抗战的序幕。自然地理北京地处平原与山地交界地带,地势西北高东南低。西、北和东北部群山连绵,【JJ地约占总面积的2/3,海拔500~1 500米。东南部是缓缓向渤海方向倾斜的平原,约占总面积的1/3,海拔20~60米。西部为山地称西山,属太行山脉,由一系列东北一西南向的平行山脉组成,主要山峰有东灵山、百花山、妙峰山等。城西的香山、翠微山、玉泉山,是瞰制城区的主要制高点。北部的军都山和东北部的山地,属燕山山脉,是重要的天然屏障。丛山峻岭中的隘吼是通往内蒙古高原和东北平原的交通要道。主要有:位于密云县城东北约44千米的古北口,出此口经承德、赤峰可达松辽平原;位于昌平县城西北15千米的居庸关,出此关经八达岭、张家口可直上内蒙古高原。
