1500字范文 > 满族皇室 Man people royalty英语短句 例句大全

满族皇室 Man people royalty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 05:20:14


满族皇室 Man people royalty英语短句 例句大全

满族皇室,Man people royalty

1)Man people royalty满族皇室


1.Anthropology Analysis Spread by Man People Royalty Education of the Qing Dynasty清代满族皇室教育传承的文化人类学分析

2.His family were descended from kings.他的家族乃皇室的后裔。

3.The Imperial Patriarchal Clan and the Inheritance System in the Qing Dynasty清朝满族的皇家宗法与其皇位继承制度

4.A retinue, as of a noble or royal personage.随员(贵族或皇室成员的)随从

5.used conventionally of royalty and high nobility.按惯例是用来指皇室和高等贵族。

6.Interaction between the Imperial Houses of the Southern Dynasties and the Clans of Literati and Officialdom of the Southern Dynasties in the Area of Literature;试论南朝皇室与士族在文学上的互动

7.Interaction Effect on Literature of Nan Dynasty Royalty and Shi Rank;南朝皇室与士族在文学地位上的互动

8.This tremendous overcrowding was made worse by the fact that there was a tendency of public land to become private.辛亥革命以前,满族贵族几乎侵占了所有的皇田。

9.It devotes to research products in biological medicine, health care, and beautification.是瑞士皇室贵族、官要员的指定保健机构。

10.The imperial family like peony very much because of symbols of wealth.因其代表富贵,更为历代皇室家族所喜爱。

11.That invitation was to a dinner party hosted by one of Jordans royals.一封来自约旦皇室家族邀请参加晚宴的邀请信。

12.This game was patronized especially by the royalty and nobility.这种游戏尤其是受到皇室与贵族的支持。

13.On Mutual Influences on Literature between Royalty and Bachelor Family in the Six Dynasties;南朝皇室与士族的互动关系对南朝文学的影响

14.the Lord S - of the Household[英]皇室内务大臣

15.At present our relations with the national bourgeoisie are very strained; They are on tenderhooks and are very disgruntled.现在我们跟民族资产阶级的关系搞得很紧张,他们皇皇不可终日,很不满。

16.An attendant, a servant, or a lesser official in a royal or noble household.侍从,仆人皇室或贵族家庭中的随从、仆人或低级军官

17.an officer of the English peerage who organizes royal processions and other ceremonies.英国贵族中一个组织皇室队列和其他仪式的政府官员。

18.the English royal house that reigned from 1399 to 1461; its emblem was a red rose.在1399-1461期间掌权的英国皇室家族;它的象征是红玫瑰。


the royal family王室,皇族

3)Manchu housing满族居室

1.Manchu housing decorative styles have internal connections with their ethnic customs,cultural traditions and aesthetic conceptions, so we are greatly enlightened by their features:Styles should reflect the characteristics of the times, the ethnicity and humanistic nature.满族居室装饰风格同民族风俗习惯、民族文化传统、民族审美思想有着内在的联系,从中给我们的启示是:风格要有时代性、民族性和人本性。

4)Royal or imperial;regal.贵族或皇室的;帝王的

5)imperial kinsmen皇族

1.History of the Liao Dynasty carries that theimperial kinsmen contained Sanyelü, Daheshi included.《辽史》载辽朝的皇族包括三耶律,大贺氏为其中之一。

2.In the earlier stage of Liu Song Dynasty , there were two pairs of principal contradictions, namely the contradiction betweenimperial kinsmen and ministers of different surnames, and that betweenimperial kinsmen and great clans.刘宋前期统治集团内部有两对主要矛盾,集中表现为皇族与异姓大臣、皇族与高门士族的矛盾斗争。


1.Analysis on the Form Preparation for the Stupa in Song Mountain Temple from the View ofRoyalty Religion Activities in Northern Wei Dynasty;从北魏皇室佛教活动看嵩岳寺塔的形制准备


王室1.王朝;朝廷。 2.帝王之家。
