1500字范文 > 权利金 royalty英语短句 例句大全

权利金 royalty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-08 02:46:28


权利金 royalty英语短句 例句大全



1.Thinking on the Taxes and Royalty of China s Mining Industry from the Angle of Tax s Essence;从租税本源角度对我国矿业税费及权利金的思考

2.The mineral resources original value is the object to levyroyalty.权利金大小的确定,应以铁矿资源的资产评估为基础,资产评估时合理成本的取值应是评估矿山所在同一等级矿山的平均成本。


1.Pricing of Call Option with Proportional Payoff Under Stochastic Interest Rates;随机利率下减缩部分权利金的买权定价

2.The question of how much rent or royalty is a different issue.当然权利金的高低又是另一个问题。

3.Minerals Reserve Legislation of America,Japan and EU Is a Veto of Resources Litigation Sued by America,Japan and EU in WTO论美日欧矿业权权利金的基本形式及其对我国矿权市场的启示(一)

4.repatriation grant entitlements领取回国补助金权利

5.Foundation for the Rights of the Family - International Secretariat; PRODEFA家庭权利基金会-国际秘书处;家庭权利基金会

6.The Research on Limited Partners" Rights with Private Equity Fund私募股权基金中有限合伙人权利研究

7.Study on the Non-tradable Share Reform、Equity Structure and Cash Dividends Policy股权分置改革、股权结构与现金股利政策研究

8.Money, fame, power -- these were his goals in life .金钱、名望、权利--这些就是他的人生目标。

9.Fundacion por las derechos de familia-Secretaria internacionale家庭权利基金会-国际秘书处

10.The law enables us to receive an annuity.法律授予我们领取年金的权利。

11.Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. (From TransFormers)自由是所有生命体的权利。——《变形金刚》

12.Money, fame, power - these were his goals in life.金钱、名望、权利——这些就是他的人生目标。

13.He was given imprisonment without the option of a fine.他被判监禁且没有付罚金的选择权利。

14.Research on Right Security of Occupational Pension Beneficiary;企业年金受益人的权利保障问题研究

15.On Ronald Dworkin s Jurisprudence Based on Liberalist Theory of Right;德沃金自由主义权利论法律思想评析

16.Dworkin s Theory of Equality and Right;罗纳德·德沃金的平等观与权利理论

17.Conflict and Coordination Between the Right to Financial Privacy and Bank’s Self-Interest金融隐私权与银行利益的冲突与协调

18.Resource Predation Under Deferent Controlling Shareholder and Cash Dividend Policy;股权分置、资金侵占与上市公司现金股利政策



3)Cash Flow Rights现金流权利

1.On Control Right,Private benefits,Reputation andCash Flow Rights in Venture Capital;风险投资中控制权、私人利益、声誉以及现金流权利的研究

4)royalty system权利金制度

1.In order to reduce this burden,the pattern of productive added-value tax changing into consumptive added-value tax should be realized as soon as possible;resource tax and resource compensation fee should be perfected,royalty system should be set up;and some other preferential policies of taxation for nonferrous mineral enterprises should be performed.降低有色矿山企业税费负担的途径 :尽快实现生产型增值税向消费型增值税的转型 ;对资源税和资源补偿费进行改革完善 ,建立权利金制度 ;对有色矿山企业实行其他税收优惠政


6)Income from Royalties权利金所得


